During the Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Chen Yi who made a living by chopping firewood. He married a wife named Liu, who was gentle, virtuous, and diligent and thrifty in running the household. The two of them loved each other, but unfortunately they had been married for f

During the years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Chen Yi who made a living by chopping firewood. He married his wife Liu's , who was gentle and virtuous, diligent and thrifty in running the house. They were a loving couple, but it was a pity that they had been married for five years and had no children for the time being. .

That day, he went to the market carrying the chopped firewood. Although his family rented two acres of land to grow some food, after paying the rent, the food was not enough to eat, so Chen Yi sold the firewood and bought some. Food and some daily necessities were rushed home.

Because the weather was hot and it was close to noon, he came to the three-way intersection at the foot of the hillside. He was already sweating profusely and thirsty. There was a big tree at the intersection and a herbal tea stall under the tree. People coming and going would rest here.

Chen Yi was reluctant to spend a penny to drink herbal tea. He thought that if he walked for a while and climbed over the hillside, there would be mountain spring water to drink, so he just sat under the big tree to enjoy the shade and listen to what the people passing by said.

He looked up and looked around, and found a man dressed as a businessman sitting in a herbal tea shop nearby. He was sitting at the table drinking tea. From time to time he looked up at the sky, wiping the sweat from his forehead and muttering: "This The weather is so hot!"

Suddenly, he found a man standing sneakily behind the businessman. He rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand. Chen Yigang wanted to stand up and go up to remind the businessman to pay attention to the thief. .

This was not the first time that he had reminded others of a thief, and was beaten up for it. However, he still felt that he should do it, but a farmer sitting next to him touched him and whispered: " Young man, mind your own business, lest you get into trouble."

Just as Chen Yi was hesitating, the thief quickly opened the baggage on the merchant's back, took out something from it, and walked away quickly. At this time, Chen Yi couldn't stand it anymore. Can't sit still.

Chen Yi thought that even if he did not remind the merchant aloud, he should still tell him about the theft. Maybe the merchant would have a chance to catch up with the thief and avoid his own losses.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi stood up, walked towards the table, came to the side of the businessman, and reminded in a low voice: "Brother, what's your baggage!"

The businessman immediately took off his baggage and took a look, and was shocked. , because the baggage opened a hole, it was obvious that this baggage was very important to the businessman, but the businessman did not ask who made it, nor was he grateful for Chen Yi's reminder.

On the contrary, the businessman grabbed Chen Yi as if grasping a life-saving straw. He also falsely accused Chen Yi of being a gang of thieves and wanted to send Chen Yi to the government, but Chen Yi could not argue.

Fortunately, the owner of the herbal tea shop knew Chen Yi who often passed by to enjoy the cool air or rest. He also witnessed the thief committing the crime. The reason why he did not alert the merchant was because he was afraid that the thief would retaliate against him and prevent him from doing business.

However, Chen Yi was falsely accused, and the boss couldn't stand it anymore, so he told the truth and said: "Brother, he kindly reminded you, why did you catch him instead? Go chase the thief quickly, maybe There is still a chance to catch up."

The businessman believed that Chen Yi was innocent. However, the businessman did not thank Chen Yi, but asked Chen Yi which direction the thief ran? Chen Yi felt unhappy because of the businessman's false accusation. He didn't want to say anything at first, but he was a kind and upright man. He hesitated for a moment and pointed in the direction where the thief ran.

Whether the businessman can catch up with the thief depends on his luck. Chen Yi was almost rested and continued on his way, leaving his wife to wait for him to have lunch. Along the way, Chen Yi was thinking about what just happened.

At first, he was a little depressed because the merchant was indiscriminately falsely accusing him. Gradually, he blamed himself. He thought that if he didn't listen to the farmer's reminder and shouted out in time, maybe the merchant's things would not be stolen. In case the merchant If you can't catch the thief, won't you lose your money in vain?

Chen Yi was walking and climbed over the hillside in front of his village. He could see his home in the distance. Suddenly, he heard the sound of animals mourning in the woods next to him.

Chen Yi stopped curiously and followed the sound. If he encountered an animal that was injured or fell into a hunter's trap, wouldn't he be able to improve his life? After all, Mrs. Liu followed her to save money and live a relatively poor life.

After a while, Chen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, because he found an injured white fox lying in the bushes. It was all white, but the white fox's feet were injured and were still bleeding.

Chen Yi heard from the hunters in the village that the white fox was very valuable, worth several taels of silver, and could be used to cut firewood for several months, so he ran over quickly.

