On July 1, Tmall Supermarket Xinjiang City Warehouse was officially opened in Urumqi International Land Port Area. Orders in Xinjiang are shipped locally, and 70% of packages in Xinjiang can be delivered the next day. Consumers in Xinjiang place orders and package and ship them o

On July 1st, Tmall Supermarket Xinjiang City Warehouse was officially opened in Urumqi International Land Port Area. Orders in Xinjiang are shipped locally, and 70% of packages in Xinjiang can be delivered the next day.

Xinjiang consumers place orders and then package and ship them on the spot. Compared with the past, the goods were shipped from the northwest central warehouse, which saves at least 4 days of long-distance delivery time and greatly improves the delivery time. Among them, next-day delivery is available in Urumqi, Changji, Turpan, Ili, Bortala and Karamay.

"I placed an order at Tmall Supermarket in the morning, and in the afternoon the courier knocked on the door and delivered the goods!" Some consumers in Urumqi felt that Tmall Supermarket was speeding up. This batch of packages was shipped from Tmall Supermarket Xinjiang City Warehouse. According to reports, there are currently more than 30,000 kinds of paper towels, grains, oils, rice and noodles and other daily necessities in the warehouse.

It is reported that at present, Tmall Supermarket has formed a deterministic logistics supply chain network of 5 major cargo transfer warehouses, 6 major regional central warehouses and 28 large city warehouses radiating across the country, and is connected to RT-Mart offline store warehouses, allowing Products are constantly getting closer to consumers, providing hourly, half-day and next-day delivery services in more than 300 cities.