Over the past ten years, cadres and the masses have continued to struggle, and Gannan and other former Central Soviet areas have undergone earth-shaking and gratifying changes, and the "Southern Gansu Model" for the revitalization of the Soviet areas has been formed.

The Paper reporter Song Jiangyun

Overlooking Yinkeng Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou. Gannan Daily Picture

June 28 this year marks the tenth anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Supporting the Revitalization and Development of Gannan and Other Former Central Soviet Areas." Over the past ten years, the broad masses of cadres and the masses have continued to struggle, and Gannan and other former Central Soviet Areas have undergone earth-shaking and gratifying changes, and formed the "Southern Gansu Model" for the revitalization of the Soviet areas. In 2021, the regional GDP of Ganzhou, Ji'an, and Fuzhou cities will reach 416.9, 252.6, and 179.5 billion yuan respectively, which is 2.7, 2.7, and 2.5 times that of 2011.

Recently, a reporter from The Paper (www.thepaper.cn) conducted an exclusive interview with on topics such as the significance of the "Gannan Model", the rural revitalization path of the Jiangxi Soviet Area, Ganzhou's strategy to build a national regional central city, and "Bay Area + Old Areas" Dr. Yu Hui, executive director of the (China·Shenzhen) Innovation and Industrial Research Center of the Comprehensive Development Research Institute, has been responsible for the planning and research of the Ganzhou national-level processing trade transfer demonstration zone.

Yu Hui believes that in recent years, Ganzhou has vigorously promoted the spirit of the Soviet Area , actively connected with the Bay Area thinking and the energy of the special zones, and fully integrated into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area . The "Bay Area + Old Area" cross-provincial regional cooperation has initially achieved results; however, To better integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Ganzhou must also "benchmark the Greater Bay Area and create a market-oriented, legalized and international business environment" and "learn from the experience of domestic advanced industrial parks to create high-quality innovation." Space and industrial carrier" and other three aspects of work.

Ganzhou has become the districted city with the largest number of financial institutions and the widest variety among the nine cities in the four provinces of Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Hunan.

The Paper News : You have done relevant research on Ganzhou. Regarding the revitalization strategy of the former Central Soviet Areas such as southern Ganxi since the tenth anniversary, What aspects of the changes do you feel deeply about?

afterglow: The former Soviet area in southern Jiangxi is the main body of the Central Revolutionary Base and has made significant contributions and huge sacrifices to the Chinese revolution. However, since the reform and opening up, the economic development of this region has lagged far behind the national and Jiangxi provincial averages. After nearly ten years of revitalization and development, the most intuitive feeling is that the improvement of transportation infrastructure represented by the Jiangxi-Shenzhen High-speed Railway has greatly shortened the time and space distance between the Bay Area and the old areas. Nowadays, I am deeply impressed by the living environment and appearance of Ganzhou's rural areas, and the urban framework of Ganzhou also has the feel of a big city.

The new appearance of Jinqiao Village, Gongjiang Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou.

The Paper : In your opinion, what are the main constraints that hindered the economic backwardness of the Soviet area in southern Jiangxi? After nearly ten years of strengthening the foundation by making up for the shortcomings, how have these constraints changed?

afterglow: Ganzhou has a vast territory, covering an area of ​​more than 39,000 square kilometers, second only to Chengde City in the central and eastern regions. Factors such as transportation conditions, industrial structure, and uneven regional development have restricted the aggregation of factors, resulting in relatively backward economic development. After ten years of development, changes are reflected in the "three new".

First, the quality of urban functions has been newly improved. Ganzhou has proposed an integrated development plan for five districts in the central city to build a group development spatial pattern. In addition to building the city's "four horizontal and six vertical" expressway network to open up internal "meridians", it also smoothes external traffic. The high-quality development of transportation in the old revolutionary areas of Ganzhou was listed as a pilot project by the Ministry of Transport. The construction and operation of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-speed Railway and the Changjiang-Ganxi High-speed Railway have brought Ganzhou into the era of high-speed rail. The total mileage of expressways accounts for one-quarter of the province. International flights have been opened and a transportation network integrating both internal and external areas has been formed.