But the white fox seemed to be very scared. He was trembling with fear. He blinked and looked up at Chen Yi. He wanted to run but couldn't. Chen Yi was secretly happy and quickly picked up the white fox and walked to the market. .

Because if the white fox dies, his life will be worthless. However, before he took a few steps, he saw the white fox wailing in his arms and tears falling down. Chen Yi immediately gave up on selling the white fox for money. thoughts.

Chen Yi turned around and continued home, saying as he walked: "White Fox, I see that you are very pitiful, so I won't sell you. If I let you go, you won't be able to survive. I'd better take you home." There is a doctor in the village, ask him to treat you. "

The white fox seemed to be very spiritual. After calling a few times, he looked at Chen Yi with grateful eyes, and then fell asleep in Chen Yi's arms. It seemed that the white fox was really spiritual. The injury was serious.

Chen Yi trotted all the way to the village. He did not go home, but went directly to the doctor's house. The doctor knew that Chen Yi was a kind and upright man, so he gave the white fox wound medicine, bandaged it, and asked Chen Yi to go home, along with the money. None were collected.

"Thank you. I'll give you a load of firewood later." Along the way, Chen Yi wasted a lot of time. When he saw that the doctor refused to accept the money, he didn't refuse the doctor. After saying his thanks, , and quickly returned home.

As soon as she arrived in the yard, Ms. Liu said anxiously: "Ms. sir, did you encounter anything when you went to town today? Why are you not back until now? Hey, why are you holding a white fox?"

"Madam, I'm hungry. I'm tired and thirsty, let's talk while we eat." After Chen Yi finished speaking, he went straight into the room. He thought that Mrs. Liu had already prepared the food and would be ready to eat soon, but there was no food on the table.

Chen Yi suddenly became a little unhappy and asked Liu what was going on? Mrs. Liu timidly took the straw and spread it on the ground, asking Chen Yi to put the white fox on the ground to rest.

Then he poured a glass of water and handed it to Chen Yi and said: "Ms., I'm sorry, there is no rice at home. I'm waiting for the rice you bought to cook. Who knows you just came back."

"Madam, I'm going out in the morning. I went to see the rice jar before. Not to mention our lunch, even if we eat it for two more days, it will be enough. Why don't we have everything?" Chen Yi asked angrily.

Mrs. Liu quickly said: "Ms., please don't be angry. Aunt Liu from the previous village came to me to complain. You know her situation. Her daughter married in the next village and has two children.

And her son-in-law gave birth to a child. She was ill and couldn't open the pot at home, and Aunt Liu's family was also in trouble, so she came to borrow some rice. I thought you were going to buy rice today, so I gave her all the rice."

Chen Yi listened to Liu's explanation. Instead of being angry, he said kindly: "Madam, I wronged you. You did the right thing. It's really not easy for Aunt Liu.

My father and mother passed away early, and Aunt Liu usually took good care of me. A person should be grateful. "Please go see Aunt Liu tonight. If there is anything else we need at home, we will send her some."

Chen Yi's words made Ms. Liu feel warm in her heart, and she quickly said: "Then I will do it." Let’s take a break. By the way, what are you going to do with this white fox? Do you want to wait for it to recover and sell it? It’s common sense to keep it first and keep it as a companion at home. When it recovers from its injuries, it can be sent back to the mountains to be released. After all, the white fox’s home should be in the mountains.” After Chen Yi finished speaking, he knew how to cook. Needing time, he quickly picked up a bucket and went to the river to fetch water. Chen Yi was such a hard-working, kind-hearted person who couldn't rest. Although they were not rich, the couple was very happy and they were the envy of the villagers.

A few days passed, and the white fox recovered as before under the careful care of Chen Yi and Liu. Chen Yi took the white fox and released it while going up the mountain to cut firewood. The white fox wandered in the woods for a long time before getting into the woods. .

Although Chen Yi did not sell the white fox for money, he and his wife Liu were even happier than getting the money. However, what happened next made the couple unexpected.

Chen Yi saw that the white fox disappeared. He picked up the wood chopper and went to chop wood. After he chopped the wood, he packed up and was about to go back. Suddenly he tripped over something on the ground and almost fell. Chen Yi was curious about what it was. Tripped over myself.

When he bent down to look, he discovered that a jar was partially exposed on the ground. Who would bury the jar here? What's in the jar?

Chen Yi dug out the jar with a wood chopper. When he opened it, his heart beat faster and he couldn't calm down, because inside the jar was a white ingot. Although he had never seen such an ingot before.

But he weighed it with his hands and found that each ingot should be fifty taels of silver, and there were ten of them, which meant that there were five hundred taels of silver in the jar.

