[Yiting] When it feels difficult, just keep persisting for a while and it will pass! (Good article in depth) #WHAT TO DO WHEN LIFE IS DOWN# #WHAT DO YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE# #WHAT IS THE MOST RELATED TO HAPPINESS# Some people say: "Many beautiful things in the world are no

2024/05/0614:38:33 article 1432

[Yiting] When it feels difficult, just keep persisting for a while and it will pass! (Good article in depth) #WHAT TO DO WHEN LIFE IS DOWN# #WHAT DO YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE# #WHAT IS THE MOST RELATED TO HAPPINESS# Some people say:


We all know that there is always a certain road in life that is particularly difficult to walk. Especially in the adult world, one cannot get out of trouble not just for a short period of time, but even for a long time.

But no matter what you do, you must persevere every step of the way, even if it is extremely simple. As the saying goes, if you don’t accumulate small steps, you can’t make a thousand miles.

Yes, a person's success is to make extraordinary persistence in the ordinary. If you encounter difficulties and feel that you can't hold on any longer, just say to yourself: If you persist a little longer, the difficulties will pass and success will come!

For example, those business people in the sales industry not only fail to make a single order in ten and a half days, but they are also often rejected, disliked, and left behind.

At this time, I think your heart should be the most fragile, after all, which adult does not want face. However, thinking about it on the other hand, although face is important, it cannot improve our lives.

Therefore, you can temporarily adjust your mentality, but you cannot give up completely. Because if you persist at this time, it not only means that you will not be easily defeated by a difficulty, but also means that you will overcome your vulnerability bit by bit and make yourself stronger within.

After all, only by passing this level can you reach the other side where you once wanted to go.

[Yiting] When it feels difficult, just keep persisting for a while and it will pass! (Good article in depth) #WHAT TO DO WHEN LIFE IS DOWN# #WHAT DO YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE# #WHAT IS THE MOST RELATED TO HAPPINESS# Some people say:


Tagore said: "Don't be anxious, the best will always appear when you least expect it. All we have to do is: work hard with hope and wait for the good to appear."

Life is full of seas, and everyone is in the process of pursuing their dreams. In life, we will all go through some ups and downs, but some people retreat after encountering them, while some people grit their teeth and survive the difficulties.

After all, it is useless to complain, because time will not stop for you; after all, it is useless to cry, because others cannot bear it for you. You can only grit your teeth and move forward, fighting alone and growing up slowly.

Perhaps many people break down and cry late at night, but smile slightly during the day. When I feel wronged, I just hide in a corner to comfort myself; when I feel tired, I just hide under the quilt and wet the pillow quietly.

But, you know what? Those who have more stories, the more they like to be quiet; those who have a bigger heart, the more they like to be low-key.

Yang Jiang once said: "Everyone will have an extremely difficult time, the pressure of life, the frustration of work, the pressure of study, the fear of love all day long. If you survive it, your life will suddenly become enlightened. If you cannot survive it, Yes, time will also teach you how to make peace with them, so don’t be afraid. "

Only when you have cried, laughed, tired, hurt, and tasted all kinds of things, will you understand the meaning of maturity better.

[Yiting] When it feels difficult, just keep persisting for a while and it will pass! (Good article in depth) #WHAT TO DO WHEN LIFE IS DOWN# #WHAT DO YOU THINK IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE# #WHAT IS THE MOST RELATED TO HAPPINESS# Some people say:


As the saying goes, "water droplets can penetrate stone, and wire saws can break wood." In other words, if we persevere in anything, we will see the light of day.

Because there are no geniuses in this world, but there are more people who are not afraid of hardship, and there are more people who work quietly, and geniuses are gradually tempered. And those so-called unique skills are just that practice makes perfect; the so-called kingly temperament is just steel that can be tempered a hundred times.

When you are at the bottom of the valley, you still have to look up at the stars; when you pass by the dark night, you still have to look forward to the sunshine. Because the slowest pace is not a step, but a wandering; the fastest pace is not a sprint, but persistence.

Therefore, say less pretentious words and do more hard work. Because, in life, no drop of sweat is shed in vain; in life, no step is taken in vain.

If you like it, please add a follow and a like! Tell yourself, life will get better gradually when it gets bad to a certain extent. Many things will get over if you persist.

The pictures in this article come from the Internet!


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