Second, new breakthroughs have been made in industrial development. Ganzhou has created a "1+5+N" industrial cluster, forming four 100-billion-yuan industrial clusters including modern home furnishings, non-ferrous metals, electronic information, and textiles and clothing. There are 2,584 industrial enterprises above designated size in the city, and high-tech enterprises reaching 2,584. There are 1,067 companies, with a number of national-level scientific research and innovation platforms such as National Innovation Center for Rare Earth Functional Materials . The proportion of total social R&D investment in regional GDP has increased from 0.32% in 2011 to about 1.58% currently, and the driving ability of industrial innovation is significant. Enhance.The added value of the service industry accounts for more than 50% of the GDP. Ganzhou has become the city with the most financial institutions and the widest variety among the nine cities in the four provinces of Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Hunan. The number of listed companies has increased from 3 in 2011 to 16 in 2021.

Third, coordinated regional development presents a new pattern. The primacy of Ganzhou's central urban area has been significantly improved, Gan County has withdrawn from counties and established districts, and the starting area of ​​Rongjiang New District has accelerated its rise. The built-up area of ​​the central city exceeds 200 square kilometers and the urban population is nearly 2 million. Rui (gold) revitalizes (country) Yu (du) "3+2" economic revitalization pilot zone, " three south " integration, Hoi Xun'an ecological economic zone, Da Shang Chong happiness industry demonstration zone, Xinfeng County Key areas such as the high-quality development demonstration pilot area are booming. Longnan has withdrawn from counties and established cities, entering the fast lane of construction of sub-central cities in southern Jiangxi.

Rural development cannot be carried out independently and requires county-level overall planning.

The Paper News : "Several Opinions of the State Council on Supporting the Revitalization and Development of Southern Gansu and Other Former Central Soviet Areas" requires that Southern Gansu should speed up the implementation of a number of projects and projects that enhance the "hematopoietic" function. Continuously improve self-development capabilities. Based on your experience in Ganzhou, tell me your views on relief-based poverty alleviation and development-based poverty alleviation in the past?

afterglow: Ganzhou was once one of the largest concentrated and contiguous areas of extreme poverty in the country. By the end of 2020, all 2.156 million poor people had been lifted out of poverty, and 11 poor counties and 1,023 poor villages had all withdrawn. Absolute poverty and regional overall poverty had been eliminated historically. poor.

During this process, Ganzhou shifted its focus from "relief-based poverty alleviation" to "development-based poverty alleviation", realized the transformation from "blood transfusion type" poverty alleviation to "hematopoietic type" poverty alleviation thinking, and implemented industrial poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, A series of targeted poverty alleviation measures, including online poverty alleviation and consumption poverty alleviation, have three main approaches: First, the production and operation of agricultural products that fully connect the interests of farmers. Focusing on leading agricultural industries and regional specialty industries such as navel oranges, vegetables, camellia oleifera, etc., we will take the lead in innovative promotion in the province, select an industry, create a leader, innovate a set of interest linkage mechanisms, support a fund, and improve a set of services. The system's "Five Ones" industrial poverty alleviation mechanism jointly drives poor households to participate in industrial development to increase their income. The second is the industrial transfer-type industry that maintains poverty. Through measures such as transfer of output, construction of poverty alleviation workshops, and development of special poverty alleviation posts, jobs are provided for poor people with labor ability. The city has built more than 900 poverty alleviation workshops, employing nearly 60,000 people. The production line of Huajian International Shoe City Co., Ltd. in Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone is an employment poverty alleviation workshop, which realizes "sending jobs into the village", allowing villagers to find employment "at their doorstep", which not only makes it convenient to take care of their families, but also has a stable source of income. Third, e-commerce enriches people’s consumption and supports goods. Through modern business technology and platforms, "good products" in rural areas have become "good commodities" for consumers. The city's poor villages have achieved full coverage of 4G networks and broadband networks, becoming the first districted city in the country to have full coverage of e-commerce in rural areas. .

This series of development-based poverty alleviation measures has identified the intersection between developing industries and increasing income and alleviating poverty. By extending the industrial chain and introducing new business formats, it has increased the number of "hematopoietic cells" in various places and comprehensively improved the industry's ability to drive industry. Gannan navel orange was selected as one of the first batch of typical examples of poverty alleviation in the three major industries in the country, and the " Ruijin City Grandma Liao's Salted Duck Egg Case" and "the case of the Chetian Village Poverty Alleviation Workshop in Yangcun Town, Longnan County" were selected as the best cases of poverty alleviation in the world.