This amount of money can be said to be an astronomical figure for Chen Yi. With this money, he can not only buy a decent house in the city, but also buy several shops. The family's life suddenly changed from poverty to wealth.

Even if he does not go to the city and stays in the countryside, he can buy dozens of acres of fertile land. Then he will become a veritable small landowner, and he will be able to live and feed well in the following days.

Chen Yi quickly looked around, fearing that someone would see him. Seeing no one around, he was still worried. He hugged the jar and ran to a bush to hide. At this time, he saw the chirping birds on the tree. Looking at him, the cattle grazing not far away also shouted " moo" towards him.

These sounds made Chen Yi feel guilty. He calmed down and thought: "What if someone else buried it here? Wouldn't they be very anxious when someone else came to look for it and found that the money was missing? Forget it, it's not yours, how can you take it? For yourself? Let’s bury it where it was.”

Thinking of this, Chen Yi stood up quickly, walked out of the grass, came to the place where the jar was originally buried, and buried it intact in the ground. Withered grass, covering it up.

After handling everything, Chen Yi tied up the firewood, picked up the firewood and returned home. After much hesitation, he said: "Madam, I went to chop firewood today and dug a jar with five hundred taels of silver in it. ....."

Before Chen Yi could finish speaking, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but screamed: "Oh my God, sir, that's five hundred taels of silver. We may not be able to earn so much in this life or the next life. "Where is the money? Let me take a look?"

Chen Yi quickly said that he felt that it was not his own money and buried it intact. Liu complained: "Mr. Bring them all back, how about one?

Don’t we have children? Aunt Liu has been helping us worry about this matter. She found out that someone has a folk remedy, but it costs twenty taels of silver. Why don’t we bring one back? I'll give you a baby!

Let's do some small business with the remaining money. When we save enough money, we can return it, okay? Do you remember where it was buried? Right?"

Chen Yi felt that his wife Liu's words were reasonable, so he hurriedly said, "I remember, it's under a big tree where I usually cut firewood. I built some dead branches."

After saying this, Mrs. Liu was about to take her husband Chen Yi to the mountain, but Chen Yi said: "Forget it, madam, we will go later. I just came down from the mountain. It's lunch time, and now we're running over again, and it's just the two of us. Others will be suspicious, so let's go after dinner."

So the couple had lunch at home, and then hurried up the mountain together. , when Chen Yi found the place where the jar was buried, the couple was immediately disappointed, because there was only a hole there, and it was obvious that the jar had been dug away.

Mrs. Liu complained that Chen Yi shouldn't have eaten at home. Chen Yi said: "Madam, forget it. There is a time in life, but there is no time in life. Don't force it. It is not ours, and it will never be ours. Let's go home. "

Mrs. Liu followed Chen Yi back home with a frown, but when they came to the yard and reached the gate, Mrs. Liu suddenly said: "Ms. sir, does the jar you dug look like this? "

Mrs. Liu? As he spoke, Chen Yi pointed to the jar at the door. Chen Yi took a closer look and saw that it was definitely the jar he dug up the mountain. But how did he get to the door of his house? Did he have long legs?

When Mrs. Liu saw Chen Yi nodded, she couldn't wait to rush over, opened the jar, and screamed immediately. Chen Yi quickly blocked Mrs. Liu's mouth, then leaned over to take a look, and almost screamed. , because the ingot in the jar is still there.

Chen Yi hurriedly took the jar home, but he immediately said: "Madam, this jar was originally on the mountain, buried in the soil, how could it come to our house? And the silver is intact inside, so this Isn't that too evil?

You said we won't encounter any ghosts? Forget it, let's not ask for it. What if we get into trouble? Life is not worth the loss!"

After hearing what Chen Yi said, Liu felt strange and became worried.

But she said: "How about this? We put the jar in the yard. If it is still there at night, it means God has mercy on us and gave us the money. If it runs away on its own, we will be dead. What do you think of getting this money?"

Chen Yi agreed with his wife, and they went to work in the fields together. However, when they left home, they put the jar in its original place and locked the door and the courtyard door. superior.

The couple finished their work and returned home earlier than before. After all, they were thinking about the jar. When they returned home, they found that the jar was missing. Since God's will was like this, although the couple was a little annoyed, they didn't care. .

After dinner, after dark, the couple lay down to rest. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Chen Yi quickly lit the oil lamp and went to the main room with the lamp. After opening the door, he was shocked. Because that jar appeared again.

Chen Yi came to the yard, searched for it, and found that there was no one there. Could it be that this jar really came here by himself? He returned home with the jar in his arms. After seeing it, Ms. Liu felt ecstatic.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "Ms. sir, it seems that this silver is destined to us. It came to our house on its own. It's not our own. Let's just accept it, shall we?"

