45-minute visual feast! Guangzhou's Bai'etan Park to host fireworks display again on Chinese New Year's Eve

2025年01月16日21:00:31 教育 9847

this spring festival, guangzhou continues to polish its city brand of "celebrate chinese new year in guangzhou, admire flowers in the flower city" by meticulously planning and launching six major sections including fireworks and customs, spring outings and flower appreciation, trendy entertainment and tourism, diverse artistic performances, new cultural and museum highlights, and consumer benefits, encompassing over 2,000 cultural tourism and sports events. additionally, the city has introduced the "eight new scenic spots for consumption in yangcheng" urban consumption brand, presenting citizens and tourists with a strong sense of cantonese new year flavor.

following last year's spring festival, guangzhou will once again host a grand spring festival fireworks display at bai'etan park on chinese new year, offering a 45-minute visual feast. besides, a "food and fireworks cruise" package will be offered, combining fireworks viewing, pearl river cruising, and gourmet dining for a multifaceted experience.

45-minute visual feast! Guangzhou's Bai'etan Park to host fireworks display again on Chinese New Year's Eve - 天天要聞

during the spring festival, multiple lantern festivals will await visitors. the 2025 guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area lantern carnival will be held in nansha district, occupying an area of 870 acres with a main tour route exceeding 3 kilometers. it is currently the "super lantern festival" with the largest scale, the most lantern groups, the longest exhibition period, and the most participating cities in china. furthermore, activities such as the guangfu temple fair in yuexiu district, the spring lantern festival in liwan district, the hundred lion grand parade in conghua district, and the intangible cultural heritage wing chun performance in baiyun district will also take place.

this year, the spring festival flower markets across guangzhou's districts have both traditions and innovations. the west lake flower market in yuexiu district has newly introduced interactive experience projects such as flower god parades and flower fairy flash mobs. liwan district centers on the floating flower market, connecting traditional flower markets and the lingnan flower market in guangzhou flower expo park to create the "water show and flower fragrance" brand.

guangzhou children's park will host a children's flower market, creating themed story series activities. meanwhile, plum and peach blossom appreciation activities in baiyun mountain, the plum blossom festival in liuxihe national forest park, the spring flower festival in yunxi botanical garden, and the sakura festival in huadu qixi land, are all waiting for visitors to "stroll amidst the mountains and waters, savoring fragrance with every step."

45-minute visual feast! Guangzhou's Bai'etan Park to host fireworks display again on Chinese New Year's Eve - 天天要聞

to welcome the spring festival holiday, various scenic spots in guangzhou have launched special activities. the snake pavilion at chimelong safari park has officially opened, while chimelong paradise has newly created an immersive happy god of wealth village. grand tang dynasty lantern festival, a large-scale spring festival theme event, will be held at grandview plaza.

during the spring festival, various theaters and performance spaces will present multiple special performances. citizens and tourists will have the opportunity to enjoy classic programs such as the musical "the phantom of the opera," "anna karenina," and the chinese-style live-action show "dream back to lingnan" in guangzhou.

as the spring festival approaches, various cultural and museum venues have prepared ingenious activities to celebrate. cultural and museum venues such as the guangdong museum, the guangdong intangible cultural heritage museum, and the guangzhou art museum have launched special spring exhibitions including treasure art exhibitions and exhibitions on "unveiling leonardo da vinci: art, science, and machines across time and space." the canton tower will hold the "echoes of intangible cultural heritage" exhibition, adding a cultural atmosphere to the new year of the snake.

source: lingnan on the cloud


今年春節,廣州市繼續擦亮「廣州過年 花城看花」城市品牌,精心策劃推出煙火年俗、踏春賞花、潮玩樂游、百戲爭芳、文博新彩、消費福利等六大板塊共2000多場文化旅遊和體育活動,推出「羊城消費新八景」城市消費品牌,為市民遊客獻上濃濃的廣府年味。


45-minute visual feast! Guangzhou's Bai'etan Park to host fireworks display again on Chinese New Year's Eve - 天天要聞



45-minute visual feast! Guangzhou's Bai'etan Park to host fireworks display again on Chinese New Year's Eve - 天天要聞





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