[Mobile China News] The annual 618 is a good time for shopping, especially electronic products. Many consumers will choose to place orders during the event. Now more than ten days have passed since 618. Strategy Analytics has calculated the mobile phone sales of 618 this year. Pe

[ mobile China news] The annual 618 is a good time for shopping, especially electronic products. Many consumers will choose to place orders during the event. Now more than ten days have passed since 618. Strategy Analytics has calculated the mobile phone sales of 618 this year. Perhaps due to the epidemic, everyone's enthusiasm for purchasing machines is not as high as in previous years.

iPhone 13 series

Strategy Analytics’ latest report shows that during China’s 618 Online Shopping Festival this year, smartphone sales were 14 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 25%. Apple performed better than the market during this year’s 618 Online Shopping Festival, with nearly 7 million iPhones sold, a slight decrease of 4% year-on-year, accounting for about half of the 618 smartphone sales. It is estimated that during this year's 618 Online Shopping Festival, about 49% of smartphones were sold through Jingdong , followed by Tmall and Taobao (a combined sales share of 30%). It is also estimated that Douyin and Kuaishou contributed 8% and 6% of online smartphone sales this year, up from 3% and 2% last year.

Apple’s transaction volume exceeded 100 million in one second

Jingdong 618 data shows that within 10 minutes after the event started at 8 pm on June 17, the transaction volume of 11 stores instantly exceeded 100 million. In terms of digital, the transaction volume of Xiaomi , Honor , vivo, OPPO , OnePlus, Motorola, Gionee , Little Pepper and other mobile phones increased by 200% year-on-year within 10 minutes. Among them, Apple's sales exceeded 100 million units in one second, sales of and Xiaomi mobile phones increased more than five times year-on-year, and sales of Honor mobile phones exceeded 100,000 units in one minute.