Chen Yi nodded and put the money in. The ingots were taken out of the jar and put into a small box at home. The couple began to look forward to a bright future and discussed whether to buy a house in the city, buy a shop for business, or buy fertile land in the countryside.

Suddenly there was a "click" sound, the door was pried open, and two masked men rushed into their room with shining sharp blades. The couple was frightened out of their wits.

Chen Yi and his wife knew they were no match, so they could only beg for life. One of the big men said: "If you want to survive, give us the money you took out of the jar, and we can spare your life."

In this situation, , Chen Yi and his wife did not want to lose their lives for the money, so Chen Yi quickly handed the small box containing the ingot to the big man, and then stood in front of Liu to protect his wife Zhou Quan.

Two masked men took the small box. They were thinking about the money and did not immediately attack Chen Yi and his wife. However, when the masked men opened the small box, a magical scene appeared.

I saw a few venomous snakes coming out of the small box. A masked man exclaimed: "Oh my god, why are there venomous snakes in there again? I just saw them taking out the ingots from the jar and putting them into the small box.""

Why did the masked man say "again"? How did they see the silver in the jar? Have the masked men seen the jar? They had just been peeking outside to watch them open the jar, take the ingots and put them into the small box?

Just right While Chen Yi and his wife were thinking wildly, two big masked men were bitten on the arms by poisonous snakes. The sharp blades in their hands fell to the ground with a clang, and the poisonous snakes disappeared. The two big masked men who were bitten were in great pain and rushed out of the door.

Suddenly a man blocked their way. Chen Yi looked through the light and saw that the man was the businessman he met at the herbal tea shop under the big tree. Why was he here?

A masked man shouted when he saw this. Said: "Fox demon, weren't you taken in by a Taoist priest? How would it appear here?

As soon as he finished speaking, another masked man suddenly knelt down and begged: "Fox Fairy, did you create the poisonous snakes in this jar by using magic?" Please show mercy and save us? "

After the masked man finished speaking, the masked man who said the man was a fox demon also quickly knelt down and begged.

The man smiled and said: "It's not difficult to save you, but you are poisonous. If you want to save your life, I'm afraid one of your arms may not be saved. Life or your arm, it's your choice, right? "

Chen Yi heard the voice of the masked man calling Fox Fairy somewhat familiar. Just when he was wondering who this person was, the two masked men turned around and ran into the house, picked up the sharp knife on the ground, and cut themselves off. Arm.

The businessman helped them apply medicine, and the two masked men saved their lives. Chen Yi walked over timidly, thanked the businessman for saving his life, and asked the businessman why he came to him. At home? Who are the two masked men?

It turns out that one of the two masked men was the thief who stole the money that day, and the other was the farmer who reminded Chen Yi not to get into trouble. They were both thieves and were in the same group. The farmer had long known that Chen Yi was a kind and upright man who liked to fight against injustice, so when the two of them were about to steal the businessman's money, the farmer deliberately sat next to Chen Yi and reminded Chen Yi not to get into trouble.

After the farmer saw that his accomplice had succeeded, he He ignored Chen Yi, but later the businessman chased the thief because of Chen Yi's reminder, and the farmer followed him pretending to be a passerby. He thought that the businessman could not catch up with his accomplice.

But the businessman caught up with the thief, and the two joined forces. They thought it was more than enough to deal with the merchants, but what they didn't expect was that the merchant turned out to be a white fox who practiced in the mountains. He transformed into a human form for the first time and traveled around the world pretending to be a merchant.

Just when the two thieves were about to be captured by the merchant and sent to the government, there happened to be a traveler. The Taoist priest passed by and noticed the aura on the white fox, thinking that the white fox was killing people to cultivate for himself.

So the Taoist priest rushed to catch the white fox without saying a word, indirectly saving the two thieves. The white fox was very angry and felt that the Taoist priests did not distinguish between good and evil. , good or bad, he fought with the Taoist priest, but he was no match for the Taoist priest.

In the end, the white fox was injured by the Taoist priest, and he turned into a puff of smoke and escaped. Although he escaped the Taoist priest's pursuit, he was too injured. Fortunately, he was rescued by Chen Yi who was passing by and took him back to the village. He found a doctor to treat him and took good care of him at home. Finally, Chen Yi took care of him. Sent to the mountain to be released.

The white fox repaid Chen Yi and Liu for their life-saving grace, so he got the money and put it in a jar, so that Chen Yi, who went up the mountain to chop wood, accidentally discovered it. In this way, the white fox hoped to use this money.

