No refund but only virtual currency, many well-known apps have been complained

"Learning Coin", "Knowing Coin", "Q Coin", "Bixin Coin", "Planet Coin"... As more and more consumers spend online in the App, the virtual currency of the platform is becoming more and more diverse . These virtual currencies can often only be used inside the App, and some are even restricted in the types of goods purchased on the platform, but they are treated as "money" for refunds when consumers apply for refunds. Consumers began to question: "For cash-purchased services, I have successfully applied for a refund, but why can I only refund virtual coins?"

The refund application was passed, but the money became a learning currency

, Consumer Xiaomo (pseudonym) spent 1765 yuan on homework help to purchase live mathematics courses from September this year to January next year. Later, because the course conflicted with the offline tutoring class, Xiaomo applied for a refund. After the application was successful, Xiaomo discovered that the tuition fee was not returned to the account in the same way, but turned into 17,659 coins in the homework app.

Xiaomo asked the customer service, and the customer service said: "Student coins will take effect immediately after purchase, and refunds are not supported." "Student coins have no validity period. The purchased coins do not support withdrawal applications."

Customer service reply Xiaomo She did not agree. She believed that “the funds recharged in the account belong to the consumer, and I have the right to request a refund and withdrawal.”

After the customer service refused to withdraw, Xiaomo complained online. After the complaint, the job that had originally refused to refund gave Xiaomo a refund.

On October 11, the reporter consulted the homework help customer service regarding the refund. The customer service told reporters clearly: "The service purchased by the consumer with cash can be refunded, and the learning currency can also be refunded as cash. As long as the consumer needs it, please contact the customer service, and the refund can be returned to the payment account within 3 working days. "Refunds can be made smoothly without any hindrance." For consumers who purchase services in the Apple App Store, the customer service said, "Cash refunds are also possible, and Apple will charge consumers 30% of the procedures. Fees.”

Even so, on the Black Cat complaint platform, there are still a large number of complaints from consumers requesting the refund of cash that have not been resolved. Some netizens complained,I signed up for the homework to help the live class, and one of the courses chose to refund because it was not very helpful. The refund application was obviously successful, but instead of returning the tuition fee to WeChat Pay, the student currency was refunded.

"Why can't they be recharged in cash?" Some netizens consulted the customer service for homework, but the customer service told me: "Study coins are virtual coins, and refunds, withdrawals or transfers to others are not supported after recharging." Not only that, learn coins Nor can it be used to purchase physical objects.

does not refund but only returns "coins". Many well-known apps have been complained

In fact, not only job help, but many well-known apps have been complained by consumers about similar problems.

Some consumers spent 50 yuan to buy a hearing training camp gift card on 百词切. The product description stated that there is no reason to refund within 7 days, but the refund has become a virtual "gold coin" .

Baicizhan customer service told reporters that due to the purchase agreement of Apple , the course refund Baicizhan only supports the refund of gold coins. If consumers need to return cash, they need to apply for a refund to Apple.

Search on the black cat complaint platform with keywords such as "refund" and "refund", and you can see a large number of related complaints. The larger number of complaints is , QQ Music, Bilibili, Bi Heart, knowledge planet, etc. "Study currency", "Zhihu currency", "Q currency", "Bixin currency", "Planet currency"...These various virtual currencies cannot be withdrawn or refunded in the user's account, and some services are even available for purchase. Limitations, no wonder there are consumers complaining, this is "compulsory consumption" in disguise.

Hunan Jinzhou Law Firm Lawyer Yi Xu told reporters that if a user recharges cash on the platform, the money on the platform still belongs to the consumer, and the user still has the right to dispose of or gain from the property, and the platform refuses to refund The act violated the " Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China".According to Article 7 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, consumers have the right to personal and property safety when purchasing, using goods and receiving services. “Consumers have the right to require the goods and services provided by operators to comply The requirement to protect personal and property safety. The platform's refusal to refund infringes the property rights of consumers." Yi Xu said.

In addition, it is unreasonable for the platform to refuse a refund on the grounds of "consumers paying in the Apple app store". "The money on the platform belongs to consumers, and the rights and interests of consumers must not be harmed for unreasonable reasons." Yi Xu said.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Li Shu

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