The Paper News : The difficulty and key to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich in the Soviet areas and old areas lies in the countryside. Through the development of industries in the past ten years, the Soviet areas in southern Jiangxi have achieved the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in sync with the whole country. In the context of the new era, what are your views on the path of rural revitalization in the Jiangxi Soviet Area?

afterglow: The rural revitalization strategy is an important decision based on summarizing the achievements and experiences of agricultural and rural development in New China. It is an important decision to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connect rural revitalization and comprehensively promote rural revitalization under the goal of common prosperity. It provides a program of action and is a major strategy for China to build a modern and powerful socialist country in the new period of development.

Compared with poverty alleviation tasks, rural revitalization involves a wider scope, larger scale, and great differences.Many places in the Soviet area of ​​southern Jiangxi have a shorter time to get rid of poverty and a greater risk of returning to poverty. They face many difficulties in consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation. In this regard, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting the Revitalization and Development of Old Revolutionary Areas in the New Era" and issued a work plan for counterpart support from central state agencies and relevant units to the former Central Soviet Areas such as southern Jiangxi to strengthen counterpart support.

I believe that in the future, rural revitalization in the Soviet area of ​​southern Jiangxi requires precise efforts from five dimensions. First, rural development cannot be carried out independently and requires overall county planning. It is recommended to take the county as a unit to control the overall rural development strategy in the region, focusing on rural characteristic industries, and in accordance with the idea of ​​"one county, one industry" to clarify the goals of each county, as well as the integration of funds, industrial layout, project arrangements, etc. , and give full play to the resource advantages of the support units, introduce experts to participate in the preparation, and improve the scientificity and effectiveness of the plan. Second, industrial development needs to emphasize increasing "hematopoietic cells." On the one hand, it is necessary to further assist the areas being assisted in establishing policy lists, demonstrate and design projects such as supporting industrial parks or supporting workshops, and strive to turn policies into projects. On the other hand, we must support the development of new rural industries. Make full use of the resource advantages of Ganzhou's national key red tourism areas, use high technology to create an immersive interactive experience, innovate the red tourism model, and guide the countryside to carry some urban service functions, including conferences, senior care, team building, study, training and other service formats as The new industry of rural development transforms urban demand into rural development momentum. Third, capital investment cannot only rely on government blood transfusions, but also requires mobilizing social forces. Government assistance funds can indeed solve certain problems in rural areas through first transfusion and then empowerment. However, the huge financial demand for industrial development is difficult to meet through fiscal funds and requires forces outside the government to play an important role. However, factors such as low agricultural investment returns and high investment risks have constrained the enthusiasm of social capital investment. The government should focus on improving the incentive mechanism for rural industry revitalization, refine the ways and paths for market entities and social entities to participate in rural industry revitalization, and formulate policies and financial Provide clear supporting benefits and other aspects to guide capital to the countryside in an orderly manner.

Fourth, the organizational model of industrial revitalization cannot be rigid and needs to fully connect the interests of farmers. A common phenomenon in my country's current rural revitalization practice is that the income of farmers still mainly depends on land rent, and farmers have not fully participated in and shared industrial profits. The rural revitalization of the Jiangxi Soviet Area should focus on innovative business organization models. On the one hand, in the process of rural construction and operation, it is necessary to explore the path of "resources turn into assets, funds turn into shares, and farmers turn into shareholders" through the combination with social capital, so as to achieve the common goal of farmers. Build sharing. On the other hand, it is necessary to keep more of the rural industrial chain in counties and establish a revenue sharing mechanism to leave more of the industrial value-added benefits to farmers.

Fifth, to solve the talent dilemma, we cannot restrict the population from returning to their hometowns, but also need to pay attention to the sending of talents to the countryside. The biggest challenges facing rural revitalization are talent shortage, population hollowing, aging population, and poor stability of young cadres. However, attracting talents cannot only rely on feelings, but requires policy incentives. In addition to attracting talents through settlement, housing, finance, public services, etc., we must also focus on attracting talents through mechanisms and resources, such as implementing the rural CEO plan and hiring capable people. Manage rural assets; build an assistance maker center to gather processing and production of agricultural specialty products, rural e-commerce, etc. to attract young people to work in rural areas and start businesses; cultivate or introduce rural production experts, rural tourism talents, and rural e-commerce through assistance and collaboration Professionals and other rural industrial talents continue to inject new vitality into the countryside.

