As the application potential and value of artificial intelligence to society are increasing, intelligent technology is developing more and more rapidly, and the country’s demand for training future talents is also constantly advancing with the times. The artificial intelligence a

As the application potential and value of artificial intelligence to society is increasing, intelligent technology is developing more and more rapidly, and the country’s demand for training future talents is also constantly advancing with the times. The artificial intelligence awareness required by future citizens and skills have become the objective needs of education, Therefore, the rise and development of artificial intelligence education has important and far-reaching significance. It will help students form intelligent social awareness and adapt to the development of intelligent society.

At present, our country attaches great importance to attracting and cultivating high-tech talents, starting from the basic education stage to popularize artificial intelligence education, and cultivating the intelligent awareness, skills and literacy required by future citizens.

Since the State Council promulgated the " New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan " in 2017, the country has successively introduced various education policies and gradually launched national intelligent education projects. emphasized that artificial intelligence will be introduced to popularize education in primary and secondary schools, and artificial intelligence will be launched Intelligent Curriculum Development Standards, released the Artificial Intelligence Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework.

This year, the Ministry of Education clearly established a new subject in the latest "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan and Curriculum Standards" - Information Technology , which also set detailed goals and content for artificial intelligence courses.

At this point, schools and parents have begun to pay attention to the topic of scientific and technological innovation literacy, focusing on cultivating children's scientific and technological innovation abilities and expertise. "Students with scientific and technological talents" have also become a special favorite in the selection stage for further education. In this regard, many schools, educational institutions and parents are paying attention to forward-looking artificial intelligence education, but also have a lot of doubts. In order to let everyone have a clearer understanding of artificial intelligence courses, programming education, and technology makers. Learning content, understand what exactly young people learn in artificial intelligence subjects? What do you need to master? Xiaoti will analyze and interpret it for you today, hoping to help everyone prepare for educational development.

What you should know about the subject of artificial intelligence

(primary school)

According to the "Artificial Intelligence Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for Primary and Secondary Schools" officially released by Central Audio-visual Education Center on November 26, 2021, it is proposed that the field of artificial intelligence involves natural science and The cross-application of social sciences, especially involving human thought, behavior, abilities and other aspects, permeates ethics, morality, responsibility and other related issues, so it is necessary to accompany students to learn, understand and use artificial intelligence from an engineering perspective. , and actively think about the relationship between artificial intelligence, humans, and society.

The goal of the "Literacy Framework" is not to cultivate experts in the field of artificial intelligence, but to help students master the necessary character and key abilities required to adapt to the intelligent society, so that students can better survive and develop in the intelligent society.

"Literacy Framework" includes artificial intelligence and human beings, artificial intelligence and society, artificial intelligence technology, artificial intelligence system design and development 4 fields. And corresponding to each field, 12 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators are set in detail. The content that should be known and understood in for elementary school, junior high school and high school is defined in detail.

Interpretation of content in primary school

01 Artificial intelligence and humans

Artificial intelligence can simulate humans and think like humans. In the development process, artificial intelligence technology will, on the one hand, promote the rapid progress of human beings and may even surpass human intelligence; on the other hand, the development of artificial intelligence technology should be restricted by humans to achieve a harmonious symbiosis between artificial intelligence and humans in the future. We should establish a scientific and reasonable ethics, and correctly view and handle the relationship between humans and machines.

(1) The relationship between artificial intelligence and humans

You should know: Intelligent products in life can listen, speak, see, recognize, understand and think like humans. Artificial intelligence allows machines to replace humans in simple, repetitive tasks, thus having an impact on human employment.

should know: can list the artificial intelligence products commonly used in life, and analyze which human abilities these intelligent products simulate; can list specific scenarios in which artificial intelligence replaces human work; can describe the jobs that artificial intelligence can currently replace. Features: Can list specific cases of human-machine collaboration in life.

(2) Ethics

You should know: Artificial intelligence has many advantages and brings many conveniences to human beings, but it also has certain shortcomings. When using artificial intelligence products, people's personal information may be leaked, and there are certain risks.

should know: Can analyze and explain the advantages of artificial intelligence products and possible risks during application.

