In today's society, under the dual influence of the epidemic and the turbulent international situation, the economy is sluggish, people are impetuous, and the prosperity of science and technology has caused people to run meaninglessly on the information highway. How to stay away

2024/06/2016:15:33 technology 1327
In today's society, under the dual influence of the epidemic and the turbulent international situation, the economy is sluggish, people are impetuous, and the prosperity of science and technology has caused people to run meaninglessly on the information highway. How to stay away  - DayDayNews

In today's society, under the dual influence of the epidemic and the turbulent international situation, the economy is sluggish, people are impetuous, and the more prosperous science and technology is, the more prosperous the technology is, causing people to run meaninglessly on the information highway . How to stay away from the flashy technological carnival and maintain rational thinking? Jiahui Han and Tang Bookstore Dazzling brilliance recommended reading, "Brilliant because of thought", I hope it can lead everyone to find the value of life from science itself.

In just the past 5 years, AI has defeated the human world champions in Go, poker, e-sports game Dota2 and other competitions. It is even powerful enough to learn chess from scratch in 4 hours, and then defeats all humans. chess player. In 2020, people used AI to overcome a biological problem of the past 50 years-protein folding. So with the continuous iteration and development of AI technology, where will the future of mankind lead? The famous artificial intelligence expert Kai-fu Lee creatively collaborated with the science fiction writer Chen Qiufan to imagine the human world under the influence of artificial intelligence and other technologies 20 years later.

html Most of the predictions made 14 years ago have come true

New predictions are coming

Kai-fu Lee once made many predictions in the book "AI·Future" published in 2018: On the basis of massive data and increasing computing power, with the automation technology and As perception technology gradually matures, various commercial practices in data-driven, autonomous decision-making robots, driverless transportation, etc. will gradually emerge. He also deduced that AI will be applied in many fields such as industrial digitization, manufacturing, finance, retail, and transportation. These advances will create huge economic value for human society, but at the same time, it will also make human society face the upcoming wave of unemployment. challenge. Most of the predictions made four years ago have come true.

Now, Kai-Fu Lee hopes that "The Future of AI" can look at the future of AI from a more far-sighted perspective. He said in the preface of "The Future of AI": "AI will promote the development of human society to a great extent and bring huge surprises to mankind through many practical application scenarios. First of all, AI will create unprecedented value for society. According to the prediction of the world's top accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers , AI will create an economic value of US$15.7 trillion by 2030, which will directly help eliminate poverty and hunger. Secondly, AI will also use efficient computing to Taking over some repetitive tasks, liberating humans from busy and arduous daily tasks, allowing humans to save their most precious time resources and do more exciting and challenging work. Finally, humans will reach an agreement with AI. Human-machine collaboration, AI is responsible for quantitative analysis, result optimization and repetitive work, and humans contribute their creativity, strategic thinking, complex skills, enthusiasm and love according to their strengths. In this way, human productivity will be greatly improved, and every day. Everyone has the opportunity to maximize their potential. "

The era of AI has begun. In front of us, opportunities and challenges coexist. Many topics, such as how AI and human traits coexist, require in-depth exploration and thinking. When thinking about these topics, Kai-fu Lee hopes to give people a more intuitive understanding of the human world in the AI ​​era. When thoroughly answering the question "What will the future of the AI ​​era be like?", he also needs some specific story-telling cases. , so that all aspects can be better displayed. So, he decided to write another book about "the future of AI".

Artificial intelligence expert and science fiction author

teamed up to launch a blueprint

This time, Kai-fu Lee chose to take a longer view: looking forward to 2042 20 years later, how will our world change under the influence of AI.

Kai-Fu Lee said: "My original intention in writing this book was to use a frank, objective and constructive way to describe the 'real things' about AI that may happen at the other end of the time tunnel. The ideas in the book are not only based on Based on the technical analysis of existing AI, new technologies that are expected to appear or will be born in the next 20 years are also taken into account. The story in the book outlines what the world will look like in 2042. Perhaps 80% of the scenarios here will become a reality. Of course, it is not ruled out that some parts will be overestimated or underestimated, but please believe that I am imagining all the possibilities of the future AI era with a responsible attitude."

