5 reasons why Pinduoduo products are cheap. How many do you know?

Pinduoduo can now be said to be a household name. When it comes to Pinduoduo, many people love and hate it. Love is because of its cheap price, and hate because of often buying contrasting products

At the same time, there are many people. I don’t understand why the products on Pinduoduo are so cheap? Where did their sources of goods come from? This is probably a question that many people are thinking about.

Today I will share this knowledge. If you like, please don’t forget to pay attention to the collection, lest you can’t find me in the picture again

Anything has just started to go on the market. Whether it is management or sales, it must be a little messy and irregular, and it is all out of the situation of doing, groping, and perfecting

At the beginning, Taobao is also fake After the proliferation of goods, after a slow rectification, it has become like this. After all, Pinduoduo is an online shopping platform that has only been listed for 5 years. At the beginning, because the management system could not keep up, the appearance of fake goods is inevitable, no matter which one it is. The platform, if you want to develop in the long-term, you must continue to improve, especially in terms of fakes. If you continue to indulge in it for a long time, then your platform cannot go too far. So the management of the platform, they are better than us. Understand, just want to manage such a big platform, so many people, it will take time

Fortunately, Pinduoduo's return mechanism is relatively complete, if you are not satisfied, and if you encounter any problems, you can choose to return , This is better than other online shopping platforms, I feel a lot better

The other is that people are generally concerned and interested in that, why are Pinduoduo's products sold so cheaply? Where do their goods come from? Why some products are cheaper than wholesale prices. After a careful understanding, there are probably the following reasons:

a stock of stock

We all know the manufacturers, no matter what products are produced, they are mass-produced. Market demand is also a very unstable data. For example, last year and this year, no one expected an epidemic to occur, and seeing this trend, one or two years may not be stable. Therefore, the products produced the year before were affected by this. The impact of the two-year epidemic,It will definitely cause a large amount of inventory

. We know that backlog of products can easily cause difficulty in capital turnover, and inventory will consume a large amount of capital, so at this time, instead of placing it in space, it is better to sell as soon as possible to recover the capital, even if it is lower than the cost price. Sales are also stronger than where they are placed, which takes up a lot of space and money. Especially for clothing, styles are changed very quickly. Once the styles are out of date, the loss may be greater. Therefore, Pinduoduo products are cheaper, and many of them are low in this situation. Selling at cost prices, as consumers will naturally feel cheap

Direct sales from the second source factory

In other words, there are many products. If the previous sales methods are adopted, they will be sold through many middlemen, one Layers of price increase finally came into our hands. It was originally an ex-factory price of one yuan, but in the end it became more than ten yuan or more

. So many source manufacturers began to sell on the Internet by themselves, and many of them were missing. The link directly reduces part of the factory and transportation costs, and the price is naturally much cheaper

However, on Taobao, because Taobao’s mechanism uses a low-price shielding strategy, it means that you are not allowed to sell at a low price, so they can only Selling on Pinduoduo, this is one of the reasons why some products are very cheap

Three Express is cheap

Pinduoduo adopts a cheap strategy, so it increases the control of logistics costs, actively and postal, and Small logistics company cooperation

Four promotion marketing model

The promotion method of Pinduoduo is different from Taobao. Pinduoduo is displayed through discounts. In layman's terms, merchants who stay in Taobao must pay Give some money to the Taobao platform so that the platform can show you products and help businesses increase sales. As the saying goes, wool comes from the sheep. Naturally, the cost of this part of the payment should be included in the price of the product sold. Most of the cost of Taobao promotion It’s very high, and some can cost half of the total cost, so it’s natural for its products to sell at a high price

Pinduoduo is completely different from Taobao, and its promotion mechanism is more advanced.The platform will require merchants to use low-priced activities in exchange for display positions, so that they can attract consumers through cheap products, and increase the exposure of the platform and products. It seems that they are losing money. In fact, they are selling explosive models. And sales, so they also make money

By selling low-quality products in exchange for display positions, this logic can be a good answer, why you will buy products for one yuan on Pinduoduo and participate in the fight When the group’s products reach the agreed single number or sales, they can resume normal price sales, mainly to earn money from normal price sales

Friends who often visit Pinduoduo, will find that Pinduoduo has a lot of normal prices There is not much difference between the products sold and Taobao’s sales price

Five commissions

Another reason is that Taobao’s service commission is much higher than that of Taobao. Taobao has hidden deductions. Pinduoduo does not, so the same brand, the same quality, Pinduoduo is cheaper

Six cottage version

There is also a copycat version, that is, they are sold under the same brand, the style is the same, but the quality But it’s completely different, so it makes sense to pay for what you pay for.

In short, Pinduoduo does have fakes, but we can’t ignore the truth behind Pinduoduo. For example, if it can survive, it must have its own. The reason is

Another e-commerce diversification, that is to say, Pinduoduo has launched a marketing strategy that is different from other platforms, and this road is still very effective for the time being

Although our country is now richer , But don’t forget that we are a country with vast land and abundant resources. Second- and third-tier cities still account for most of the low-end consumption

. Pinduoduo is easy to use. There are many elderly people, I am afraid there are not many people. They will use Alipay, but they will all use Pinduoduo's payment method. This is another reason why Pinduoduo has risen rapidly

Today’s sharing is here. Friends can choose online shopping platforms freely according to their situation and preference.

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