In December 2018, China Unicom launched the family payment function on its official APP. The slogan is "Shared in different places, love is not limited." China Unicom's "family payment business" allows users to sign up for family payment on the China Unicom APP. After paying for

China Unicom launched the family payment function on its official APP in December 2018. The slogan is "Share in different places, love is unlimited". China Unicom's "family payment business", users can use the China Unicom APP After signing a family payment relationship, you can use the balance of one number to pay for multiple numbers of relatives and friends; this is good. One master number pays for five slave numbers. For example, young users can recharge their elders to avoid downtime.

Screenshot of Family Payment

However, after almost three and a half years, the rules of this business are still so difficult for people to understand, especially the deduction rules, which are even more confusing. When signing up for the Family Pay business, you can choose low balance recharge or bill recharge; both methods have certain flaws, but they have not been corrected. When

bills are recharged, the balance of the slave number is not verified when transferring the balance, and the real-time billing of this month is given priority over the master number; that is to say, when the bill comes out, regardless of whether there is a balance in it, the transfer will be done. . For example, if the bill for the secondary number is 80 yuan and the balance of the primary number is sufficient, no matter whether the secondary number has paid 50 yuan in phone bills, 80 yuan will be transferred from the primary number to the secondary number. The balance of the secondary number is not verified. I don’t know which god came up with the rule.

This is easier to understand when recharging with low balance. If the credit balance of the slave number is less than 10 yuan, recharge 50 yuan. These thresholds can be set.

Whether it is bill recharge or low balance recharge, it will be linked to electronic invoices. This is the most incomprehensible. In the

bill recharge method, when the "transferable balance" or "maximum invoiceable amount" of the master number is less than the bill of the slave number, and it is a monthly invoice, the transferred balance is the "transferable balance" or "maximum invoiceable amount" ” is the smaller value. If it is a paid invoice, the transferred balance is the "transferable balance".

For example: If the phone bill is 80 yuan, the master number can transfer the balance of 100 yuan, but the maximum invoice amount is 20 yuan, then only 20 yuan can be transferred to the slave number for payment, and 60 yuan will still be owed. This 60 yuan needs to be paid actively to the slave number. In the

balance recharge method, when the transferable balance or invoice printable limit of the main number is less than the automatic recharge value set by the user, the transfer will be done based on the smaller of the transferable balance or the invoice printable limit.

gives an example: the balance of the slave number is currently -50 yuan, and we set the recharge threshold to 100 yuan for every recharge less than 10 yuan. If there is a balance of 200 yuan in our main number, then when the amount of the invoice that can be printed is 3 yuan, Only 3 yuan can be transferred from the number. In this case, you have to recharge the remaining 47 yuan yourself.

In the two situations above, what is the significance of activating "Family Payment"? In vain?


The ideal "family payment" transfer form:

If it is a bill recharge, after the bill comes out, the remaining amount should be transferred from the balance of the master number to the slave number after verifying the balance. Payment; whether it is bill recharge or balance recharge, the fee should be paid directly to the slave number from the balance of the master number, regardless of whether the balance of the master number is sufficient.

The main numbers used to process family payment are all main numbers, at least the main numbers of China Unicom. Users will not ignore the number just because the balance is negative.