Each company has seen a significant decline, but only Honor has grown significantly. Why do Chinese people buy Honor phones? At present, the market statistics agency has released a statistical table of mobile phone sales in the domestic market in May. From the statistics, it can

has declined significantly, but only and Honor have increased significantly. Why do Chinese people buy Honor phones?

Currently, the market statistics agency has released a statistical table of mobile phone sales in the domestic market in May. From the statistics, it can be seen that in May, smartphone shipments dropped significantly, but only Honor mobile phones showed a significant increase, and it was a sharp increase. This situation is a bit strange. Let’s take a look at the details.

It can be seen from the statistical table that Honor and OPPO both shipped 3.2 million units, ranking first in shipments in May 2022. However, Honor has a year-on-year increase of 70.9%, while OPPO has a year-on-year increase of 70.9%. down 40.5%. Then came vivo, with shipments of 3.1 million units, down 36.9% year-on-year; then came Apple mobile phones, with shipments of 3 million units, down 10.8% year-on-year; and finally Xiaomi mobile phone , down 24.2% year-on-year. Except for Honor, other brands have obvious sales decline trends.

As for Honor, there seems to be no obvious promotion in May, and the surge in sales is probably because Honor mobile phones are equipped with the Hongmeng system independently developed by Huawei , and many friends have the desire to try out the Hongmeng system. After all, It is the first successful mobile phone system independently developed in China.

So, why do you think Chinese people buy Honor phones?