Follow Huizhi Interactive Entertainment Intelligence to learn about new developments in digital marketing. On the evening of June 21, Apple officially entered the Douyin platform and opened its official account "Apple". As of June 29, the account has nearly 700,000 followers and

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On the evening of June 21st, apple officially entered the Douyin platform and opened the official account "Apple". As of June 29, the account has nearly 700,000 followers and is still growing rapidly.

Source: Douyin screenshot

Currently, there are 4 short video works officially updated by Apple on the Douyin account. The themes are creative videos shot by different creators using iPhone.

At the same time, Apple also launched the topic #shoot with iPhone# on the Douyin platform, encouraging everyone to use iPhones to "take beautiful photos of what you see." As of June 29, related videos on this topic have been viewed 510 million times.

Why did Apple choose Douyin?

In recent years, with the development of technology and the advancement of the times, the short video industry has risen rapidly. The Douyin platform has become an important part of the Internet traffic ecology, with more than 600 million daily active users. Just like its slogan "Record a good life", Douyin encourages users to express, communicate and record.

Creators have always been a group valued by Apple’s software and hardware ecosystem. From the current operations, it can be inferred that the main direction of positioning Apple’s Douyin account is to encourage more local users to use iPhones through some sharing or teaching videos. Video creation.

Apple hopes to use its most active and sticky video creation platform to inspire users to use its products to shoot Douyin content, in order to demonstrate the product's shooting functions and stimulate users' creativity. It also hopes to use this platform to gain reverse understanding. The preferences of the current Internet crowd.

In fact, Apple’s entry into Douyin has already been traced, because in August last year, Apple launched the international version of Douyin, the official account of TikTok, and released its first content. The account currently has more than 1.5 million fans, and the content is all videos shot by different creators based on Apple products such as iPad, ApplePay, AirPods, etc.

Apple’s entry into the Douyin platform shows that Apple intends to launch a new publicity strategy on domestic social media in the long term.

In an era when marketing information is diluted and user attention is highly scarce, the reason why Apple chose Douyin seems to be obvious: no brand in would refuse such a huge amount of traffic, and technology giants are no exception to .

From experimental advertising to official brand entry, more and more brands are transforming towards youth marketing. After all, various data prove to us that young consumers occupy the core position of today's consumer market, and Z generation has become an important driving force for market growth in many fields. How to please young people is a big topic in the industry.

Brand marketing can only catch up with the changes in users and take advantage of short video traffic dividends and product dividends. Huizhi Interactive Entertainment’s smart short video business will effectively combine customer brand image, user positioning, corporate products, corporate culture and brand needs to provide customized short video marketing services.

(Service Process)

Huizhi Interactive Entertainment Intelligence will use professional marketing methods to convey the brand to users through entertainment interaction, new scene integration, emotional narrative and other dialogue methods that are consistent with the characteristics of short videos, and output valuable, Content that can touch people's hearts helps companies better communicate their brands.

(Service system)

Huizhi Intelligent Digital Innovation

In 2022, Huizhi Interactive Entertainment Intelligence will insist on operating related services with short videos, give full play to its own resources and advantages, empower more users with services, and use products and services to accelerate the industry development and help more brands build industrial prosperity.