Shicheng release picture

The Gannan model has accumulated experience for the revitalization and development of old revolutionary areas across the country and provided a demonstration

The Paper News : Some people believe that Gannan and other former Central Soviet areas have made significant development achievements in the past ten years and formed an "industry What do you think is the key to the Gannan model achieving such achievements?

afterglow: First, high-level promotion and targeted assistance. Ganzhou City has implemented the preferential tax policy for the Western Development of since 2012, and levies corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for domestic-funded enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises in encouraged industries located in Ganzhou City. Ganzhou City actively implements this policy. The policy has created a tax “depression” and laid a foundation for industrial development.

The second is to consolidate the platform and promote openness. The country has continuously introduced policies to consolidate the basic development platform, such as: identifying Ganzhou as a national processing trade transfer demonstration site, shouldering the important mission of pilot demonstration and innovative development of my country's processing trade in the new era; upgrading Longnan Economic Development Zone to a national economic development zone , and upgraded the Nanchang Customs Office in Longnan to Longnan Customs, which promoted the rapid development of Longnan's economy and various undertakings. Ganzhou has been approved for a total of 124 pilot demonstration projects at the national level and above, becoming one of the districts and cities with the most approved national-level pilot platforms.

The third is to rely on national strategies to make up for shortcomings in facilities. In line with the state's support policies for the revitalization and development of the Jiangxi Soviet Area, we broke through the constraints of administrative divisions, insisted on taking infrastructure construction as the leading project for the revitalization and development of the Jiangxi Soviet Area, and launched a number of transportation, water conservancy, and water conservancy projects with outstanding advantages, distinctive features, and strong driving force. Energy and other big projects and good projects.

Fourth, we are people-centered and focus on shared development. Nearly 70% of fiscal expenditures and nearly 80% of new financial resources are used to protect and improve people's livelihood. Over the past ten years, people's livelihood expenditures have accumulated to 556.011 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 16.85%. In addition, it also pays attention to the coordinated progress of economic development and ecological environment protection, innovatively solves the world's problem of rare earth tailwater management, and promotes the "Southern Gansu Model" of soil and water conservation across the country, opening up a two-way conversion channel between green waters and lush mountains and gold and silver mountains.

The Paper : What reference and demonstration significance does the Gannan model have for the old revolutionary base areas across the country?

afterglow: The core of the Gannan model is to always adhere to the people-centered approach as the foothold of all work. In particular, we must pay attention to the main role of the people, insist on ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development, let the people in the old areas share the results of reform and development, form a virtuous cycle of development, and ultimately achieve common prosperity. The Gannan model has accumulated experience and provided a demonstration for the revitalization and development of old revolutionary base areas across the country, and has important practical value.

We must work hard to build the "six major centers" including education, science, innovation, finance and commerce

Yudu County insist on cultivating cadres and the masses into talents, put scientific and technological talents into use, and strive for support for agricultural science and technology service system construction projects.

The Paper News : Gannan is the bridgehead between Jiangxi and the Greater Bay Area. As the deputy regional economic center of Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou has proposed the strategy of building a national regional central city in recent years. How do you think Ganzhou should help the development of Jiangxi and even the central region, so as to upgrade from a provincial sub-center to a larger level? central city?

afterglow: In recent years, Ganzhou has vigorously implemented urban energy level improvement actions and strived to enhance the carrying capacity and radiation capacity of regional coordinated development. Provincial sub-central city and national regional central city construction have taken solid steps. The world city network theory believes that central cities at important node positions rely on the connectivity of various element network flows and carry the core function of allocating resource elements in global or regional city network connections. It can be seen that the status of a central city comes from a city's close connection with other cities across the country and the world. The value of a central city is also reflected in its ability to provide high-level services to the country and other regions around the world. Ganzhou's upgrade from a provincial sub-center to a central city with a higher level of energy fundamentally depends on whether Ganzhou can provide services of a higher level to Jiangxi and even the central region.

On the one hand, we must unswervingly serve as a bridgehead for Jiangxi to connect with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Ganzhou is located in the center of Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi. It is the largest prefecture-level city in Jiangxi. It is necessary to make full use of the opportunity of the revitalization and development of the old revolutionary areas and the completion and opening of the Jiangxi-Shenzhen high-speed railway to further strengthen interconnection with the Greater Bay Area, strengthen customs clearance cooperation with the Greater Bay Area, and fully integrate into the Guangdong-Jiangxi two-hour economic circle. Accelerate the overflow of high-end industrial functions from central cities in the Greater Bay Area and strengthen the co-construction and sharing of major infrastructure and industrial parks.The focus is to build a top 100 and 100 billion park, targeting the world's top 500 and domestic top 500 companies, and focusing on the entire industrial chain of circuit boards, upstream and downstream, rare earth new materials and lithium batteries, and strive to introduce a number of strong chain extension and chain repair projects. Establish an interactive cooperation investment attraction mechanism with enterprises and industry associations in the Greater Bay Area, introduce a number of leading and cluster-type projects with high relevance and strong driving force, and cooperate with the Greater Bay Area in advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and Division of labor and cooperation will be realized in traditional industries and producer service industries.

