The big bell at the entrance of the village of Zizhuyuan Brigade rang loudly, and Party Secretary Wang's hoarse voice called out on his heels: "It's time to go to work!" Villagers in gray clothes and gray trousers, pockets tucked, aprons tied, and baskets on their backs, were gat

The big bell at the entrance of the village of Zizhuyuan Brigade rang loudly, and the hoarse voice of Party Secretary Wang came over on his heels: "It's time to go to work!" The villagers squeezed out of their simple houses in twos and threes and hurried to the fields.

The cotton fields of Zizhuyuan Brigade have turned white into snow.

His gray-brown coat was draped sideways, and a tree of black smoke hung on his burnt mouth. The smoke floated like mist above Party Secretary Wang's head. Militia company commander Sun Dacheng always wears the same military uniform he wore when he was demobilized, carrying a gun majestically. In front of him walked a man with disheveled hair and a strong body, with a star-shaped scar embedded in his dark and broad forehead.

"Go quickly, you 'cow ghost and snake spirit'!" Sun Dacheng urged.

As soon as Chen Hongbing and Li Weidong walked out of the educated youth spot, female educated youth Zhang Li threw an apron to each of them: "It will come in handy for picking cotton."

The cotton peach had already split open, and the snow-white cotton was stuck in the mouth. Everyone bent down, avoiding the sharp shells, picked the cotton, picked up the broken leaves from the cotton, threw it into the apron, and put it into the basket.

The sun has risen and slowly climbed to the top of the head. At noon, Party Secretary Wang blew out his cigarette butt and said: "It's time to finish work. Let the masses go home and come back quickly after dinner. Company Commander Sun will guard the picked cotton, and the educated youth can go back."

In the blink of an eye, Party Secretary Wang and the masses disappeared. . Under the big tree sat the black-faced 'cow ghost and snake god' and Captain Sun. Chen Hongbing leaned against the tree and greeted Zhang Li: "Weidong and I will take a rest for a while. You go back to the educated youth spot first."

The black-faced man and Chen Hongbing closed their eyes slightly. . Sun Dacheng and Li Weidong leaned against the tree and quickly fell asleep.

A gust of wind blew by, and a woman jumped out of the wind. She was dressed in white, with extremely long hair, and her face could not be seen clearly. The woman in white jumped up to the black-faced man, pointed and argued with him about something, her voice was very strange. The black-faced man suddenly stood up, made an angry stance, and reached behind him to draw his sword, but missed the opportunity, shook his head, and sat down helplessly. The woman laughed strangely, and a man with long hair, soap clothes and black face jumped out from behind her.

The woman in white walked up to Sun Dacheng in a swaggering manner, stretched out her sharp finger and hit Sun Dacheng on the head three times. The black-faced man walked up to Li Weidong, took off Weidong's glasses, and kept playing with them.

A handsome woman with yellow hair, slender eyes and slender figure appeared out of the diagonal stab. The pretty woman snatched the glasses, pushed hard, and pushed the dark-faced man out by more than ten feet: "Don't hurt him!"

The pretty woman walked up to Li Weidong, put the glasses back on, and took them out of Weidong's jacket pocket. Holding the pen in his hand, he looked at Wei Dong carefully, stood up and jumped up, his body shapeless.

Chen Hongbing recognized that the pretty woman was Huang Xiaoqian, Huang Pizi's sister.

The black-faced man jumped up to Sun Dacheng. With a shake, he had a match in his hand. With another shake, the match lit up and he threw it at Sun Dacheng.

Whoosh, two stones hit the woman in white and the man in black heavily on the head with the sound of wind.

"Hurry up, or I'll take you in!" The black-faced man snapped his stance, and blue light emitted from the star-shaped scar on his forehead. The woman in white and the dark-faced man floated away, screaming.

"Fire, fire!" Sun Dacheng jumped up from the ground. The black-faced man also came over to help put out the fire, and Li Weidong also ran over.

"Who set the fire? Did you, a class enemy, want to burn me to death?" Sun Dacheng opened the bolt of the gun with a crash.

"It's not me." The black-faced man defended.

"It's not him!" Chen Hongbing shouted loudly.

"Ah, I have a headache!" Sun Dacheng covered his head and shouted.

"Who has seen my pen?"

"Stop looking for it." Chen Hongbing interrupted Li Weidong.

Twilight is closing in, and the mist is thick.

Chen Hongbing pushed open the two dilapidated thatched houses in the east of the village. The dark-faced man was sitting cross-legged with his hands crossed, and a masculine aura rushed towards him.

"Are you living alone?" Chen Hongbing took the handed stool and sat down.

"The house has been destroyed, and my wife has left. It's okay, it's clean."

"You are a psychic. I didn't fall asleep in the cotton field at noon today.""

" can see through yin and yang, you are also very human. I am a monster hunter and I have caught many monsters. However, the sword and the talisman were all taken away! "The man sighed. While

was speaking, the black-faced man stood up and shouted: "No! "

When Chen Hongbing was confused, the man pointed with his hand, and something appeared on the wall of the house: a big river with a very fast flow. A woman with long hair was walking barefoot on the path beside the river, followed by two or three children. The leader was Wang. Da Shuan, the grandson of the party secretary.

"That's the water ghost , looking for a substitute to be reincarnated!" I'm going to rush there. "The demon hunter opened the door and walked very fast. The red soldier ran behind him panting.

"What are you doing? Running so fast, stop. "He met Sun Dacheng head-on and caught the demon hunter.

Chen Hongbing gasped: "Company Commander Sun, let him go quickly, he is going to save people! "

" Feudal superstition, ghosts and monsters, and evil intentions, you are not allowed to go anywhere! " Captain Sun raised his gun with one hand and grabbed the demon hunter by the collar with the other. The demon hunter couldn't move.

"Oh my God, Secretary Wang's Dashuan drowned in the river! "In the night, there was a heartbreaking cry.