The relationship between rpa robotic process automation software and digital employees - Real Intelligent RPA "digital employees" have appeared in key industry scenarios from finance and accounting to manufacturing. It is essentially a kind of robotic process automation that free

The relationship between

rpa robotic process automation software and digital employees - Shishi Intelligent RPA

From finance and accounting to manufacturing, "digital employees" have appeared in key industry scenarios. It is essentially a kind of robotic process automation, which frees a large number of manpower from boring and repetitive transactional work , and devotes energy to more creative work.

Employees in many companies have discovered that "new colleagues" have arrived at their workplace and they can complete tasks that originally took several hours in just ten minutes.

These "new colleagues" are not real people, but they are not service robots, or industrial robots. Their true appearance is "digital employees" based on RPA technology.

These invisible "new colleagues" rely on artificial intelligence , cloud computing and big data and other technologies to complete daily business operations in a "simulating human" way, and are transforming more and more people from boring and repetitive routine work. Freed up from work, so that more energy can be allocated to deal with valuable work.

Capture private domain fine traffic

From finance to human resources and manufacturing, "digital employees" have rapidly penetrated into thousands of industries in recent years, and have also attracted intensive attention from entrepreneurs and capital. Taking the e-commerce field as an example, the operation process always takes up a lot of manpower, and manual operations cannot be achieved 24 hours a day.

No matter which industry it is, it has become a consensus that the public domain should focus on "breadth", the private domain and should focus on "accuracy". Therefore, refined operations in the private sector will place higher demands on operational and financial work. Improving user conversion rate, repurchase rate, fission rate and customer unit price will be the main problems faced by vertical e-commerce companies. Achieving lead conversion is also the main driving force for e-commerce companies, especially private sector operations with WeChat as the core element, which is currently the main incremental market for e-commerce companies.

In the traditional business model, employees are often faced with large amounts of data information and form audit tasks, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. How to effectively improve efficiency, avoid entering a cycle of repeated work, and avoid errors caused by human operations are areas where many workflows and need to be optimized. The age of automation is coming. Freeing employees from boring work is undoubtedly a good wish of many people.

Therefore, e-commerce companies are looking for ways to improve the company's financial efficiency, reduce costs and optimize processes. More and more companies are beginning to choose RPA as an important tool for digital transformation and upgrading.

RPADigital employees help accelerate corporate development

To achieve refined operations in the private sector, it is undoubtedly necessary to keep pace with the times and combine the most advanced automation tools to realize the digitization of business operation processes. If these repetitive tasks can be solved, daily mechanical operations can be effectively avoided, and everyone can focus on more creative and valuable things, then it can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and improve employee happiness for the enterprise.

In fact, RPA focuses on providing one-stop digital upgrade solutions to help companies improve quality, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, while effectively solving pain points such as repetitive low labor efficiency and unavoidable mistakes. For more than 80% of computer application software operation scenarios, real RPA digital employees can replace manual labor.

1, E-commerce operation scenario

In fact, intelligent RPA digital employees can read data from multiple systems in a non-invasive way, realize the automatic generation and sending of various data reports, and automate a large amount of time-consuming, labor-intensive and error-prone repeated operations. Combining OCR recognition and NLP natural language technology can improve the quality and efficiency of e-commerce product selection, competitive product tracking, marketing promotion, order processing, product management , customer service operations, financial statistics and other links.

2, customer service scenario

In fact, RPA digital employees can not only communicate, but also play the role of data analysts.Online 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, it discovers and summarizes knowledge points through multiple rounds of dialogue, automatically mines user information in services, forms data of different dimensions, and feeds it back to logistics, warehouses and other links. At the same time, as a selling point for differentiated product marketing, it helps operators make scientific decisions and create hot money!

3, financial situation

Really, the powerful artificial intelligence capabilities of RPA digital employees, coupled with the intelligent identification of bills, automation of bank-enterprise reconciliation, and automation of insurance company tax declarations, make the automation of financial and tax scenarios more comprehensive and efficient.

Really, RPA digital employees can really liberate the labor force, help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote the rapid development of enterprises.