Some e-commerce companies shout shocking slogans all day long, "Kill the dealers completely" and "Give profit terminals, no dealers make the difference." Is this possible? Finished? He shouted so fiercely that he got himself killed. Is it really as simple as the dealer just makin

Some e-commerce companies shout shocking slogans all day long, "Kill the dealers completely" and "Give profit to the terminal, no dealers make the difference." Is it possible? Finished? He shouted so fiercely that he got himself killed. Is it really as simple as the dealer just making the difference in price? Their earning logic is reasonable. They not only provide products but also services. This e-commerce company does not have this link and relies entirely on the manufacturer's own after-sales service. The e-commerce company will not have a backlog of products, and the dealers will have a backlog of products, so they will share the burden accordingly. Some manufacturers have raised funds, and powerful dealers also directly provide funds to manufacturers, but e-commerce funds will not be provided.

All products can be seen and touched offline and the quality of the product is replaced on the spot. If there is a problem, the dealer will find it afterwards. Manufacturers, e-commerce products rely on word of mouth, but they don’t know how difficult it is to implement. If you try to shirk responsibility or find the manufacturer, the service will not be so convenient. E-commerce has price advantages and discounts, but merchants have high-quality services and are popular. Businesses do not make money and do not earn price differences. When selling manufacturer products, manufacturers receive various subsidies. It is also a kind of price difference without situation. Therefore, there is no unprofitable platform for all platforms. We also know that the most popular e-commerce companies can make the fastest and biggest profits. Live-streaming Internet celebrities make the most money, otherwise who will rush to become an e-commerce company? However, there will be limitations in e-commerce services in the future, and they are not allowed to extend their services to offline physical stores.

Because some services can only be completed offline, dealers also rely on With the rapid communication and transaction convenience of the Internet, who can last long, e-commerce or dealers? Everyone knows that at least both have advantages and disadvantages, and combining them into one will create a new complementary and good situation, which is conducive to trend development. #Guangzhou headlines#​#What kind of relationship are friends?#​