02 Artificial Intelligence and Society

The fourth technological revolution represented by artificial intelligence technology is changing all aspects of human society, such as living environment, learning environment, working environment, etc. Its development will promote the birth of a new social state and Variety. In this process, it is necessary to improve the legal provisions related to the development of artificial intelligence to ensure human-machine collaboration, cross-border integration, and co-creation and sharing of healthy and efficient in the intelligent era.

(1) The interaction between artificial intelligence and society

You should know: Artificial intelligence is the product of continuous progress and development of society; artificial intelligence products have entered various fields of society and promoted the development of society, such as face recognition, wireless Human driving, intelligent robots, etc.

should be: can describe how specific human social needs affect the application of artificial intelligence products and analyze their functions.

(2) The impact of artificial intelligence on society

You should know: Artificial intelligence has been applied to many fields of society, causing great changes in human society. The purpose of people designing and developing artificial intelligence products is to have a positive impact on society.

should meet: For specific artificial intelligence products, list the impacts on society; what measures can be taken to reduce negative impacts.

(3) Social norms

You should know: Understand the social equity issues involved when using artificial intelligence products and the possible harm to others; you need to comply with relevant legal regulations.

should know: Can list and point out the limitations of the applicable conditions or scope of specific artificial intelligence products, can list artificial intelligence products that meet specific needs of people, and can explain how to use specific artificial intelligence products more safely.

03 Artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence technology can make machines capable of complex tasks that can only be completed by human intelligence, and can help humans solve many problems. Different eras and different application fields require different artificial intelligence technologies to simulate different human intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is realized through algorithms. Deep learning algorithm is the core force of the current development of artificial intelligence . It requires a large amount of data and powerful computing power as support. At present, deep learning has made breakthroughs in many fields such as image recognition, speech recognition and synthesis, and natural language processing. Some basic application technologies have gradually matured and corresponding products and services have been formed.

(1) Problems that artificial intelligence technology can solve

You should know: artificial intelligence products gain the ability to perceive, communicate and act by simulating human thinking and behavior, and can help people solve problems; machines can have knowledge reasoning capabilities, Able to make correct judgments about events, these technologies can better solve a variety of problems in life, work, and study.

should meet: can explain how artificial intelligence products can have the ability to perceive, communicate and act like humans, and how artificial intelligence products can solve simple problems of perception, communication and action. Can identify whether a specific artificial intelligence product has reasoning and decision-making capabilities.

(2) Artificial intelligence support technology

You should know: Artificial intelligence technology will collect data through different ways and mine useful information in the data. Computers implement artificial intelligence technology through algorithms. Different artificial intelligence problems are solved by different algorithms. , each algorithm has its own advantages and limitations. Computers use CPU, GPU and other hardware to implement the functions of artificial intelligence products. Different hardware has different computing capabilities.

should know: can use an artificial intelligence product to collect data and observe the collected data. By observing the data, explain what information can be obtained and what patterns can be discovered. For a simple artificial intelligence problem, the solution steps can be presented through a flow chart. Program modules can be used to implement algorithms for the functions of an artificial intelligence product. Ability to observe performance differences running on different hardware platforms. Can observe which computing chips and hardware configurations a certain artificial intelligence product has.

(3) Basic application technology of artificial intelligence

You should know: Artificial intelligence perception and recognition technology can simulate people's perception and recognition ability of the external environment; natural language processing technology can realize communication and communication between people and computers; people Computer interaction technology realizes the exchange of information between people and computers, which can be as natural and convenient as the interaction between people; some artificial intelligence products can simulate the process of people planning and decision-making through thinking; robots simulate human actions and control Abilities, in various forms, are used in different fields. The actions and control of robots are realized through written programs.

should be: can identify which perception or recognition capabilities or natural language processing technologies it simulates for a specific artificial intelligence product, and can use programming to implement the application of these technologies; by experiencing different human-computer interaction processes, Be able to explain the differences between various human-computer interaction methods, and be able to program to implement simple voice or somatosensory interaction applications; be able to identify whether artificial intelligence products simulate human planning and decision-making abilities; be able to identify different types of robots in life, And write programs to make the robot speak and act.

