As we all know, software is the soul of information technology, and operating systems are the foundation and platform for software applications. The open source community provides good research and development soil for software. The continuous enhancement of software technology s

is so happy! Recently, the openKylin community, China’s first independent desktop operating system developer platform, was officially released! China's software technology can finally break through its dependence on the United States and the West from the root. It no longer has to worry about being blocked by technology in the name of unwarranted reasons and being choked by others!

Open source community is the root of independent innovation in software technology

As we all know, software is the soul of information technology, and the operating system is the foundation and platform for software applications. The open source community provides a good research and development soil for software, and the strength of software technology continues to improve. Enhancements also feed back to the open source community. This is directly related to information security and national security! The open source community is an important engine for promoting my country's construction of Digital China, an important strategy for my country's future software development, and an important part of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The global information technology system is concentrated abroad. It is almost impossible to develop on the other party's system architecture and surpass competitors who have mastered the core technology. The most critical thing is that when key core technologies are controlled by the opponent, it is easy to get "stuck." To put it bluntly, if you want to use it, I will let you use it. If you don’t want to use it, I will turn it off completely. It all depends on the other person’s face and mood.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has allowed us to see the absolute advantages of information warfare and technological warfare on a country's information security and technological security. Once a country encounters technical sanctions and information sanctions, it will be in a passive state in all aspects. They are even deprived of the right to develop the information industry. Therefore, the development of domestic operating systems is not only an information security issue, but also involves the development right of the information industry.

As Academician Liao Xiangke said: "At present, my country's basic software and hardware technology is not highly innovative and difficult to achieve sharing, which has seriously affected the development of my country's digital economy and the prosperity of the open source ecosystem. Especially in the field of desktop operating systems, with Linux Desktop operating systems based on "HTML" have long been at a disadvantage in terms of ease of use, software and hardware ecology, etc. "

If you want to avoid being "stuck" by the other party and not "technically held hostage" by the other party, you can only take the road of independence and create your own. Chinese operating system and underlying architecture technology. And this road is so difficult! It’s a long road ahead! For this moment, several generations of people have spent their efforts and energy from the late 1980s and early 1990s to the present. However, we are still catching up.

China finally has its own desktop operating system open source root community

June 24, 2022, a day worth remembering by everyone. China's first desktop operating system root community openKylin is officially released! This is China's first desktop operating system root community, a new starting point for China's open source! It is a major breakthrough in the independent information technology system represented by China's Linux desktop operating system!

In 2021, China’s Linux desktop operating system shipments will exceed 5% for the first time. China will become the largest Linux desktop market, with the foundation to develop an independent ecosystem and the ability to lead the development of Linux desktop systems.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is a critical period for the construction of digital China. Since open source was included in the national "14th Five-Year Plan" for the first time in 2021, the basic software industry has pressed the "accelerator button" on open source, and China's software industry has ushered in a new era. Unprecedented opportunities to break new ground. The establishment of the openKylin root community is a powerful response to listen to the call of the times and focus on the forefront of technology.

As the core force of China's operating system and at the forefront of independent innovation, Kirin Software is well aware of the importance of open source. In order to overcome the "stuck neck" shortcomings of China's core software technology, it takes the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of strengthening the country. Kylin Software made full use of decades of operating system research and development results and more than ten years of experience in the development and construction of open source communities to lead the launch of China's first desktop operating system root community, and the openKylin open source community came into being.

Seven academicians rarely speak together, a new starting point for open source in China

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Shen Changxiang, Academician Ni Guangnan , Academician Gui Weihua , Academician Zheng Weimin , Academician Wang Yaonan, Academician Liao Xiangke, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician Wang Huaimin and other scientific The masters were all invited to attend the press conference and delivered speeches. They highly affirmed the strategic significance of the openKylin community for the development of open source technology in China, and called on more industry partners to join in and work together to create a desktop with "industry leadership, platform independence, advanced technology, and rich ecology" The operating system root community also expressed its ardent hopes for the development of openKylin open source community.

Kylin Software, as the initiator of this open source community, Academician Shen Changxiang has expressed great concern about this. Kylin Software has teamed up with many domestic operating system manufacturers to release the openKylin open source community. In this era, there is an urgent need to "make up for weak points and forge strong points." ", excellent service" is of great strategic significance, and its core concept of community building - co-creation, also allows it to assume the important task of being an industry leader.

Academician Ni Nanguang said: "As an operating system innovation platform, openkylin is committed to building a desktop operating system open source community through open source and open community cooperation, and will contribute to promoting China's open source cause and promoting global technological innovation."

from It is possible to transform an open source country into a powerful open source country

From being based on open source, contributing to open source, and leading open source, Kylin Software, the initiator and leader of the openKylin community, has been deeply involved in the fertile soil of the open source ecosystem for more than ten years. The hard work of several generations, the hard work of several generations, and the hard work of several generations have finally led to today's development situation.

Plant a sycamore tree and a phoenix will perch. The establishment of the openKylin community provides convenience to the vast number of programmers, and developers. It also calls on enterprises and developers to actively contribute to the community and jointly promote China's open source community from a large open source country to a powerful open source country, and contribute to accelerating the digital China. Build and truly break through the technological blockade between the United States and the West from the root, find a path of independent innovation, and lay a solid foundation for leading the common development of science and technology in the world.