Geely responded to "withdrawing from Jidu": still jointly holds shares with Baidu. According to news on June 30, regarding "Geely's withdrawal from Jidu Automobile Investment", Geely responded that this is a normal adjustment made by the company based on business development need

Geely responded to "withdrawing from Jidu": still jointly holds shares with Baidu

html According to news on June 30, Geely responded to "Geely's withdrawal from Jidu Automobile investment", saying that this was based on the company's business development needs. According to the normal adjustment, Jidu is still jointly held by Baidu and Geely, and the shares held by both parties remain unchanged.

Soul went to Hong Kong for IPO, and its revenue in 2021 increased by 157.3% year-on-year.

html On June 30, the social metaverse platform Soul officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The prospectus shows that in 2021, Soul's average daily active users will be 9.3 million, and its average monthly active users will be 31.6 million, of which 59.4% are high-active users who are active for at least 15 days a month. At the same time, Soul’s revenue in 2021 was 1.28 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 157.3%, with a gross profit margin of 85%.

Tencent management adjustments Cheng Wu and Lai Zhiming will no longer serve as vice presidents of the company

html On June 30, Tencent Group issued an internal email announcing that due to business development needs and managers’ focus needs, the current vice president of Tencent Cheng Wu and Lai Zhiming will no longer serve as the company's vice presidents and other management positions in the company.

B Station's small video app "Ling Video" was officially suspended on June 30.

On June 17 this year, Qing Video issued a suspension announcement stating that due to business development adjustments, the Qing Video App will be suspended and offline on June 30, 2022. . After being shut down and offline, all versions of the Light Video App will not be able to log in, display or run, and works shared outside the App will not be able to be jumped and accessed.

Ant , Tencent, Baidu, Jingdong , etc. jointly launched the self-discipline development initiative of the digital collection industry to oppose hype and improve access standards.

The popularity of digital collection ownership has promoted the rapid development of the industry, but some platforms lacking control have caused local chaos. elephant. On June 30, the China Cultural Industry Association jointly launched the "Digital Collection Industry Self-Discipline Development Initiative" with nearly 30 institutions including Ant, Tencent, Baidu, and The initiative hopes to improve industry access standards and oppose secondary transactions of digital collections. and hype. has obtained the qualification to operate taxis and logistics vehicles in Guangzhou

A few days ago, announced that it has been selected into the Guangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicles first batch of vehicle model admission catalogues, becoming the only one selected into the catalog and approved by Guangzhou City for taxis Enterprises qualified for demonstration operation of vehicles and logistics vehicles. On the same day,'s self-driving travel service PonyPilot+, which has been in operation for more than three years in Nansha, officially started charging operations and adopted Guangzhou's unified taxi pricing standards. Passengers can use the PonyPilot+ App to reserve a vehicle and complete the payment through Alipay or WeChat payment.

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