With the in-depth development of global economicization, trade exchanges between countries have become increasingly frequent. The competition among overseas companies in the international market is also becoming increasingly fierce. International text messages have gradually beco

With the in-depth development of global economicization, trade exchanges between countries have become increasingly frequent. The competition among overseas companies in the international market is also becoming increasingly fierce. International text messages have gradually become the main marketing and promotion channel for enterprises. So how should you choose an international SMS platform and how effective it will be? It has become a matter of concern to many people. Let’s follow Chuhaime International SMS Platform to learn more about it!

How to choose an international SMS platform

When choosing a third-party SMS service provider, you must first consider your own usage background and conditions. Before purchasing, be sure to shop around to see the actual arrival rate, development cost, service quality, response speed, channel quality, stability, etc. No matter what others say, test it yourself first, and test several more.

SMS platform billing method

SMS channel is divided into two methods: successful billing and submission billing, and these two methods are related to the background of the SMS platform. Rate is related, and for service providers with successful billing mode, the unsuccessful part is not included in the operator's charging range.

SMS platform industry reputation

ToC business may be that the bigger the company, the better the service, and the more people use it; this is not the case for ToB. The choice of a user on the C-side cannot determine the life or death of the product, but the choice of a customer on the B-side may very well determine the survival of the company. You can choose some small companies with good reputations in vertical fields. They tend to pay more attention to product quality and service. You can also directly look for products from large companies. The service is guaranteed and the company will not run away. In short, everyone has different interests. In the end, whether to choose products from large companies or cutting-edge products in vertical fields depends on your own situation.

SMS platform after-sales service

Before purchasing, you should also check the user reputation and after-sales service of the platform. You can read some reviews or call customer service. Some companies are even difficult to contact pre-sales customer service. Don't blindly trust the search results of some search engines. The number one ranking is not necessarily the number one service. Whoever uses it will know. Some small service companies have two technologies and two customer services, and spend some money on Baidu promotion, and the company and website are up and running. If any problem occurs, the other party's manpower and professionalism are limited, making it difficult to solve it quickly.

What are the advantages of the international SMS platform?

International SMS marketing is more suitable for promotional activities. Every reminder from the beginning to the end of the activity, the sending of international SMS can make users have a greater sense of expectation and urgency, thereby achieving and converting Effect. In addition, marketing is not blind exposure. If you want to do a good job in international SMS marketing and achieve the maximum conversion rate, you must also start from market demand. That is to say, we must grasp the release time, content attraction, after-sales analysis and other factors