"The Future of AI" is aimed at non-technical readers. Even readers without any computer theory foundation can definitely read it easily. In the process of creating this book, I tried a relatively unique approach. Method: Kaifu Lee first draws a "technical blueprint", speculating when certain technologies will develop and mature, how long it will take to integrate AI improvements and iterations, and the difficulty and stage of implementation in various industries, and then explain the implementation of the technology. Possible challenges, corresponding regulations and policies, and social phenomena such as conflicts, threats, and dilemmas that may accompany these technologies. Chen Qiufan, vice chairman of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association and honorary president of the World Chinese Science Fiction Association, according to Li Kaifu.

uses a rational analysis framework to design and construct fictional characters, scenes and plots related to technical analysis, making each story exciting, interesting and thought-provoking. While these stories bring surprising experiences to readers, the following of each story is also important. Technology reviews allow us to think deeply about breakthroughs - can artificial intelligence help humans prevent the epidemic from its roots? How should people deal with future workplace challenges? How should people ensure cultural diversity in a world dominated by artificial intelligence? How to teach the next generation to adapt to a new society where humans and artificial intelligence coexist? How to face the social problems brought about by artificial intelligence and the tug-of-war of human nature it implies... Behind each chapter of the science fiction story, Kai-fu Lee will discuss it. The scientific and technological content of this chapter is interpreted in a thematic and technical manner, and the changes in human society caused by the theme technology of this chapter are deeply discussed and insights are provided. By reading these technical blueprints and analyzes of the future, I believe that you and I will be able to understand it more truly. See the direction that mankind will move forward in the future.

Why is Kaifu Lee confident enough to predict the AI ​​era

in the past 40 years? Product development, and now manages the technology investment fund with a total scale of several billions of dollars. He knows very well how to transform an academic paper into a universally applicable product, and has rich market operation experience. As an AI consultant in various countries, he will make more appropriate sandbox deductions for the future of AI based on his understanding of each country’s policies and regulations in the field of AI, as well as his interpretation of the many hidden rules related to AI in real society. : "In this book, I do not make predictions about disruptive underlying technological breakthroughs, such as using AI to develop self-aware products, etc., because they are unlikely to occur. Most of the analyzes and predictions I make are based on the current situation. It is carried out in the context of technological development. "

Currently, less than 10% of all companies in various industries have applied AI technology, and more AI technology needs to be used to empower innovation. There are still many opportunities ahead for us to seize together. Even if We are not sure whether there will be any major technological breakthroughs of the magnitude of deep learning in the AI ​​field in the future, but what is clear is that the development of AI has had a profound impact on human society. Therefore, Kai-fu Lee believes that for 20 The predictions of the AI ​​era in the next 20 years will come true, and this book is a testimony that he has made such predictions. The 10 fascinating short stories in

show a series of eye-opening future scenarios-the body. Immersive entertainment, virtual companions who can freely use human language, fully self-driving cars without "drivers", photos and videos that can look real, and technologies based on quantum computing , computer vision and other AI technologies. Expand the application. In the book "The Future of AI", the future world of AI is here! Recommended book by Huashang Daily reporter Lu Jie

"The Disappearing Reality"

Recommended words: Save humanities with "authenticity philosophy" The decline of the spirit

In recent years, under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world has become increasingly turbulent, regional conflicts have intensified, and the economy is sluggish. A sense of confusion and disorder has filled the public mood. The crisis at the practical level and the dilemma at the ideological level are twin brothers.Prosperous material civilization and the unprecedented scientific revolution have caused a large amount of knowledge, data, and information to flow into the daily lives of ordinary modern people. People lack a macro-understanding of modern science, indulge in the carnival brought by technology, and give up thinking. Therefore, it fell into the inevitable crisis of modernity.

In response to this problem, the book "The Disappearing Reality" puts forward the concept of "authenticity philosophy" and analyzes in detail the three revolutions of the 20th century - the rise of globalization, the scientific revolution, and the linguistic turn of philosophy. Analyze from a historical perspective how modern society with advanced technology fell into today's predicament, and explore the nature of the separation of science and humanities in modern society. We need to awaken philosophical thinking, clarify what science is, establish the boundaries of science, take care of the true value and meaning of modern people, reshape the "real mind", and clarify the pursuit of an ideal modern society.

"Cake Economics"

Recommended words: The negative impact of grabbing the cake thinking is very great, it is better to make the cake bigger

Traditional economic theory believes that profit maximization is the purpose of the existence of enterprises. This book creates a new framework that shows otherwise. The author, Alex Edmonds, professor of finance at London Business School, believes that the negative impact of dividing the cake or even grabbing the cake is very great, making companies, individuals and society fall into the trap of zero-sum game . It is better to make the cake bigger than to grab the cake. Why does

aim at profit maximization but often fail to achieve profit maximization? Why do efforts to enhance social value often lead to huge profits inadvertently? How to make trade-offs to achieve a win-win situation between business value and social responsibility? Starting from economic theory, this book uses cases and strong arguments to discuss how companies can establish their purpose and "bigger the pie". It also explains that when companies are purpose-oriented and increase social value, they can often achieve long-term profits. Reap long-term success. This book reveals the underlying logic of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) investment, and can bring great inspiration to business managers, investors, experts and scholars.

