On July 13, the third-party mini program statistics platform Aladdin Index released the "2022 618 Mid-term Promotion Online Shopping Mini Program List" (hereinafter referred to as the list). Xiaomu couldn't help but analyze it. From this year's 618 From the list, you can see what

On July 13, the third-party mini program statistics platform Aladdin Index released the "2022 618 Mid-term Promotion Online Shopping Mini Program List" (hereinafter referred to as the list). Xiaomu couldn't help but analyze it. From this year What new trends in social e-commerce development can be seen in the 618 list?

| 1, list background

According to Tencent 2022 Q1 financial report, the number of daily active users of WeChat mini programs exceeded 500 million for the first time, and the total transaction volume maintained rapid growth, further penetrating retail, catering and people's livelihood services. At the same time, the combined number of monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat increased to 1.2883 billion. WeChat, as a huge national-level user traffic pool, provides ecological participants with a rich variety of user touch points and conversion opportunities.

After five years of development, mini programs have gradually expanded from the positioning of e-commerce mini programs to multiple digital tools such as content e-commerce, social e-commerce, and new retail e-commerce. On the other hand, the complete WeChat ecosystem is composed of component ecological products such as mini programs, official accounts, video accounts, enterprise WeChat , and community operations, and is perfectly adapted to various marketing activities and consumption scenarios, further releasing Brand business capabilities.

2, list interpretation

On 618 this year, WeChat organized the "Video Account Live Goods Festival" for the first time in an official capacity. Just like the official announcement of the e-commerce platform's big promotion, the Video Account Live Goods Festival also set up a period spanning May and June. Monthly activity rhythm.

618 video account live broadcast Good Food Festival Timeline

According to data from the Aladdin Statistics Platform, online shopping and offline retail mini-program DAU showed a fluctuating growth trend during the 2018 mid-year promotion period. Comparing with the timeline of the "618 Video Account Live Broadcast Good Things Festival", it is found that the DAU of the online shopping mini-program reaches its peak around the good start and climax period. In the warm-up period, water is stored and heated from the private end, and in the official period, the main venue is diverted and exploded. The effect is remarkable. .

Among the TOP50 of this year’s list, brand self-operated and offline retail mini programs have outstanding performance, with a total of 26 on the list, accounting for 52%; the mini programs on the list cover clothing, beauty, mobile phones, home appliances, fashionable toys, etc. Category, , JD.com, , Gedi Video account are on the overall list of "Video Account Live Broadcast Goodies Festival", the following is the complete list.

3, the new development trend of social e-commerce

(1) The advantages of mini program shopping are highlighted

In the past two years, the public’s consumption concept has quietly changed. Before the epidemic, shopping festivals such as “618 Big Sale” were often associated with “stocking up”. Waiting for keywords to draw an equal sign, consumption experience is now shifting from "emphasis on cost performance" to "emphasis on experience" and "multiple values", and consumption decisions are also focused on "pragmatism". Therefore, planting and marketing that goes deep into life demand scenarios is more attractive. The ability of mini programs to connect online and offline scenarios can provide more consumption patterns.

  (2) Mini program has stronger marketing capabilities

 Mini program is based on the WeChat ecology and social attributes, and has its own information touch points, allowing different marketing models to find suitable solutions. Mini programs have dozens of traffic entrances in the WeChat private domain scene, and they can be combined with each other. For example, the currently popular combination of "enterprise micro-community + video account live broadcast official account + mini program" is very useful for FMCG merchants. Said that it can already meet the marketing needs of small closed loops.

Attached is the list of mini program traffic entrances compiled by Xiaomu for your reference. However, this year new entrances such as the video account service menu and brand area have been added. It can be said that fragmented entrances not only reduce user access costs, but also allow mini programs to The WeChat ecosystem can be seen and accessed anywhere.

Related reading: How many traffic entrances does the WeChat mini program have? It’s enough to read this article

  (3) Mini programs explode in private domain value

No matter what mode is used to operate private domain , the transaction carrier of mini programs cannot be avoided. Drainage, conversion, tools, brand effect, , etc. are all common positioning of mini programs, and they are not mutually exclusive, but can be cross-applied.

Enterprises of different sizes in different industries can connect users and enterprises in a more convenient way through mini programs. Merchants will not aim at pure sales profits, but will maintain two-way close communication with users after initially acquiring users. Contact, through continuous provision of various services, to meet the needs of users at different stages. At this point, the brand's existing traffic has been revitalized, the linkage between public and private circles has been realized, and sustainable commercial value in the private domain has been generated.

As the private domain economy becomes more and more intense, Xiaomu believes that the WeChat ecosystem will become the main position for enterprises to acquire users, connect users, and operate users. As a trading platform, new retail mini-programs have become an indispensable private domain componentization tool.

Now, do you know why must be used as a small program in private domain?

Muyu Shop, as the first new retail mall mini program solution service provider in China, focuses on the production of new retail WeChat mall mini programs, and specializes in providing high-end new retail mall mini program solutions. Committed to helping offline merchants through WeChat mini programs to solve the four major problems of "efficiency, brand, marketing, and data" encountered in the business process.