Chapter 3: The Battle of Freedom, the chaos of the Anunnaki, and after the creation of the earth was completed, the creation gods left for unknown reasons. It is possible that they will continue to transform other planets, or for other purposes. In short, they left the transforme

Chapter 3

The Battle of Freedom, the Anunnaki chaos, after the creation of the earth was completed, the creation gods left for unknown reasons. It is possible that they will continue to transform other planets, or for other purposes. In short, they left the transformed earth and ushered in their own peaceful and peaceful development time.

However, at this moment, there is a planet with a perfect environment and scarce resources in the universe. Just like a gem shining with bright blue light on the black screen of the universe, it is destined not to be lonely for too long. Several 3,600 years ago, a huge red planet once again entered the perihelion of the solar system, and this time, the civilization on the red planet has evolved into an advanced civilization with the power of the gods.

So they couldn't wait to come to Earth, trying to find out whether there were precious resources on this planet that could save their planet's atmosphere. This giant red planet is the Nibiru we mentioned in the previous series.

These impatient aliens are the Anunnaki, the gods of creation of our species. According to the clay tablets unearthed from the Sumerian civilization, the atmosphere of the planet Nibiru was severely damaged due to years of war. . In order to repair the atmosphere, the Anunnaki had to use one of the rarer resources in the universe. What's even more amazing is that the clay tablets also record how gold can repair the atmosphere, just by turning gold salt into powder and spreading it into the air.

Initially, when people saw this detail, they thought it was just the conjecture of the ancients. Until recent years, scientific research has discovered that nanometer, Jimmy's gold particles and ionic titanium alloy can convert oxygen molecules in the atmosphere into ozone molecules. After reaching this conclusion, people realized that this seemingly bizarre detail seemed to contain more meanings.

Ancient civilizations thousands of years ago actually knew the properties and functions of gold at the nanometer level. From this moment on, we humans truly understand. Compared with the value of gold, its properties as currency and repairing the atmosphere where life can survive are more important. The fact that there is a large amount of gold on the earth also proves from another perspective why so many advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have a soft spot for the earth.

Let me briefly explain here. First of all,

, the formation of gold is very difficult. Gold cannot be formed naturally under the current environment of the earth. According to mainstream academic understanding, gold is formed when super-large stars explode in supernova explosions . The size of such super-large stars must be at least eight times the size of the sun, because the shortest life span of a star is several billions. Year. Therefore, judging from the current cosmic data observed by humans, no supernova explosion has been observed in any star.

So, the gold currently on our earth may be the result of several supernova explosions in the universe over billions of years. This gold only existed in the universe at the beginning of its birth, gradually condensed, and then gathered in an unknown form in a stable orbit in the solar system, and finally formed our current earth.

Of course, some academic scientists believe that the gold on the earth may also be brought by meteors carrying this gold that hit the earth, but I think this hypothesis is unlikely.

This involves the next conclusion, gold reserves. Speaking of which, some people may not believe that the gold reserves on the earth are indeed shocking. According to the conclusions of mainstream academic circles. The gold reserves on the earth are about 800 million tons to 600 million tons, but there is no specific concept based on the data alone. Let us put it another way. According to this gold reserve, if everyone on the earth shares it, everyone can almost share it. How about getting nearly 10,000 tons of gold? Do you feel rich instantly?

It’s just that so much gold is not located in the shallow veins of the earth’s crust that we can reach, but in the mantle at least 17km deep from the surface. The reason for this conclusion is mainly because large pieces of gold have been discovered at this stage, which is what we often call nugget gold . They were all erupted during volcanic movements. Therefore, it is speculated that there should be a large amount of gold under the volcanic magma. gold. It’s just that humans can’t mine it yet.

Humanity’s current technology is the deepest and can only dig to about 12km below the surface. It cannot dig further down. However, just because humans cannot dig does not mean that other civilizations have no way. We will talk about this in detail below. Therefore, combining the above two points, it shows that the earth’s resources are very precious in the universe. So this treasure welcomed treasure hunters in the solar system.

After the Anunnaki came to the earth, they began to conduct a comprehensive survey of the earth. With their technology, they quickly discovered the earth's gold reserves, which far exceeded their needs, so they couldn't wait to dig. This simple physical work was left to the lower-level gods among the Anunnaki and themselves.

According to records on Sumerian clay tablets, for humans, the Anunnaki are gods. They all have tall stature, strong strength, eternal life and knowledge of gods that humans do not have. It's just that the Anunnaki are also divided into hierarchies. This type of relatively low-level Anunnaki can only be responsible for relatively simple physical work. The gold the Anunnaki mine is, of course, gold from beneath the Earth's crust.

said before that humans currently do not have this kind of technological means, but it does not mean anything. Because a large number of mines are dug out in the mantle. Heavy gold mining and smelting work began one after another, and this heavy work took nearly 200,000 years. Until they could no longer endure the high temperature, humidity, and lack of sunlight in the mantle, they rebelled, and this began.

