Not long ago, due to the epidemic, the company planned to lay off employees. As expected, it hit my head. In this way, I was forced to become unemployed. My family had little savings, and it was obvious that my husband’s salary alone could not support such a large family, so I co

Not long ago, due to the epidemic, the company planned to lay off employees. As expected, it hit my head. In this way, I was forced to become unemployed. My family had little savings, and it was obvious that my husband’s salary alone could not support such a large family, so I considered using the savings I had to invest in a store. After much deliberation, I decided to open a snack shop near the community.

It’s easier said than done. When I first started registering, selecting a location, contacting decoration, selecting products and purchasing, contacting manufacturers, etc., I was very overwhelmed. Moreover, the funds required to open a snack store were already far beyond the limit. My estimate. Slowly, the originally planned opening date arrived, and with only two weeks left before the official opening, a manufacturer that we had negotiated with but had not signed a contract suddenly turned against us, refused to supply us, and demanded a price increase. I was really anxious at the time. This manufacturer can supply us with most of the best-selling products on the market. Most of the manufacturers we have temporarily contacted are seeing that I am in a hurry, and they all have different levels of price increases. In comparison, this manufacturer is still the best choice. I gritted my teeth and decided to sign.

The idea is in place, but the wallet is in trouble. The snack shop consumes so much money that it is already a bit tight now, but the savings I have left are far from enough to last until the store starts to make a profit after signing this order. During the few days when I was worried, I heard from the neighbor downstairs that his son had opened a supermarket with a loan, so I went to ask. After his introduction, I finally successfully got the money from their cooperative bank through Dadi Shidai, and used the money to persist until the snack shop started to make a profit.

Nowadays, snack shops are opening more and more prosperously. Young people who work from home love to come to my house to buy food. Now I just visit the store every day and go out for a walk when I have time. Not long ago, I hired a shop assistant, and now my life is becoming more and more popular. I am free and spend more time with my husband and children.