An oriole couple went out early in the morning, curled up all night, and went out to stretch their muscles. Their stomachs were also full of empty stomachs. There were also several sleeping babies at home who would fuss as soon as they woke up. Looking for something to eat.

In early spring in February, in the water town of Jiangnan, the ancient capital of Shu, spring is warm and flowers are blooming. Beside the road and the creek, rows of willow trees are covered with fresh green and swaying in the wind. A pair of Oriole couple (let's call them Xiao Huang and Xiao Oriole respectively) went out early in the morning, curled up all night, and went out to stretch their muscles and bones. Their stomachs were also singing empty city tricks, and there were a few snoring dogs at home. Babies who sleep a lot will make noises for food as soon as they wake up.

They also discovered the breath of early spring on the willow trees, and the tender green color that seemed particularly attractive in this season. The couple only needed a "somersault cloud", and soon they were jumping up and down in the willow forest, looking around excitedly and curiously. The mouth is constantly "chirping" (it sounds like chirping to us humans, but in fact the birds are talking and singing, sometimes solo, sometimes chorus, sometimes duet, and sometimes saying hello to other orioles passing by. , with the phrase "feibai").

Xiao Huang: "Honey, look at the early spring in this Jiangnan water town, how beautiful it is!"

Xiao Oriole: "Yes! This is my favorite season of the year. Spring returns to the earth, everything revives, and everything is full of vitality. The scene really makes the birds linger. It's so beautiful! Our life is full of sunshine, full of sunshine..."

Xiao Huang: "Dear, this is not okay, don't forget our business, the children will wake up later. We need to eat soon. After our morning exercise, we should go and fill our stomachs before packing them back for the children. "

Xiaoli: "Oh, I got it. Good morning, Aunt Wang!" "

Xiao Huang: "I'm following you again. Who's taking Fei Bai?"

Xiao Oriole: "Aunt Wang next door, didn't you see? She's so good at catching scarabs . One day I will catch a delicious one for our Dabao. I also want to give it to their baby."

Xiao Huang: "Oh, don't forget, their family only has one baby this year, and our family has three."

Xiao Oriole: "I know, but this love must be returned. Yes, this is called reciprocity, do you understand?"

Xiao Huang: "I don't understand, it's just you who understands, okay?

" Tsk! "The wife's face showed a proud look: "Hey, husband, do you think that is who? It's like a person walking and shaking his head, feeling very deep. "

Xiao Huang: "Where? Why did I not see it? "

Little Oriole: "Over there, heading this way from below our house.

The husband followed his wife’s gaze and said, “Oh, you don’t even know that old man?” It is said that he is a poet named Du Fu . He is very knowledgeable. I heard that he writes very good poems! It's a pity that bad luck means that even the basic life cannot be guaranteed. No, he must be out collecting firewood early in the morning! "

Little Oriole:" Husband, you said he is so knowledgeable, why is he still so poor? "

Xiao Huang: "Hey, who am I asking? Anyway, the more you read, the poorer you become! How about calling me a poor scholar? In their human terms, they are high-scoring, low-energy, academic, or the more knowledge they have, the more reactionary they become. So even though he was a very talented old man, he could only stay around wherever it was cool, writing poems and passing the time when he had nothing to do. "

Oriole: "Cut! Just make a fool of yourself, husband, when do you think it will take humans to evolve into birds? "

Xiao Huang: "Didn't you read Wen Erda's "Evolution"? Although they have evolved to walk upright on two legs, they have not yet grown feathers on their bodies. After feathers grow, the feathers on their forelimbs will gradually become hardened before they can fly. I think it will take at least several million years. time. "

Xiaoli: "Ah? It's so pitiful that it still takes so long! "

Xiao Huang: "Hey, this is science, why is it pitiful? biological evolution can only rely on themselves, no bird can help."

Little Oriole: "Oh, why aren't you pitiful? You see, their bodies are so big, their heads are so big, they can’t fly, they only walk on two feet, how tiring they are! "

Xiao Huang: "Oh, you don't understand. Big heads mean that they have evolved to a more advanced stage. In the first stage of evolution, big heads mean that they are smart. Of course, they must further evolve to be like us. Birds with such small heads are estimated to be millions of years away. "

Xiaoli: "What are you talking about? Doesn’t it mean that the greater the ratio of brain weight to body weight, the smarter you are? "

Xiao Huang: "Oh, you don't understand. What you are talking about is the primary stage of biological evolution. At this stage, the brain volume increases, and the intelligence of the organism also increases; however, with further evolution, the brain will gradually become smaller. On the contrary, their intelligence will further improve and their weight will gradually decrease, which will help them practice flying. "

Oriole: "Ah? Why is it that the larger the volume is, the smarter it is, and the smaller the volume is, the smarter it is? So, aren't blowflies and big-headed ants smarter than humans? "

Xiao Huang: "Yes, biological evolution stages are different, do you understand? This is called concentration and is the essence! Just like us birds, they have small heads, are light and easy to fly, and have intelligence several times higher than that of humans. These are all the results of evolution, do you understand? As for whether blowflies and big-headed ants are smarter than humans, I have not studied this, but I think it is entirely possible. "

Little Oriole: "Huh, you are the only one smart! "

Xiao Huang: "Hey, hey, my wife is smarter. "

Xiaoli: "Huh? Wash me off, right? Why do you say that? "

Xiao Huang: "How dare you, because you have found a smart husband.

My wife raised her neck and said, "Huh, that's right!" "

Xiao Huang: "Honey, we have almost done some activities and enjoyed the scenery. After chatting for a long time, my stomach has been growling for a long time. Let's get down to business! "

Little Oriole: "Yeah, yeah, I've been chatting with you for a long time. The children may have woken up early. Look, there is a pile of rotten fruits over there. There must be a lot of flies and bugs. Our family has breakfast. Let's go! "

Puff and squeak, the couple whistled and flew towards the pile of rotten fruits not far away.

Early the next morning, the Oriole couple came to the willow forest again. They really liked it here. The willow forest was better than yesterday. It became even more lively, after all, all birds have a love for beauty. The couple greeted the other birds they knew one by one. After a brief greeting, they jumped up and down again, singing and laughing, and then calmed down again. , combing his feathers. Suddenly, my wife saw Du Fu, who was collecting firewood yesterday, going out again, shaking his head. She approached her husband and whispered: "Husband, have you heard? Du Fu, the great poet you mentioned, listened to our chat yesterday and actually wrote a poem when he went back. One of the lines, no, the first line is about two orioles singing in the green willows. Do you think it's funny or not? We talked so much, but he didn't even understand, and he only wrote one sentence called "Green Willow", which really made me laugh to death! "

Xiao Huang: "What's so funny about this? The lower animals definitely can’t understand the language of our higher animals. You see, they all just chirp and scream. It’s so unpleasant, but it’s not as beautiful as our birds! What's more, we are talking about such profound scientific theories as biological evolution. Writing poetry is what our great ancestors left over from playing. But, that’s fine, maybe we will follow his poem and be chanted by humans for thousands of years! "

After hearing this, my wife looked satisfied and blushed on her cheeks. She probably thought of the eternal love story or something. In an instant, her legs jumped into the air: "Let's get down to business! "

The husband, who was combing his feathers with his head down, heard the flapping of wings. He turned his head and saw that his wife had already flown far away. He immediately followed her and said, "Wife, fly slower and wait for me! ”

Thank you for reading! Please pay attention to "Liaoshu", other content will be more exciting!

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