Artificial intelligence AI seems to have made many breakthroughs in terms of innovation capabilities, such as music, painting, and even literary creation. But it’s important to understand what lies behind AI’s creativity: what is really being done by these machines, and what is j

Artificial Intelligence AI seems to have made many breakthroughs in terms of innovation capabilities, such as music, painting, and even literary creation.

However, it is necessary to understand what is behind the creativity of artificial intelligence : what is really done by these machines, and what is exaggerated hype.

To answer the question "Is artificial intelligence creative?", it actually involves basic questions such as the nature and origin of human creativity.

Three key factors in evaluating whether artificial intelligence is creative are: novelty, surprise and value . While these three factors are indeed important, if we want to usher in true creativity in the field of artificial intelligence, a fourth factor must be introduced: the true independent originality of .

Many years ago, Ada Lovelace pointed out that the power of computer analysis engines could be overstated. In fact, the analytical engine doesn't create anything; you don't get more out of the machine than you put into it.

This raises a key question: To what extent does the "creativity" of artificial intelligence belong to humans, and how much of it belongs to machine code? The invention of the camera has allowed the development of photographic art to spread all over the world, but No one associates creativity with a camera.

Therefore, has always been controversial on this topic, and still needs to be verified.

Last year, Ai-Da was named after the world’s first female computer programmer Ada Lovelace, whose unprecedented ability as a robot to draw out of sight established her as an artist as well. The first in the world.

Cornwall Robotics, the company that made the robots for Westworld, designed her to be as lifelike as possible. Engineering Arts gave her the body of a "robotic actor" with a range of expressive movements, and she has the ability to speak and react to humans.

Scientists at Oxford University and Leeds University used artificial intelligence processes and algorithms to develop her ability to react and draw to humans.

Gallery owner Aidan Meller invented AI-da, which he says "ushers in a new artificial intelligence art movement." "As an AI bot, her work uses AI processes and algorithms, ," he added. "This work makes us think about artificial intelligence and the use and abuse of technology in today's world."

You can now see Ada's work in Unsecured Futures, her first solo exhibition, which Will feature drawings, paintings and sculptures. Aiden Meller, co-designer of

Ai-Da, calls the style of her artwork "shattered", which means fragmented. Ai-Da itself has AI functions and can complete paintings through the robotic arm . The creator of

said that "she" did not "live" , but interacted with humans and machines through the platform. While she was creating, she also developed Ai-Da's unique personality and works.

Ai-Da Some of her works are objects photographed through her "eyes", using algorithms to convert the images into a set of coordinates, and then drawing them with her "hands".

The above are Ai-Da's self-portraits

Ai-Da's exhibition will display a series of self-portraits, which are artistic paintings created after taking pictures of oneself through a mirror. Designer Aiden Meller hopes that such an exhibition can challenge human beings' understanding of "identity" concept.

Therefore, when the artificial intelligence machine has consciousness and conveys its own ideas to our wishes, is truly creative. And the artistic creation behavior of artificial intelligence will become the best carrier for us to enter this strange world where "machine consciousness" is.