The first prize winner of the theme competition: a group photo of members of the Project Tracking Team and instructors Zeng Xiangping (third from left) and Jia Yufei (third from right). The first prize winner of the cross-border competition: a group photo of open ocean team membe

The first prize winner of the

theme competition: a group photo of members of the Project Tracking Team and instructors Zeng Xiangping (third from left) and Jia Yufei (third from right). The first prize winner of the

cross-border competition: a group photo of open ocean team members and instructor Jia Yufei (second from right).

Red Internet Moment Huaihua July 1 News (Correspondents Xiao Rong and Wu Xiaoli) On June 26, the finals of the 2022 Hunan Province College Student E-Commerce Competition, sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Department of Education and the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, came to an end. A total of 5 teams from Huaihua College won awards, including 2 first prizes and 3 third prizes.

In terms of the theme competition, the project tracking Wang Zha team's "Borrowing Jiyan - Intelligent Platform for Accurate Integration of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Professional Course Materials" won the first prize, and the Super Team's "Children and Elderly Healthy Knowledge - Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Knowledge Service" won the first prize. "Platform" and "Worry-Relief Grocery Store" of the Long Night Light Search Team won the third prize. In the cross-border competition, the “open ocean team” won the first prize and the “Nebula” team won the third prize.

It is understood that the Hunan Provincial College Student E-Commerce Competition is a category A subject competition with the theme of "Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Practical Combat". It is scored from five aspects: e-commerce, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and speech copywriting, aiming to create a The e-commerce industry's practical training atmosphere for college students, which closely integrates industry, academia, and research, inspires college students' enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship, and provides talent support for the rapid development of Hunan's e-commerce.