A few days later, on a late autumn night, Grandpa and her two apprentices were waiting at my aunt's house wearing Taoist robes and Taoist crowns. They brought their peach wood swords and other magical instruments, as well as incense paper, glutinous rice, etc. respectively. He as

A few days later, on a late autumn night, grandpa and her two apprentices, wearing Taoist robes and Taoist crowns, brought their peach wood sword and other magical instruments, as well as incense paper, glutinous rice, etc., to wait for my aunt. Home. He asked his aunt and uncle to sleep as usual, and they sat by the fire pit and waited. A lot of chopped firewood was added to the fire pit, and the fire burned very brightly. The flames illuminated the whole room red. While they were warming themselves by the fire, they silently waited for the ghost to come and do evil. But there was no movement until after midnight, which was really strange. That night, my aunt slept soundly for the first time without any sound. After midnight, everyone became confused. Several people yawned intermittently, closed their eyes and dozed off unconsciously. My grandfather also started snoring.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the room, and the ashes from the fire were rolled up, making the whole room filled with gray fog. At this time, my aunt howled like a slaughtered pig, waking up my grandfather and others. Grandpa blinked to regain his composure, took a breath of gray mist, and coughed twice. When I looked at the fire pit, I saw that all the firewood had been burned away. There were only a few sparks flickering in the ashes, looking like ghost eyes. The room was completely dark. At that time, there was no electricity at all in the small mountain village, and they had to rely on burning pitch wood blocks to make lamps at night. Once there was no fire, you can imagine how dark the night would be. At this time, Grandpa's two apprentices also woke up. With the faint light of the sparks in the fire pit, their heads mysteriously touched each other. Grandpa said to his two apprentices, "Hurry up and burn some paper and light an incense stick." In the glutinous rice cup, burn the prepared incense burner peach wood sawdust, and take their respective instruments. As he spoke, he picked up a large bowl of water wrapped with knotted red silk, held a mahogany sword and told his disciples to follow him into the bedroom to drive out ghosts. Then he freed up a hand and threw a match into the fire pit. The match lit up with a bang, and then he picked up a piece of pineapple and lit it. The oil of the pineapple piece was very rich, and it made a crisp chirping sound while burning. The room lit up.

The apprentices quickly lit the incense burner, paper money, etc. with the help of the pine trees, and the green smoke rose up and filled the room. At this time, my uncle also came out of the bedroom. He took the Songming from my grandfather's hand, and the four of them came to my aunt's bed carrying the incense burner, the peach wood sword and their various magical weapons. . The two apprentices placed the incense burner at the foot of the aunt's bed, let the peach wood smoke smoke on the head of the bed, placed the glutinous rice cups on the table beside the bed, and then stood on both sides of the bed. Grandpa and the apprentices stood opposite each other on the bed. On both sides of the head, my uncle stood at the end of the bed holding a lamp.

At this time, I saw my aunt lying on her back, rolling her eyes and howling, kicking and scratching her limbs in the air, struggling as if someone was holding her neck, which looked very scary. When grandpa saw this, he cursed you as a beast! He immediately hung the big bowl over my aunt's head, then lit a talisman and let the burned paper ashes fall into the bowl. Then he drew an invisible talisman on the bowl with a peach wood sword and silently recited a few spells. , took a big gulp of porphyry and sprayed it on her head, and sprinkled the Dharma water to every corner of the room. Then he put down the big bowl, picked up the cup on the table, sprinkled the glutinous rice on the bed, and at the same time took out a piece of rice from his sleeve. The zodiac paper talisman was pasted on my aunt's forehead, and she squatted down to do the horse stance. He first pointed the peach wood sword at the screaming aunt in the air and stabbed her several times, and then pressed her horizontally on her head. The two apprentices also pressed the two peach wood swords on her chest and legs in turn.

Grandpa closed his eyes slightly, put his hands together, calmed his dantian, and recited the ghost-expelling mantra: "Five stars suppress the color, illuminate the mysterious world. Thousands of gods and saints protect my true spirit. Giant beasts in the sky subdue the five soldiers." The five-day devil will die and disappear. Wherever he is, all the gods will welcome him. After reciting, he picked up the gong and banged it hard... while banging it on his aunt. The top of the bed was swirling back and forth, and the two apprentices also beat the copper bowl with all their strength. Due to the hard knocking, the sound of the copper bowl turned into a rattling sound... The whole hut suddenly shook.

After a while of beating, my aunt was woken up and suddenly sat up and cried out in pain: "Oh my mother!" Grandpa immediately shouted to stop, and everyone immediately collected the gongs, mahogany swords and other magic weapons.Grandpa said out of breath, "The ghost has been driven away. Sister, you are all right!" My aunt said, "Thank you, brother-in-law. The ghost stuck in my neck just now. It was so uncomfortable." Grandpa pasted a charm on the door of my aunt's room and said: "Ghosts dare not come now. I saw it. It was a female wild ghost, not an evil ghost. Your house is located on a low ground, and the yang energy is not enough , and the yin energy is insufficient." When I was angry, I ran to your house to find a substitute. I just want to drive him away now."

Since then, Aunt has indeed slept peacefully for a period of time, and the pain in her navel is not that much. But the good times didn't last long, and soon the painful howling resumed at night. The female ghost came again and tortured her even more than before. Grandpa still did the same thing for his aunt to drive away ghosts, but once he drove her away, she would only be quiet for a few days, and soon after, the ghosts would come again. My grandfather said that as high as the Tao is, so is the devil. My magic power is limited, and I only have the last resort, which is to catch it, put it in a clay pot, seal it and bury it underground so that it can never be reincarnated; or kill it and let it disappear forever! This method is not a evil spirit, and generally Taoist will not use it. Because Taoism and Buddhism both embrace compassion. In his opinion, the ghost who came here to haunt his aunt may have another reason, which he must find out before deciding whether to use this method. He also said that from Xianrenwan in the neighboring village, a miraculous Bodhisattva named "Daddy Baishan" came from Taoyuan County . He was also a "sir" during his lifetime. He possesses a blind man and plays tricks on him. He often appears and helps many people avoid disasters. He said to Ruirui Gu, take Bao'er as your companion tomorrow and go to Xianren Bay to ask "Dad Baishan". First, ask clearly about the relationship between your mother and this wild ghost, and then make plans.