On June 27, Xpeng Motors Chairman and CEO He Xiaopeng released a video of Xpeng Motors City NGP internal technology testing on his social platform (Weibo). In the video, He Xiaopeng is in the driver's seat, Wu Xinzhou, vice president of autonomous driving of Xpeng Motors, is in t

On June 27, Xpeng Motors Chairman and CEO He Xiaopeng released a video of Xpeng Motors City NGP internal technology test on its social platform (Weibo). In the video, He Xiaopeng is in the driver's seat, Wu Xinzhou, vice president of autonomous driving of Xpeng Motors, is in the passenger seat, and two other staff are in the back seat. They started from Xiaopeng Motors headquarters and passed through Keyun Road, Linjiang Avenue, Machang Road, Huacheng Avenue, Liede Bridge, Shuangta Road, and finally arrived at Canton Tower. The entire test mileage was 17 kilometers, taking 49 minutes, and the entire test was taken over once.

The video lasts about 15 minutes. In the video, you can see that they went through 180-degree U-turns, traffic light recognition, lane changes and detours, unprotected left turns, large vehicle response, and low-speed following judgment. He Xiaopeng and Wu Xinzhou also discussed how to deal with extreme weather. They agreed that extreme weather should remind the driver to take over and turn off this function.

Z Post He Xiaopeng summarized the test experience: In straight lines or on congested sections of the road, the experience brought by Xiaopeng NGP is very comfortable, just like the experience of a mature driver driving; unprotected left turns are done very well and are relatively cautious. But there are two points that need to be optimized: first, when there is a car approaching from the side, there will be a time delay when the vehicle brakes to zero and then speeds up; second, when there are many obstacles or pedestrians around the vehicle, it will be more stressful. What made him feel particularly uncomfortable was that when there were large buses nearby, he felt that the IQ of the vehicles had dropped by a generation, and they were as overly cautious as a child meeting an adult.

He Xiaopeng believes that only when high-level intelligent assisted driving enters the car, and it can run automatically every time you drive, and associate other capabilities, can it be called a smart car. The previous smart cars were called the reserve team or the initial stage. They had certain intelligence, but they were not smart enough. "But I am still quite confident that the intelligent assisted driving we do surpasses all competitors," He Xiaopeng said.

Wu Xinzhou, vice president of autonomous driving of Xpeng Motors, said that the most painful thing about being an urban NGP is that there is no benchmark and can only be benchmarked with drivers. However, experienced drivers sometimes still have a relatively high standard, and they hope to directly benchmark with L4 companies in the future. According to the standard, the experience of L4 company can be achieved at the cost of a mass-produced car.

After He Xiaopeng posted the video, Jidu Automobile Co., Ltd. CEO Xia Yiping also forwarded it on its social platform, with the text "You will soon be able to compete with Jidu's fully integrated autonomous driving PK." No. Do you know if this is a "war letter" to Xpeng Motors?

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