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training are an organized management admonishment behavior.

In order to achieve unified scientific and technical specifications and standardized operation requirements, through modern information processes such as goal planning and setting, knowledge and information transfer, skill proficiency drills, assignment achievement evaluation, and results exchange announcements, employees can pass certain education and training techniques Means to achieve overdue level improvement goals.

During the training process, we should pay attention to the trainees' learning curve and information feedback, and listen to the trainees' information in a timely manner, which can help the organization improve the effectiveness of future training and reduce unnecessary expenditures. Classification of


1. According to the time limit, training can be divided into long-term training and short-term training. Long-term training is generally more planned and has a stronger purpose.

2. According to the training method, it can be divided into two types: on-the-job training and off-the-job training.

3. According to the training system, it can be divided into two types: internal training system and external training system.

1) Internal training system includes basic training, applicability training, daily training, individual training and target training, etc.;

2) Training system outside the organization. If divided by educational institutions, they can be divided into three categories:

full-time colleges and universities and adult colleges and universities;

education and training institutions organized by local governments and administrative departments; and schools run by social forces. The purpose of


1 is to adapt to the development and changes of in the external environment of enterprises. The development of

enterprises is the result of the joint action of internal and external factors. On the one hand, enterprises must make full use of the various opportunities and conditions provided by the external environment and seize the opportunity. On the other hand, enterprises must also adapt to changes in the external environment through their own changes. The

enterprise is not a closed system, but an upgrading system that constantly adapts to the outside world. This kind of adaptation is not a static mechanical adaptation, but a dynamic and positive adaptation. This is the so-called system contingency view. External factors work through internal factors. If an enterprise wants to remain invincible in market competition, the key lies in the internal mechanism of the enterprise. The survival and development of an enterprise comes down to the role of people, which can be specifically implemented on how to improve the quality of employees, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, and unleash the creativity of employees. On creativity. Enterprises are a contingency system, and the people who are the main body of the enterprise should also be contingency. That is, enterprises must continuously train their employees so that they can keep up with the times and adapt to the needs of technological and economic development.

2. Meet the needs of gardeners for self-growth

Employees want to learn new knowledge and skills, accept challenging tasks, and be promoted, all of which are inseparable from training. Therefore, employee satisfaction can be enhanced through training. In fact, these expectations can, in some cases, translate into self-fulfilling promises. The higher the expectations, the better the trainees will perform. Conversely, the lower the expectations, the worse the trainee's performance. This phenomenon of self-fulfilling promises is known as the Pygmalion effect .

3. Improve performance

Through training, employees can reduce mistakes at work, reduce injuries and accidents during production, and reduce losses caused by mistakes. At the same time, after employees are trained, waste products can be reduced as their skills improve. Defective products reduce consumption and waste, improve work quality and efficiency, and improve corporate efficiency.

4. Improve corporate quality

Employees’ knowledge and skills have been improved through training. This is only one of the purposes of training. Another main purpose of training is to bring together people with different values, beliefs, different work styles and habits.In accordance with the requirements of the times and business operations, cultural development education is carried out in order to form a unified and harmonious work collective, increase labor productivity, and improve people's work and life quality. To improve the competitiveness of enterprises, enterprises must pay attention to education, training and cultural construction, and give full play to the huge role of the entrepreneurial spirit created thereby.