On the other hand, we must work hard to build the "six major centers" of education, science and technology innovation, finance, and commerce. It is necessary to build regional central cities and provincial sub-central cities. In addition to strong comprehensive strength, they also assume the function of driving the development of surrounding areas and serving the livelihood needs of surrounding people. Currently, Ganzhou is in a period of rapid urbanization, and the city is vigorously promoting the construction of six major centers: education, science and technology innovation, finance, commerce and logistics, culture and tourism, and medical care. In terms of implementing national strategies, we must closely focus on the blueprint for the revitalization and development of old revolutionary areas, grasp the needs of relevant counterpart support projects of national ministries and commissions, strive for more reform pilots, seize every day to promote implementation, and maximize the release of reform dividends, Institutional dividends and policy dividends. In terms of economic industry, we must further focus on key features, key areas, and key links, continuously improve the basic industrial capabilities and industrial chain levels, and jointly build a strong industrial ecosystem with the Greater Bay Area. In terms of urban functions, we will highlight the unique connotations and images of old revolutionary areas, green waters and green mountains, Hakka hometown of overseas Chinese, accelerate the creation of a regional central city with reasonable layout, high quality and charm, and continuously enhance the comprehensive service capabilities for surrounding areas.

Yudu County was the Gannan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China during the Central Soviet Area, the seat of the Gannan Provincial Soviet Government , the starting point for the Long March of the Central Red Army, the last base area in the Central Soviet Area, and the origin of the three-year guerrilla war in the south. The birthplace of the Long March spirit , one of the all-red counties in the Central Soviet Area and one of the places where the spirit of the Soviet Area was formed, 16 generals of the Republic were born.

The Paper : If regions and cities want to develop, they cannot do without people, let alone talents. In recent years, the “war for talent” among cities has become increasingly fierce. As a major labor export city, how do you think Ganzhou should respond to this talent war?

afterglow: In economic theory, labor, land, and capital together constitute the three core elements of economic growth. Talent is essentially a high-quality labor resource. The flow of talent is often accompanied by the flow of technology, capital, information and other factors. The flow of talent, especially the technology, capital, information and innovative spirit brought by permanent migration, is an important factor in the regional economy. an important source of growth and regional competitiveness. In recent years, the competition for talents across the country has become fierce, and megacities such as Beijing and Shanghai have also joined the battle for talents.

The development of Ganzhou is also inseparable from the gathering of talents. Compared with domestic advanced cities, Ganzhou is relatively lacking in high-level talents and outstanding scientific and technological talents. The proportion of highly educated and highly professional personnel is relatively small. It is difficult to attract and retain innovative talents, and it lacks scientific and technological leaders such as the "Thousand Talents Plan". Talents, the number of talent projects at or above the provincial level is small, and scientific and technological innovation work lacks sufficient intellectual support. To this end, Ganzhou must, on the one hand, actively strive to pilot various national talent policies, fully learn from and absorb advanced experience in talent systems at home and abroad, deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanisms, and improve the policy environment for talent "recruitment and retention"; on the other hand, it must focus on Improve Ganzhou's livable and workable environment, focusing on gathering innovative entrepreneurial talents and highly skilled talents, taking the improvement of talent development platforms as the starting point, mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of all aspects of developing and utilizing human resources, and constantly cultivating the comparison of talent competition. Advantage.

The "Bay Area + Old Area" cross-provincial regional cooperation has achieved initial results

The Paper News : Ganzhou has obvious regional advantages and is actively building a bridgehead for Jiangxi Province to integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.What preparations do you think Ganzhou needs to make to integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area?

