Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography

2024/06/2205:30:33 technology 1971

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography needs? Or even say, can it have a try with the flagship model? In order to answer these doubts, today we chose OPPO Reno8 Pro+ equipped with the self-developed chip Mariana X, and compared it with the two flagships of Samsung S22+ and iPhone 13.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(From left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

This article will only compare the main cameras of three mobile phones, that is, the 50-megapixel main camera of OPPO Rneo8 Pro+, the 50-megapixel wide-angle main camera of Samsung S22+ and the iPhone 13 12 million wide-angle main camera.

Daytime sample comparison

The first set of photos, from the perspective of screen color, OPPO Reno8 Pro+ is the most pleasing, followed by iPhone 13, and finally Samsung S22+. For photos with rich colors, the vividness of Reno8 Pro+ will have a stronger visual impact.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(from left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

Comparing the second set of photos, Reno8 Pro+ also has more colorful colors, especially the green paint on the body surface, which looks more eye-catching, which is perfect for those who like to take casual photos. More friendly. And thanks to the powerful computing power of the self-developed chip Mariana

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(From left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

Night scene sample comparison

Comparison of the first set of photos. Pay attention to the light strips on the surface of the tent. The highlight overexposure problem of iPhone13 and Samsung S22+ is more obvious, and the lights cannot be distinguished. The details within the strips, and Reno8 Pro+, thanks to the computing power of the self-developed chip Mariana X, completely presents the shape of each lamp bead, and has excellent highlight suppression capabilities.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(from left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

We continue to zoom in, and we can find that the Reno8 Pro+ is brighter, and the dark details are restored best. It looks clean and transparent, and the look and feel is indeed better than the iPhone13 and Samsung S22+. a little better.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(from left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

Comparison of the second set of photos. After zooming in, it is found that iPhone13 and Samsung S22+ still have serious glare problems, especially the little rabbit light sign on the right, which can only be dimmed. Make out the outline and eyes. On the other hand, the performance of Reno8 Pro+ can be said to be very good. The details of the rabbit light brand are very good and the overall look and feel is very comfortable. It seems that having an additional self-developed chip will really help a lot.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(from left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)

Comparison of the third set of photos. From the perspective of the picture, because Reno8 Pro+ is slightly brighter, it looks more comfortable and has richer colors, followed by Samsung S22+ , and finally iPhone13. In terms of details, all three models are well done, especially the bottles placed in the cupboard. The details of the bottles are still clearly visible after being enlarged.

Consumers have always paid close attention to the camera capabilities of mobile phones, especially the popular light flagship models in the 3K price range. Consumers have higher requirements for their camera capabilities. So, can today’s light flagships meet our daily photography - DayDayNews

(from left: iPhone13, Samsung S22+, OPPO Reno8 Pro+)


By comparing the main cameras of the three mobile phones, we found that although their respective training styles lead to differences in color and brightness performance, overall , the imaging effects are satisfactory.

OPPO Reno8 Pro+ is the representative of current light flagships. The photos it takes have a better look and pleasing colors. Even compared with flagships such as iPhone13 and Samsung S22+, it still has the power to fight, especially with the self-developed chip Mariana X. With the blessing, the night scene performance is very good. If your budget is around 3K and you have certain requirements for taking photos, Reno8 Pro+ is worth considering!

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