This is really a severe drought. There has been no rain on the grassland for several months. Under the scorching sun, the rivers that were originally hidden in the grass and criss-crossed have gradually dried up.

Written by Yu Fannuo

During the grassland drought,

a simple-minded sheep made friends with a wolf whose legs and feet were slightly injured.

To show that there is indeed a deep friendship between the two.

The sheep and the wolf decided to go together.

This is really a severe drought. There has been no rain on the grassland for several months. Under the scorching sun, the rivers that were hidden in the grass and crisscrossed them have gradually dried up.

And as the drought continues, the plants on the ground become increasingly scarce, and sandy soil gradually emerges in many places.

The grassland animals then began to migrate in large numbers.

The sheep and the wolf were walking forward in the direction of a large number of footprints on the ground.

I don’t know how long I left. The wolf couldn’t stand it anymore. It said to the sheep: "My friend, I really can’t go on. Now I have to find a place to rest."

The sheep said: "This place The sun was shining brightly and there was no shelter. However, if we continued walking for a while, I remembered that there was a small cave where we could rest."

The wolf said, "If I were not injured, it would be okay to walk for another day. But now I am injured. It seems that we can only say goodbye."

Sheep thought for a moment and said, "As a friend, I can't leave you alone, so let me carry you."

The wolf said: "Isn't that too unfair to you?"

The sheep said: "We are friends and should help each other."

The sheep then carried the wolf on its back and walked forward.

While walking, the sheep suddenly felt wet on its back, so it asked in surprise: "Where did the water come from on my back?"

The wolf said: "I did it. I wanted to cool you down, so it flowed all the way. saliva."

The sheep said: "Ah, so that's it, you are such a friend."

Finally found a small cave in front. The sheep put down the wolf and said to it: "You stay here, I will go out to find some food. "

The wolf said: "If you leave, I will definitely die here."

The sheep said: "We are friends, and I will never leave."

After the sheep left, the wolf was really tired. He lay down in the hole and fell asleep. Wait until it wakes up. The sheep have returned.

The sheep brought back some pieces of cactus.

This sheep finally found it in a remote corner. Moreover, it endured the pain of being pricked on its lips and tongue by the cactus before bringing the cactus to the cave where the wolf rested.

The wolf woke up, looked at the cactus covered with thorns, and said with a sad face: "I was injured by this bastard, and now my whole body is shaking when I see it. It seems that I can't bear it. You can eat it yourself." ."

At the end, the wolf sighed and said, "I am exhausted and I am probably going to die."

After hearing what the wolf said, the sheep thought for a moment and said, "Wait a moment, I have a good idea."

The sheep endured the pain and began to eat the cactus desperately. Then it chewed the cactus meat in its mouth to squeeze out the water, and then fed it to the wolf.

As soon as the wolf's tongue smelled the moisture, he sucked it hard. After eating these pieces of cactus and looking at the stabbed sheep with his mouth full, the wolf said very sadly: "You are really my good friend, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have died of thirst and hunger."

The sheep was very pleased to hear this, even though it didn't eat at all.

rested all night, and early the next morning, the sheep went out to look for food again.

This time, it brought back several pieces of cactus fat roots.

However, in order to dig out the cactus this time, its legs and feet were also injured, and they were deeply pierced by hidden thorns buried in the ground.

It was bleeding and walked back to the cave step by step.

When the wolf saw it, he was greatly moved. He licked the blood off the lamb's leg and pulled some long wolf hair from his tail to bandage the sheep.

Then the wolf said: "You are too careless, be careful next time you go out."

Early the next morning, the sheep limped out again, but before going far, it was exhausted. collapsed.

The wolf heard the noise and quickly pushed the sheep back into the cave.

The sheep said: "Sorry, I may not be able to find food today."

The wolf said movedly: "You have tried your best. I will go out to look for it today."

At night, the wolf actually brought back a ball of hay.

But it looked very haggard. With a sad face, it said to the sheep dejectedly: "There is sand all around, and there is really nothing to eat. My friend, I may starve to death tomorrow. You can do it by yourself tomorrow." Let's go."

The sheep looked at the ball of hay and said, "Let's eat it together."

The wolf's head shook like a rattle: "I can't eat the grass."

"Ah, what do you want to eat? ?"

"What to eat?"

The wolf opened its mouth suddenly, revealing its wolf teeth, but it exhaled a few breaths, then slowly closed it, and lowered its head and said, "If there is a leg of lamb, That's it. Oh, my friend, don't worry. For the sake of our friendship, I would rather starve to death than eat meat, especially mutton as before."

heard this. The sheep was silent.

The next day, the wolf smelled a smell of blood very early. There is a leg of lamb in front of it. It turned out that the sheep cut off its own injured leg at night.

After the wolf ate it, he was extremely moved.

With tears in his eyes, it announced loudly: "We have established a life-and-death friendship, and our friendship is already the greatest friendship in the world."

Then it vowed to say: "I will take good care of you throughout my life. ”

After losing one leg, the sheep increasingly had no choice but to stay in the hole.

After eating the leg of lamb, the wolf went around more actively looking for food. After a few days, it brought back some hay.

Then the wolf again appeared very haggard, and as a result the sheep fell into a daze and lost another leg.

After the sheep woke up, he found that the wolf had pulled more wolf hair from his body, and he bandaged it very carefully.

The wolf once again shouted loudly at the entrance of the cave: "Our friendship is life and death, and our friendship is the greatest friendship in the world."

Later, when the sheep lost its last leg.

The Sirius went out to look for food again. At this time, a bird happened to pass by. It happened to see the sheep that had lost its legs. It was curious and landed next to the sheep.

"Mr. Sheep, what happened to you?" the bird asked.

When the bird listened to the sheep telling the whole story, it blinked and kindly reminded the sheep: "Based on my experience, there must be something wrong with this wolf. Nine times out of ten, it is." He is a liar. You must be careful and stay away from him as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, the sheep immediately roared:

"Where did you come from? You are not allowed to tarnish the great friendship between Mr. Wolf and me. !”

Later, the wolf came back and listened to the sheep’s story. He was so moved that he ate the sheep that night.

Then it smacked its lips and said with an expression of great sorrow:

"My friend, after thinking about it, the only way to take good care of you is to eat you into my stomach."

" In this way, no one will ever want to tarnish the greatest friendship between us! "

(END) to read more, please pay attention to Yu Fannuo said (or search yufannuo to follow)

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