In 100 years we won't need traffic police anymore. This is my personal prediction and is for reference only. So why do I say that in 100 years we will no longer need traffic police? Because I personally predict that in 100 years, driverless cars will be popular. Smart highways su


100, we no longer need traffic police . This is my personal prediction and is for reference only.

So why do I say that in 100 years we will no longer need traffic police?

Because I personally predict that driverless cars will be popular in 100 years. Smart highways supporting driverless cars will extend in all directions. Many people can understand driverless cars, but many people may not understand smart highways. Next, I will introduce smart highways.

There are various smart devices on smart highways, especially monitoring devices for each driverless car. Once the monitoring equipment detects an abnormality in a certain driverless car, the smart aircraft on the smart highway will quickly fly to the side of the abnormal driverless car and issue a mandatory instruction to stop the abnormal driverless car. To the curb. Then, the intelligent aircraft will quickly detect the driverless car. Once a problem is detected, the driverless car will be repaired in time. If the intelligent aircraft cannot be repaired, the intelligent aircraft will feedback the situation to the intelligent highway management center.

After receiving the feedback from the intelligent aircraft, the Intelligent Highway Management Center immediately sent a repair robot to fly to the abnormal driverless car and then repair the driverless car.

Someone may want to ask, what if a driverless car loses control on a smart highway? For example, what should I do if I hit another driverless car or hit the railing of a smart highway? My answer is that even if a self-driving car loses control, it will not hit other self-driving cars or hit the railings of smart highways. Because other self-driving cars and smart highway railings have the power to resist collisions. For example, if an out-of-control self-driving car is three meters away from other self-driving cars or three meters away from the railings of a smart highway, it will be hit by the force of resistance from other self-driving cars, or it will be knocked down. The vehicle was forced to stop due to the force of impact resistance from the smart highway railing.

It can be said that due to the high development of intelligent technology, traffic accidents will no longer occur. Since there will be no more traffic accidents, why do we need traffic police?