afterglow: Ganzhou is at the forefront of Jiangxi’s integration into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and is also the direct hinterland for the coordinated inland development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In recent years, Ganzhou has vigorously promoted the spirit of the Soviet Area, proactively integrated into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with Bay Area thinking and special zone energy. Especially since Jiangxi Province promulgated the "Several Policies and Measures to Support Ganzhou in Building a Bridgehead for Integration into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", Ganzhou has followed the guidelines of building a model area for cooperation between the old revolutionary base and the Greater Bay Area, a pilot area for two-way opening up between the inland and the Greater Bay Area, and undertaking The "three districts and one park" development strategy such as the Greater Bay Area Industrial Transfer Innovation Zone and the Greater Bay Area Ecological Health and Tourism Back Garden will do a good job in "infrastructure interoperability, industry complementarity, market integration, and resource sharing" to accelerate integration into the Greater Bay Area. The construction of the "Two-Hour Economic Circle", the Nankang Area and the "Three South" Area of ​​the Jiangxi-Guangdong Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Zone have made positive progress, and the "Bay Area + Old Area" cross-provincial regional cooperation has achieved initial results.

In order to better integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Ganzhou still needs to make preparations in three aspects. The first is to benchmark the Greater Bay Area and create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment. Improve the foreign investment management system with the negative list as the core, and enhance the standardization and transparency of investment management. We must resolutely avoid formulating differentiated industrial policies for domestic and foreign enterprises, especially eliminate various hidden barriers that restrict the development of the private economy, and promote the transition from selective and preferential industrial policies to functional and inclusive industrial policies. The second is to draw on the experience of domestic advanced industrial parks to create high-quality innovation space and industrial carriers. Learn from the advanced experience of Suzhou Industrial Park, introduce first-class industrial park operators at home and abroad, and increase support for key industrial parks such as the Jiangxi-Guangdong Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Zone. Relevant policy resources should be relatively concentrated and strive to form a batch of high-quality innovations as soon as possible. Space and industrial carriers. Continuously innovate cooperation models and encourage various industrial parks to cooperate with the Greater Bay Area through various methods such as construction assistance, trusteeship, joint-stock cooperation, and "headquarters + base" to build characteristic industrial parks with complementary advantages, collaboration and interaction. The third is to strengthen Ganzhou’s city brand marketing and create an innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation atmosphere in the Guangdong-Ganxi “Two-Hour Economic Circle”. Make full use of the World Hakka Friendship Conference and other platforms to vigorously promote the policy measures, good practices and good experiences of Ganzhou’s integration into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and further enhance the visibility and reputation of Ganzhou. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen ties with media in the Greater Bay Area, make good use of new media channels, and promote Ganzhou’s comprehensive advantages in industrial development, platform carriers, and entrepreneurial environment.

The Paper News : Ganzhou has achieved rapid development by undertaking the industrial transfer from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. How do you think Ganzhou should enhance independent technological innovation to achieve industrial upgrading and avoid becoming a labor-intensive industrial base?

afterglow: Industrial upgrading is not something that happens overnight. In the 1980s, enterprises represented by Hong Kong capital transferred labor-intensive manufacturing industries such as textiles, clothing, printing, and electronics to the Pearl River Delta and other regions on a large scale. The Pearl River Delta region started from ", three to one complement " and processing trade, and gradually entered high-tech industries. In recent years, it has deployed and developed strategic emerging industries and achieved industrial upgrading. As the cost of doing business in coastal areas rises, the trend of manufacturing relocation has become increasingly obvious in recent years.

First of all, Ganzhou should seize the opportunity of the relocation of manufacturing capacity in the Greater Bay Area, continue to attract labor-intensive industries , and build stronger industrial chain supporting capabilities. Of course, in the process of introducing industrial transfers to coastal areas, we must also prevent environmental pollution problems caused by blind construction. We must not only preserve the manufacturing industry, but also maintain green waters and green mountains, and reduce the negative externalities of transferred industries.

Secondly, we must seize new opportunities for the development of digital economy . Sort out the industrial and supply chains of the core industries of the digital economy, and do a good job in strengthening and replenishing the chains and attracting investment. Actively participate in the national information technology application innovation project and support a number of major scientific and technological innovation projects. Support counties and cities with better conditions such as Longnan to build 5G smart industrial parks with domestic influence.

Third, we must speed up the construction of a marginal education science and technology innovation center in Jiangxi and Guangdong.Actively integrate the city's scientific and technological innovation forces, promote electronic information, rare earth and new materials, modern service industries and other industrial enterprises to establish sustained cooperation with domestic key laboratories, universities, research institutions, and corporate R&D centers, and build a high-standard platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. , Promote the efficiency of transformation of scientific and technological achievements of Ganzhou enterprises and improve the quality of technological transformation.

Editor in charge: Zhong Yuhao Picture editor: Zhang Tongze