During the Song Dynasty, there was a small village in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a young man named Duan Lingfeng in the village. He lost his father when he was young and lived with his mother since he was a child. Duan's mother had a fierce tempe

During the Song Dynasty period, there was a small village in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a young man named Duan Lingfeng in the village. He lost his father when he was young and lived with his mother since he was a child. Duan's mother had a fierce temper and was famous in the village for her bad temper. She had a friend A good friend named Fan Yao.

Duan’s mother and Fan Yao met in the business world and have always had a good relationship. Fan Yao has a daughter named Fan Fengran. She has been strong since she was a child and likes to climb up and down. She often hangs out in steep mountains and forests. Since the children of the two families were not much different in age, Duan's mother and Fan Yao decided to order dolls for them.

When Duan Lingfeng was eight years old, Duan's mother remarried a carpenter forty miles away because it was difficult for her to raise her children by herself. Duan Lingfeng naturally followed her. Since then, Duan Lingfeng has never seen Fan Fengran again.

Until this year, Duan Lingfeng thought that he had the ability to survive on his own, so he returned to his original village and became a peddler. Because he was honest and hardworking, he also made some money and lived a pretty good life. A few more years passed like this. Months ago, he met a slim girl on his way out to sell goods.

After some questioning, she learned that the other person was Fan Fenran, whom she had engaged in as a child. Her mother, Fan Yao, had passed away five years ago, and she had been living with the help of her neighbors.

When she grew up, Fan Yao was much prettier than when she was a child, and the baby fat on her face disappeared. Because she was well-educated, polite, well-educated, and generous, Duan Lingfeng felt attracted to her when he saw her. He decided Let Fan Fengran move to his own home.

Not long after that, Duan's mother fell seriously ill. When she was dying, she told Duan Lingfeng and Fan Fengran to get married as soon as possible, so that she would feel at ease under Jiuquan. Duan Lingfeng followed Duan's mother's will and quickly married Fan Fengran into the family.

However, in his impression, Fan Fengran, who was knowledgeable and sensible, had undergone tremendous changes after marriage. At first, he hid at home all day doing needlework and was very good at housework. This made Duan Lingfeng feel at ease and put all his thoughts on business. , at this moment, Fan Fengran underwent earth-shaking changes.

That night, Duan Lingfeng came home after a tiring day and suddenly heard strange noises. So he opened the door a little and saw Fan Fengran and a man entangled in the bed under the dim light. He then kicked him. On the door, he kicked the man out of the house afterwards.

Just when Duan Lingfeng was about to teach Fan Fengran a lesson, Fan Fengran stared straight at him without any fear. He never expected that his wife would betray him one day.

Fan Fengran pointed at his nose and cursed: "If it weren't for your mother's will and the baby's marriage, you would have found another woman long ago. How could you marry me to live in the family?"

Duan Lingfeng sighed longly, Fan Fengran's words There was nothing wrong at all. He did marry her because of his mother. However, Fan Fengran was partly responsible for looking for a man outside. He was busy with business and neglected Fan Fengran. Thinking about this, Duan Lingfeng decided to forgive his wife for once.

However, Duan Lingfeng's tolerance failed to bring about his wife's repentance, but instead made her become even worse. Duan Lingfeng turned down a lot of business in order to spend time with his wife, hoping to reconcile with her, but Fan Fengran still secretly took the man home when he was out.

Duan Lingfeng finally couldn't stand his wife's repeated cheating on her, but he couldn't go against Duan's mother's last wish. For a while, he didn't know what to do. At this moment, a monk suddenly broke into his home and claimed that there was a monster in his home.

The monk looked at Duan Lingfeng's forehead and said: "Donor, I see that your Yintang is black, I'm afraid you may be in trouble. If you encounter something bad, you can tell the poor monk directly, and the poor monk may be able to help you solve it. ! "

Duan Lingfeng was worried about his family affairs. Seeing that the monk was here to help him, he told him about his family affairs and asked him to keep it a secret and not to tell anyone about it. After hearing this, the monk nodded, counted his fingers, and a smile appeared on his lips: "I thought it was some kind of mountain spirit, but it turned out to be just a little beast!" Put the book under your pillow and everything will take care of itself.

Duan Lingfeng took the scripture with the mentality of giving it a try, and secretly placed it under the pillow while Fan Fengran was not at home. When Fan Fengran lay on the bed at night, Duan Lingfeng suddenly heard a shrill scream.

Duan Lingfeng rushed into the room and saw the scriptures suspended in mid-air, emitting a golden light, while Fan Fengran squatted in the corner and howled, but her body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a white-haired mouse. .

Duan Lingfeng was shocked by this scene. It didn't take long for the little mouse to take the opportunity and ran out of the door, and he didn't know where he went. However, after suffering such severe damage, it should not be able to cause harm to others within a few decades of recovery. Duan Lingfeng took back the scripture and returned it intact to the monk.

It turns out that the real Fan Fengran fell off a cliff and died a few years ago. Later, the rat demon took over her body and came to the human world to cause chaos, sucking the essence of people everywhere to practice.

All the truth had come to light. Duan Lingfeng let out a long breath. A few years later, his business got better and better, and he gradually became the youngest wealthy businessman in the local area. Many matchmakers introduced him to him. There were many women with good looks and family backgrounds. He finally found a well-educated woman and got married and lived a happy life.