"Leaping to the Future"

Recommended words: Russian economist Proposing a new economic paradigm that can learn from China

In the process of changes in economic structure, global leadership is shifting from the United States and the European Union to China and ASEAN countries. New technology management and world economic paradigms are also taking shape in these countries. The book "Leaping to the Future" reveals that the main connotation of changes in the world's economic structure is changes in technology and management. Regularly occurring technological and world economic paradigm shifts, economic crises and sociopolitical unrest bring about changes in this economic structure. These changes promote the formation of new production relations and world economic relations, as well as the formation of new world economic development centers.

The author Sergei Yuryevich Glazyev, born in 1961, is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He once served as an adviser to the Russian President and is a famous Russian economist and state activist. In the book, he extensively discusses the advanced nature of China's development experience. China's new economic paradigm is worthy of Russia's reference to improve the economic reproduction coordination mechanism, which is conducive to ensuring the completion of the "May Presidential Decree" issued by the Russian President and the Eurasian Economic Union. and the “Belt and Road Initiative” docking cooperation tasks.

"The Cliff: Existential Risks and the Future of Humanity"

Recommended words: Be wary of the existential risks brought about by human behavior

We are at a critical moment in human history. The emergence of nuclear weapons in the 20th century has brought real risks to humankind that may lead to extinction. For the first time, mankind has developed the power to destroy itself and pushed itself into an unprecedented "period of crisis."

Toby Ord, a cutting-edge futurist and researcher at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, devoted ten years of research to write this comprehensive and in-depth book on existential risks, and uses cutting-edge scientific methods to analyze the probability of various risks. Calculation and comparative analysis.

This book focuses on hot topics such as nuclear war , climate change, and asteroids impacting the earth. It uses a new scientific perspective and cutting-edge data models to deeply analyze human beings in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, pandemics, and dystopia. We are facing various existential risks in other fields, and solemnly propose that most of the existential risks come from human behavior, and the fate of human beings also depends on our future application of digital technology , information technology, and biotechnology must be guided. to the overall goal of promoting sustainable social development. This series of articles was collected and written by Huashang Daily reporter Lu Jie


"The Future of AI" is aimed at non-technical readers. Even readers without any computer theory foundation can definitely read it easily. In the process of creating this book, I tried a relatively unique approach. Method: Kaifu Lee first draws a "technical blueprint", speculating when certain technologies will develop and mature, how long it will take to integrate AI improvements and iterations, and the difficulty and stage of implementation in various industries, and then explain the implementation of the technology. Possible challenges, corresponding regulations and policies, and social phenomena such as conflicts, threats, and dilemmas that may accompany these technologies. Chen Qiufan, vice chairman of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association and honorary president of the World Chinese Science Fiction Association, according to Li Kaifu.

uses a rational analysis framework to design and construct fictional characters, scenes and plots related to technical analysis, making each story exciting, interesting and thought-provoking. While these stories bring surprising experiences to readers, the following of each story is also important. Technology reviews allow us to think deeply about breakthroughs - can artificial intelligence help humans prevent the epidemic from its roots? How should people deal with future workplace challenges? How should people ensure cultural diversity in a world dominated by artificial intelligence? How to teach the next generation to adapt to a new society where humans and artificial intelligence coexist? How to face the social problems brought about by artificial intelligence and the tug-of-war of human nature it implies... Behind each chapter of the science fiction story, Kai-fu Lee will discuss it. The scientific and technological content of this chapter is interpreted in a thematic and technical manner, and the changes in human society caused by the theme technology of this chapter are deeply discussed and insights are provided. By reading these technical blueprints and analyzes of the future, I believe that you and I will be able to understand it more truly. See the direction that mankind will move forward in the future.

Why is Kaifu Lee confident enough to predict the AI ​​era

in the past 40 years? Product development, and now manages the technology investment fund with a total scale of several billions of dollars. He knows very well how to transform an academic paper into a universally applicable product, and has rich market operation experience. As an AI consultant in various countries, he will make more appropriate sandbox deductions for the future of AI based on his understanding of each country’s policies and regulations in the field of AI, as well as his interpretation of the many hidden rules related to AI in real society. : "In this book, I do not make predictions about disruptive underlying technological breakthroughs, such as using AI to develop self-aware products, etc., because they are unlikely to occur. Most of the analyzes and predictions I make are based on the current situation. It is carried out in the context of technological development. "

