Everyone knows that the United States has encountered difficulties in dismantling Huawei and ZTE equipment. The US$1.9 billion initially prepared was completely insufficient for the operators' dismantling plan. It is reported that it will take more than US$5 billion to completely

Everyone knows that the United States has encountered difficulties in dismantling Huawei and ZTE equipment. The US$1.9 billion initially prepared was not enough for the operators' dismantling plans. It is reported that more than US$5 billion will be spent to achieve all the requirements. demolition purposes. At this time, Lao Mei came up with a way, that is, not to approve part of the applications submitted by operators.

At first, everyone really thought that the materials submitted by operators were not standardized enough, but then it was revealed that the portion of that was not approved by the relevant departments in the United States just made up the difference between US$1.9 billion and more than US$5 billion. gap. Therefore, this has to make the outside world speculate that Lao America is planning to default on its debts in this way.

However, everyone still generally believes that this method in the United States will not work, because most local operators in the United States are still using Huawei and other equipment after the dismantling plan for such a long time. If continues to develop according to the situation, if it cannot be obtained in the future There is a high probability that subsidized operators will continue to use Huawei's equipment, which will defeat the plan of the United States to dismantle it.

After all, operators are unable to fully bear this part of the funds that even the United States is unwilling to provide. Moreover, local operators in the United States have always complained about this matter. Therefore, I personally feel that the way Lao America plans to default on its debt is not a good solution. To a certain extent, there is a high possibility that Lao America's plan will fail.

However, foreign media do not view this in this way. Foreign media said that the plan of Laos and the United States to dismantle Huawei equipment will not fail. The reason why said this is personally related to the recent announcement by British Telecom.

In fact, as early as when the UK began to widely dismantle Huawei equipment, British Telecom stated that this was a difficult plan, and earlier this year, British Telecom also publicly criticized the existence of 5G Open RAN of Vodafone Excessive hype. In short, BT's attitude has always been clear. Recently, British Telecom publicly expressed its hope that the British side would postpone their plan to dismantle Huawei equipment.

In this regard, many interpretations are that British Telecom has sent a signal that it is so difficult to dismantle Huawei equipment, and it is very likely that they will give up. After all, postponement is already a delaying tactic. This is exactly the same operation as the "debt" in the United States. But is it really so?

Personally I don’t think so. According to data, in May 2021, the operator had already started dismantling Huawei equipment at approximately 12,000 sites. This means that British Telecom has already put this matter on its schedule, and it is unlikely that it will be dismantled in half now. After all, this is really useless work. Now, the reason why British Telecom asked for an extension of the demolition is not that they do not want to continue this plan, but because the British side has a prescribed time limit for demolition. Once this period is exceeded, British Telecom will face high fines every day. Obviously, this is the real reason why BT wants to postpone.

I have to say that this operation by the UK is a "good start" for the United States. If wants to dismantle Huawei's equipment but does not want to spend so much money, then it will set a time limit. Once the operator cannot dismantle it, then Then the fines started. We do not rule out that the United States will learn from this approach. After all, the United States has a much tougher attitude than the United Kingdom when it comes to dismantling Huawei equipment. If this is the case, it is relatively reasonable for foreign media to believe that Lao America's calculation will not fail.

In short, I personally feel that we should not think that the United States will relent on this matter. How do you view this matter? Welcome to leave comments, like and share!