On June 24, the 2022 Zhijiang Digital Technology Innovation Conference was held in Hanghai Digital New City, Haining City, Jiaxing. The conference focused on the construction of "Internet +" science and technology innovation highland, and jointly planned the path of digital devel

On June 24, the 2022 Zhijiang Digital Science and Technology Innovation Conference was held in Hanghai Digital New City, Haining City, Jiaxing. The conference focused on the construction of " Internet + " science and technology innovation highland, and jointly planned the path of digital development. Under the name of "Joining the River of Digital Innovation" and focusing on the theme of "Innovation Gathers for Shared Wealth", it fully demonstrated the hard-core scientific and technological innovation capabilities , to explore the future prospects of science and technology innovation highland.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , Rotating Chairman of the Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology Digital Technology Society Tan Jianrong , Member of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology Wu Chuanyu, Jiaxing City Association for Science and Technology, Haining City Association for Science and Technology, Jiaxing All county and city departments Leaders and representatives of the Association for Science and Technology, Deqing County Association for Science and Technology, and relevant towns (subdistricts) of Haining City Hall attended the meeting.

Wu Chuanyu said that the convening of this conference is the first concrete action to implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, and it is also a powerful measure to solidly promote the "two firsts". He emphasized that we must persist in keeping the "biggest person in the country" in mind, insist on improving the quality and empowerment of industries, insist on serving the region, closely rely on the construction of the " Science and Technology Innovation China " model room, and make good use of the expert resources of the Provincial Science and Technology Association Digital Technology Society Consortium , deeply implement the special action of "Ten Thousands of Experts Helping Thousands of Enterprises" to help high-quality regional economic and social development.

Tan Jianrong, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

At the meeting, Academician Tan Jianrong gave a keynote report on "Metaverse: From Concept to Industry". "The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world." He analyzed the popular concept of "Metaverse", clarified its definition and characteristics, and gave an overview of the Metaverse's applications in energy, agriculture, finance and investment from a global perspective. , real estate, vocational education and other industrial directions, and make predictions and suggestions for the future development trend of the Metaverse.

Haining City is a pioneer area for world-class home textile industry clusters. The three traditional local industries of leather, warp knitting, and home textiles are exploring new channels for digital transformation through the collaboration of the industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain. "The digital fashion industry is a subset of the digital world and an important component." Liu Chen, founder and CEO of Stlye3D, based on his own practice in clothing 3D digital services, gave a keynote report on the digital transformation of the traditional home textile industry. New ideas for the development of the times: focusing on the three core opportunities of online sales, quality consumption, and diversified exhibitions and sales, we will build a digitally native fashion technology enterprise.

Roundtable Forum

The roundtable forum session of the conference was hosted by Zhangfeng, vice president and secretary-general of the Zhejiang Digital Economics Society, and invited Zhejiang University Professor Jin Xiaogang, Chairman of Maid Intelligent Technology Lu Yonggui, and local enterprise representative Jing Huabao Shang CEO Lin Yi and Xinbaoshi Clothing CEO Cao Zhenjie jointly discussed the development status and trends of the fashion industry, and gave tips on digital transformation: the fashion industry must embrace digital technology as early as possible and fully embrace young talent resources. It must have enterprises " The top-level design of "No. 1" also requires high-quality digital solutions. Industry experts join hands with technical experts to continue to polish and iterate.

The opening ceremony of the advanced research class

At the meeting, the opening ceremony of the 2022 provincial advanced training project for professional and technical talents "Enterprise Digital Transformation and Intelligent Manufacturing" was held. Managers of more than 70 traditional enterprises in Haining and surrounding provinces and cities will participate in the three-day training, focusing on six major topics including intelligent manufacturing, big data, enterprise digital transformation, industrial brain, lean production, and future factories. , study and discuss the latest theoretical practice of digital economic system construction.

Specialized enterprise docking site

In response to the call for the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Zhejiang-wide pilot work, to further provide enterprises with relief and problem-solving, and to promote the deep integration of science and technology and economy, the conference simultaneously launched the joint activity "Ten Thousand Experts Help Ten Thousand Enterprises" Haining Tour for Specialized Enterprise Docking meeting.

30 experts from the Provincial Science and Technology Association Digital Technology Society Consortium led by Academician Tan Jianrong had face-to-face exchanges with more than 60 Haining companies. The participating companies cover home textiles, material and equipment manufacturing, surveying and mapping geographical information, logistics robots and other fields.Experts focused on the current status of industrial development, conducted industry consultations on common issues, "pulsed and inquired" on specific issues, and customized special plans to assist enterprises in relieving difficulties and cultivating talents.

Visit the Xucun Town Urban Planning Museum

Under the guidance of China Association for Science and Technology, this conference is co-sponsored by the Provincial Association for Science and Technology and the Haining Municipal People's Government, organized by the Provincial Association for Science and Technology Digital Technology Association, Jiaxing Municipal Association for Science and Technology, and Haining Municipal Science and Technology Association Supported by the Association, Xucun Town People's Government, Hanghai Digital New City, and the Provincial Association for Science and Technology New Materials and New Energy Society.

In recent years, Haining has focused on digital industrialization and industrial digitization, vigorously promoted the planning and construction of Hanghai Digital New City, built a strong city in the province's digital economy and industry, and is in the first echelon of digital reform in the province. The Zhijiang Digital Science and Technology Innovation Conference combines Haining's actual industrial development with the purpose of highlighting practical results. It hopes to take this opportunity to build a platform for government-industry-university-research linkage and interdisciplinary exchanges of "digital empowerment, innovation leadership, and industry drive" to provide local Provide guidance on the development of digital economy . Hanghai Digital New City, where the

conference was held, is located in Xucun Town, Haining City. It was jointly built by the Haining Municipal People's Government, Zhejiang University Insigma Group Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Digital Economics Association. With the intelligent Internet of Things AIoT as its leading industry, the new city develops digital medical , digital fashion, blockchain and other characteristic industries, with intelligent manufacturing as an extension, forming an industrial development system of "one main, three special and one extension" to empower local people. and the overall transformation and upgrading of surrounding industries, striving to become the third pole of Zhejiang’s digital economy.

Source: Technology Wulinmen