Currently, less than 10% of all companies in various industries have applied AI technology, and more AI technology needs to be used to empower innovation. There are still many opportunities ahead for us to seize together. Even if We are not sure whether there will be any major technological breakthroughs of the magnitude of deep learning in the AI ​​field in the future, but what is clear is that the development of AI has had a profound impact on human society. Therefore, Kai-fu Lee believes that for 20 The predictions of the AI ​​era in the next 20 years will come true, and this book is a testimony that he has made such predictions. The 10 fascinating short stories in

show a series of eye-opening future scenarios-the body. Immersive entertainment, virtual companions who can freely use human language, fully self-driving cars without "drivers", photos and videos that can look real, and technologies based on quantum computing , computer vision and other AI technologies. Expand the application. In the book "The Future of AI", the future world of AI is here! Recommended book by Huashang Daily reporter Lu Jie

"The Disappearing Reality"

Recommended words: Save humanities with "authenticity philosophy" The decline of the spirit

In recent years, under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world has become increasingly turbulent, regional conflicts have intensified, and the economy is sluggish. A sense of confusion and disorder has filled the public mood. The crisis at the practical level and the dilemma at the ideological level are twin brothers.Prosperous material civilization and the unprecedented scientific revolution have caused a large amount of knowledge, data, and information to flow into the daily lives of ordinary modern people. People lack a macro-understanding of modern science, indulge in the carnival brought by technology, and give up thinking. Therefore, it fell into the inevitable crisis of modernity.

In response to this problem, the book "The Disappearing Reality" puts forward the concept of "authenticity philosophy" and analyzes in detail the three revolutions of the 20th century - the rise of globalization, the scientific revolution, and the linguistic turn of philosophy. Analyze from a historical perspective how modern society with advanced technology fell into today's predicament, and explore the nature of the separation of science and humanities in modern society. We need to awaken philosophical thinking, clarify what science is, establish the boundaries of science, take care of the true value and meaning of modern people, reshape the "real mind", and clarify the pursuit of an ideal modern society.

"Cake Economics"

Recommended words: The negative impact of grabbing the cake thinking is very great, it is better to make the cake bigger

Traditional economic theory believes that profit maximization is the purpose of the existence of enterprises. This book creates a new framework that shows otherwise. The author, Alex Edmonds, professor of finance at London Business School, believes that the negative impact of dividing the cake or even grabbing the cake is very great, making companies, individuals and society fall into the trap of zero-sum game . It is better to make the cake bigger than to grab the cake. Why does

aim at profit maximization but often fail to achieve profit maximization? Why do efforts to enhance social value often lead to huge profits inadvertently? How to make trade-offs to achieve a win-win situation between business value and social responsibility? Starting from economic theory, this book uses cases and strong arguments to discuss how companies can establish their purpose and "bigger the pie". It also explains that when companies are purpose-oriented and increase social value, they can often achieve long-term profits. Reap long-term success. This book reveals the underlying logic of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) investment, and can bring great inspiration to business managers, investors, experts and scholars.

"Leaping to the Future"

Recommended words: Russian economist Proposing a new economic paradigm that can learn from China

In the process of changes in economic structure, global leadership is shifting from the United States and the European Union to China and ASEAN countries. New technology management and world economic paradigms are also taking shape in these countries. The book "Leaping to the Future" reveals that the main connotation of changes in the world's economic structure is changes in technology and management. Regularly occurring technological and world economic paradigm shifts, economic crises and sociopolitical unrest bring about changes in this economic structure. These changes promote the formation of new production relations and world economic relations, as well as the formation of new world economic development centers.

The author Sergei Yuryevich Glazyev, born in 1961, is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He once served as an adviser to the Russian President and is a famous Russian economist and state activist. In the book, he extensively discusses the advanced nature of China's development experience. China's new economic paradigm is worthy of Russia's reference to improve the economic reproduction coordination mechanism, which is conducive to ensuring the completion of the "May Presidential Decree" issued by the Russian President and the Eurasian Economic Union. and the “Belt and Road Initiative” docking cooperation tasks.

"The Cliff: Existential Risks and the Future of Humanity"

Recommended words: Be wary of the existential risks brought about by human behavior

We are at a critical moment in human history. The emergence of nuclear weapons in the 20th century has brought real risks to humankind that may lead to extinction. For the first time, mankind has developed the power to destroy itself and pushed itself into an unprecedented "period of crisis."

Toby Ord, a cutting-edge futurist and researcher at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, devoted ten years of research to write this comprehensive and in-depth book on existential risks, and uses cutting-edge scientific methods to analyze the probability of various risks. Calculation and comparative analysis.

This book focuses on hot topics such as nuclear war , climate change, and asteroids impacting the earth. It uses a new scientific perspective and cutting-edge data models to deeply analyze human beings in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, pandemics, and dystopia. We are facing various existential risks in other fields, and solemnly propose that most of the existential risks come from human behavior, and the fate of human beings also depends on our future application of digital technology , information technology, and biotechnology must be guided. to the overall goal of promoting sustainable social development. This series of articles was collected and written by Huashang Daily reporter Lu Jie

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