After doing this, Bai Hu felt uneasy, so he calculated that the two thieves would not let Chen Yi go.

Because when they stole Bai Hu's money, it was because of Chen Yi. As a reminder, they were chased by the businessman who transformed into a white fox. If they hadn't met a wandering Taoist priest by chance, they would have died or been imprisoned.

So the two of them decided to take revenge on Chen Yi. They went to Chen Yi's home. Chen Yi was not found, so he lurked and waited for Chen Yi to return home. However, after Chen Yi returned home, he told Liu about the ingots dug up in the mountain.

The two thieves were originally ready to take action, but when they heard about the Yuan Bao, they were immediately moved. According to the place mentioned by Chen Yi, they went to the mountain and soon found the jar. The two were overjoyed and thought they had made a fortune.

But when they opened the jar, they found poisonous snakes inside, so they thought Chen Yi was playing tricks on them, but they did not give up, so they sent the jar back to Chen Yi to see what was going on?

But when the jar came into Chen Yi's hands, the contents inside were indeed ingots. However, Chen Yi did not accept the jar. Instead, he placed the jar in the yard to see if the jar would run away on its own. If not, what would happen? Jars will be left behind.

Two thieves saw Chen Yi and his wife going to work in the fields. They ran to look at the jar and found that there were poisonous snakes inside. The two thieves felt that it was true that the jar contained silver, but only those who were destined could get it.

So two thieves took advantage of the night and put the jar at the door of Chen Yi's house, and then knocked on the door. They wanted Chen Yi and his wife to take the jar back, take out the silver from the jar, and then do it. Not only could they get revenge, but they could also get the silver. .

Therefore, when the two of them saw Chen Yi take out the silver from the jar and put it into a small box at home, the two thieves felt that the time was right and rushed in without expecting the ingot. It turned into a poisonous snake again.

Of course, all this was done by the white fox to punish these two crazy thieves. The two of them lost their arms and suffered the consequences.

So after the two thieves begged, Baihu let them go, but before leaving, Baihu cast a spell to erase their memories of himself and Chen Yi, saving them from spreading the word about this and finding Taoist priests for revenge.

Chen Yi and Liu quickly thanked Bai Hu, and Bai Hu said: "Two benefactors, it's my turn to thank you. I wanted to repay your kindness, but if those two people didn't teach you a lesson just now, you will get the money. , they will not give up.

In addition, it was my first time to travel to the human world, and I didn’t understand many human politeness. That day Chen Yi kindly reminded me that my money was stolen, and I falsely accused him of being a thief, and Chen Yi reminded me of the thief. I didn't even say thank you in the direction I fled.

I was injured by the Taoist priest and was hiding in the grass. I felt Chen Yi passing by. I knew he was a good man, so I quickly called for help. Very good. During the time when I was recuperating at your home, listening to your daily conversations made me understand a lot about human nature and I benefited a lot."

Bai Hu's words made Chen Yi feel a little embarrassed. Chen Yi said quickly: "Fox Fairy. , If you don’t mind, you can visit me often in the future, but I can’t call you Fox Fairy, I’m afraid the people in the village will be suspicious.”

The white fox smiled and said, “I also have the intention, by the way, you can call me Fox Fairy.” Brother Hu, the ingot I gave you is real gold and silver, and it is not fake at all. You can rest assured that it will turn into a poisonous snake when the two thieves see it. This is the reason why I cast the spell."

Chen Yi and his wife were overjoyed. , quickly thanked Brother Hu for the gift, and Chen Yi said: "Thank you, Brother Hu. Since you don't despise us ordinary people and call me brothers, I won't go to the city to save you the inconvenience of going to the city because of the crowds. Live here and buy some land to make a living."

In this way, Chen Yi and his wife stayed in the countryside, bought some land, farmed some of it themselves, and rented the rest to the villagers at a low price. Brother Hu often came to the house to have a drink. Chat and talk about interesting things in the world.

One day, Brother Hu brought two pills for Chen Yi and his wife to take. Not long after, Liu became pregnant and gave birth to two sons and two daughters, and lived a happy life.

Although Chen Yi's property is growing, they never forget to do good deeds and help people in need. Brother Hu later successfully overcame the disaster, achieved good results, and ensured peace.

The experiences of Chen Yi and Liu have been passed down as legends. People say that the good people of the couple are rewarded, and that is why they have transformed from poor farmers into a wealthy family, a happy home and a home of good deeds.

(End of story)

Statement: This story aims to inherit folk art, persuade people to do good and abandon evil, and promote traditional virtues. It has nothing to do with feudal superstition. Thank you for reading. Please like it and leave your comments on the characters or plots in the story. .