(4) Select and use artificial intelligence tools

You should know: The development of artificial intelligence products can use ready-made artificial intelligence tools, which have different uses. For example, some tools are used for speech recognition and image recognition , and some artificial intelligence tools are suitable for word processing. Artificial intelligence products (such as intelligent conversation robots, food delivery robot , etc.) can be realized using artificial intelligence tools.

should be: For a specific artificial intelligence product, you can point out what artificial intelligence tools can be used to implement it.

04 Artificial intelligence system design and development

In the design and development of artificial intelligence application systems, system engineering ideas and methods need to be used. Through design, development, testing and other links, an artificial intelligence system that can meet the needs to the greatest extent is realized.After the artificial intelligence application system is designed and developed, it is necessary to continuously evaluate the operation results according to the design positioning and goals, and conduct continuous maintenance and upgrades in response to emerging problems and new problems that may be encountered.

(1) System Engineering

You should know: Artificial intelligence products in life are composed of multiple elements working together to achieve functions; artificial intelligence systems in life solve problems through the reasonable allocation of resources.

should be: can describe how artificial intelligence products in life work together to complete corresponding functions; it can describe which resources are reasonably allocated by a specific artificial intelligence product to solve problems.

(2) Artificial intelligence application system design and development

You should know: Before developing an artificial intelligence product, it needs to be designed according to the goal of solving the problem; the product solution design needs to be completed on the basis of demand analysis; artificial intelligence products are based on software , hardware and algorithms are implemented under the common control; developing a specific artificial intelligence product needs to be programmed using corresponding program modules and run on a computer or hardware platform; testing needs to be carried out to discover existing problems when developing artificial intelligence products .

should know: Can provide simple design solutions based on the application of a specific artificial intelligence product; can use the experimental platform to develop a specific artificial intelligence product, and test whether the product has shortcomings or errors, and provide solutions.

(3) Evaluation and maintenance of artificial intelligence systems

You should know: The performance of artificial intelligence products needs to be evaluated in actual applications; the product will have defects, and the operating status of the product needs to be monitored and the product maintained. When necessary, the product needs to be upgraded.

should know: Can describe the performance advantages and disadvantages of a specific artificial intelligence product; describe some maintenance methods for the developed artificial intelligence products.

Evaluation content of artificial intelligence literacy of primary and secondary school students

  • New knowledge learning:

Examine students’ mastery of the course content involved. It can be evaluated by students' participation in class, activity groups, answering questions, and cooperation and mutual assistance.

  • Independent exploration:

examines students’ problem-solving methods and abilities. Including:

(1) Self-confidence: has a strong awareness of participating in activities and does not avoid difficulties;

(2) Inquiry: actively explores, thinks independently, and seeks ideas to solve problems;

(3) Reflection: is reflective Awareness of one's own operation process and optimizing one's cognitive structure through reflection.

  • Cooperation and exchange:

examines the basic attitudes that students must have to study and explore artificial intelligence courses. Includes:

(1) Communication: speaks enthusiastically to the teacher’s questions and listens carefully to other people’s opinions as a group member;

(2) Collaboration: As a group member, respects others and fairly distributes learning tasks, and the group learning and discussion atmosphere is lively. , the operation is orderly and harmonious;

(3) Sharing: creates a multi-dimensional and multi-perspective dynamic way of thinking and criticism, and experiences and shares the joy of creating success.

  • Learning effect:

tests students’ comprehensive application of knowledge mastery and hands-on practical ability.Including:

(1) Achievement level: Use the basic knowledge you have learned, combined with "exploration experiments", study sheets, and teaching aids and operation guides, to correctly understand and analyze project problems, and use creativity and logical solutions to problems. , and finally cooperated to complete the project;

(2) Emotion: cultivates curiosity and thirst for knowledge while participating in learning activities, exercises will and enhances self-confidence through successful experiences.