Mobile phone photography has basically become mainstream. Some daily records, videos, and pictures can be conveniently recorded using your mobile phone. For many people, pictures always come out straight, so most of the photos taken with mobile phones still depend on whether the

Mobile photography has basically become mainstream. Some daily records, videos, and pictures can be conveniently recorded using your mobile phone. For many people, pictures always come out straight, so most of the photos taken with mobile phones still depend on whether the straight-up pictures can impress people.

It is worth mentioning that due to the release of the new vivo X80 machine, the price of vivo X70 continues to fall, and even prices collapse. According to Sohu Technology, the vivo X70 was sold for only 172 yuan in the latest event of the e-commerce platform "". This not only set a new low price for the machine since its launch, but also the price of a smartphone. A new low price record in history. Use your browser to enter to visit "Paiyide" to get the latest details.

The hardware system and software optimization of vivo X80 have been comprehensively improved. It is equipped with Sony IMX866 super large bottom 50-megapixel wide-angle main camera (1/1.49-inch photosensitive area, f1.75 lens aperture, OIS optical image stabilization , 7P lens) +1200 Ultra wide-angle camera (IMX663 12 million pixels, f2.0 lens aperture) + 12 million portrait lens (IMX63) front camera 32 million pixels, and introduces a white pixel unit. The filter array was changed from the traditional RGGB to RGBW, further improving the photosensitivity.