Chapter 224 The Wall Cracked When Ye Xiao saw Du Qingmei, his whole body exploded. Why is this tigress here? She was anxious. She hated the person who spoke. She knew what she had done. She used an entire bottle of toilet cleaning products in the guest room where Ye Xiao was stay

Chapter 224 The Wall Cracked

When Ye Xiao saw Du Qingmei, his whole body exploded.

Why is this tigress here?

She was anxious. She hated the person who spoke. She knew what she had done.

She used an entire bottle of toilet cleaning supplies in the guest room where Ye Xiao was staying.

Leng Qiuxue's reaction made Ye Xiao immediately alert.

"Holy crap, it couldn't be this girl who is causing trouble. If she wants to cause trouble, she will target no one else but me." When he thought of this, Ye Xiao was speechless.

At the same time, smelling the smell around him, he suddenly became alert.

"What did this girl do?" Ye Xiao thought of the smell of the toilet.

When Ye Xiao thought of this, his mind started buzzing. He had a bad guess, "This girl is using my room as a toilet! What did she use?"

So, in Leng Qiuxue, Nervous, afraid of being discovered by Ye.

Ye Xiao asked directly: "Sister, can you tell me why there is a toilet smell all around?"

"Toilet cleaning supplies are all customized. The toilets at home all have this scent. Now It's everywhere. Is the wall at home cracked?

"Leng Qiuxue! What did you do?"

said, Ye Xiao pushed away Leng Qiuxue who was standing in front of him.

instantly opened the door to the guest room, and then the strong smell of toilet cleaning supplies filled the air.

was the aura emanating from the guest room where Ye Xiao was located. At this moment, Ye Xiao was sure of his thoughts.

"Miss Leng, you used toilet cleaning supplies against me, that's too much."

As he said that, Ye Xiao didn't give everyone time to react, and turned around and left.

Ye Xiao is faster and Du Qingmei is faster.

With a swish, he stood in front of Ye Xiao in a flash.

At the same time, the black gun was pointed at Ye Xiao again, and this time, the pistol was actually pressed against Ye Xiao's forehead.


The sound of the safety opening sounded like thunder in Ye Xiao's ears. In an instant, Ye Xiao's hair stood on end.

was frightened and his heartbeat was racing.

"Damn, who the hell is this person? Are you not going to let me go? Damn it!"

But in the end, Du Qingmei actually stopped him.

And looking at this posture, if he drives him away, Du Qingmei will dare to shoot.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao decided to give full play to his good qualities of flexibility and flexibility.

asked loudly: "What are you going to do? Beat me to death? If you can, do you?"

Ye Xiao said it confidently and without any politeness.

This is the truth, but precisely because it is the truth, he is even more confident.

At this time, everyone present looked here, and Leng Qiuxue was even more anxious, "Damn, how could things become like this? I was obviously taken advantage of, I was bullied, why do I seem to be the one responsible for all the mistakes now?" "

Leng Qiuxue felt that her own brain was not used enough, and she couldn't understand why it was like this.

But at this time, she was no longer allowed to speak. Du Qingmei had the final say in everything.

As for Du Qingmei, she was also a little angry at this time. "Sister Ziqi asked me to come here to watch this guy. Now it seems that there is indeed a problem."

"Boy, are you hiding in a golden house? Your fourth sister I'll look for you back!"

Thinking this, Du Qingmei looked at Ye Xiao, waiting for Ye Xiao's response.

As for Ye Xiao, he immediately got scared when he heard what Du Qingmei said.


Ye Xiao replied expressionlessly.

Du Qingmei thought about Ye Xiao's possible reaction, but never thought that Ye Xiao would behave like this.

For a while, Du Qingmei couldn't help but began to wonder, "Did I use the wrong method? There is something wrong with Ye Xiao's reaction."

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