There is also a detail recorded in the Sumerian clay tablets. Before the rebellion, the person in charge of the Anunnaki Earth Nuggets project was Enki, the eldest son of the supreme leader of the god Anu on the planet Nibiru. As the eldest son of the gods, Enki was outstanding in all aspects of work. He is peaceful and generous. When there were signs of dissatisfaction, Enji had already given feedback to his father and proposed solutions.

However, not only were Enji's words not adopted by his father, he was also transferred out of his original job in the name of promotion. Anu accepted his other son Enlil to take over Enki's position and continue to supervise the Earth Nugget project. I was very puzzled when I read this information. However, after seeing the information deciphered on the clay tablet, I was surprised for a while. Behind it was a plot that was even more bloody than the current palace fighting drama.

Although Enji is the eldest son, he is not a direct descendant. Even if he has outstanding abilities, he is not favored. The successor to power who was truly favored by Anu was his eldest son Enlil. What is even more outrageous is that the two brothers Enki and Enlil have a common sister, Ninhursag, the goddess of reputation in Sumerian mythology.

According to the traditional couple of the Anonaki, Enji and Enlil can only be produced between brother and sister, which is obviously beneficial to his sister. But Ninhursag finally chose Enki, the eldest brother who was a concubine, instead of Enlil, the successor who would take charge of power in the future. Regarding this story, I believe many people will be interested in the story behind it. As for their stories, we can explain them in detail later and continue from the previous article.

Enlil, the new head of the Earth Nuggets project, has arrived. Let some hopes of solving the problem through communication be completely shattered, because the future successor of Nibiru is a typical hawk. In Enlil's eyes, Nibiru's interests were above all else. The Earth Nugget Project is related to the future of Nibiru, and naturally it is also related to whether he can succeed successfully. Therefore, no one or anything could affect the progress of the Earth Nugget Plan, so more stringent work requirements were put forward, which became the last straw that crushed the first level.

It was a night 200,000 years ago. A large number of low-level gods emerged from the gold mines in the mantle and surrounded the first city established by the Anunnaki on Earth. Representatives of the lower gods came to the residence of the great god Enlil. Requiring negotiations requires changing the current way of working, otherwise the army of low-level gods will not only occupy Enlil, but even overthrow the rule of Nibiru's god Anu.

However, in the face of the rebellion, Enlil looked very disdainful, as if the Gold Saint was looking at the Bronze Saint.Although they are both gods, the strength of low-level gods is not worth mentioning in Enlil's eyes. This rebellion occurred just as Nibiru entered perihelion of the solar system. As a result, news of the rebellion was quickly sent to Anu. At this time, Anu was faced with a difficult problem and had to take tough measures to solve it.

So the gods drove their chariots roaring down from the planet Nibiru and rushed towards Amridu. The low-level gods were also prepared, and the two sides launched an unprecedented and protracted war on the earth. Regarding this story, the ancient Greek mythology has the most vivid description, which is the famous Battle of the Titans.

Although we now see Greek mythology, which is a reprocessing of ancient mythology during the Renaissance, we can still see some clues. For example, low-level gods and high-level gods are the same. They are both gods and have the power of gods, and they all have eternity. life, and its responsibilities are simple manual labor. Due to class restrictions, they must only be on the planet Nibiru. To engage in non-creative work and other creative work, obviously only high-level Anonakimen are qualified to engage in it.

Of course, simple work also requires magical knowledge, and there are also relatively core parts. This also corresponds to the status of Titan in ancient Greek mythology. The Titans are also gods, but they are not the main gods, and the father and son part is not the core part of the Greek gods. They are all marginal jobs. Titans are also responsible for forging weapons and tools for the gods, which is very similar to lower-level gods.

The outbreak of the Titan War also had reasons similar to the rebellion of low-level gods. Zeus wanted to overthrow the rule of his father Cronus , so he united several of his brothers and sisters to launch a challenge. Cronus united with his brothers, the Titans, to fight. In the end, several Titans who had been suppressed by Kronos for a long time rebelled against Zeus's camp, including Prometheus, who gave humanity the light of hope, and the Cyclops, who created the divine thunder for Zeus. With their help, Zeus eventually overthrew his father's rule and became the Lord of the Universe.

Careful friends may ask, what Zeus represents in this war is that the bottom class resists the top class, and finally defeats the top class and gains power. Then by analogy, Zeus finally defeats the Anunnaki. But the actual result was exactly the opposite, and the rebellion of the lower gods was eventually put down.