Legend has it that in ancient times, there was an emperor who delayed the time of offering sacrifices to heaven, which made the Jade Emperor in heaven very angry, so he ordered the Dragon King not to bring rain to the earth for three years. Since then, drought has continued aroun

Legend has it that there was an emperor in ancient times. Because he delayed the time to worship heaven, the Jade Emperor in the sky was very angry, so he ordered the Dragon King not to rain on earth for three years.

Since then, drought has continued around the world. The crops in the fields are almost dead, and the water in the rivers has almost dried up.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was an emperor who delayed the time of offering sacrifices to heaven, which made the Jade Emperor in heaven very angry, so he ordered the Dragon King not to rain on earth for three years. After that, there was a severe drought, the crops in the fields were almost withered, and the water in the rivers almost dried up.

There is no harvest in the fields and there is famine in the village. Everyone has no food to eat, and everyone is helpless when they are sick. At this time, the youngest son of the Dragon King, Qinglong , could no longer bear to watch the people on the earth suffer disasters and starve. So, while the Jade Emperor was having a party, he secretly made rain on the ground. The next day, the Jade Emperor found out about this and was furious. So he ordered the Qinglong to be pressed under a big mountain, and a stone tablet was erected at the foot of the mountain, which read: "The Qinglong's rainfall violates the laws of nature and should be condemned by the world for thousands of years." If you want to re-enter the Lingxiao Hall, you must wait until the golden beans bloom. "Everyone looked at the stone tablet and saw Qinglong suffering, and everyone was very anxious. But everyone racked their brains and couldn't think of a way to sell beans to bloom. In this way, on the second day of the second lunar month, people took out a lot of beans from home. Soybeans and corn seeds were basking in the sun. An old man suddenly discovered that these golden soybeans and corns looked like golden beans, so the old man immediately ran home and asked his wife to fry them in a pot to see what would happen. After frying for a while, the water in the soybeans and corns was almost dry, so they all exploded. The old man looked at them and said, "Ah!" The golden beans are blooming! The golden beans are blooming! "The old man looked at it,

" Ah! The golden beans are blooming! The golden beans are blooming! "The news spread, everyone set up pots and pans and fried soybeans and corn. After frying, every family set up a table in their yard and lit the incense burner. Everyone served fried soybeans and corn When the Dragon King found out, he invited the Jade Emperor to watch the "golden beans" blooming in every family's yard in the world. The Jade Emperor ordered Qinglong to be pardoned and recalled to Lingxiao Temple. Be the assistant of the Dragon King and spread the clouds and rain all over the world. Then, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and split the mountain in half. There was a loud noise and the green dragon burst out of the rock, roared and rose into the sky! Qinglong soared into the sky and rolled around a few times before uncoiling. Suddenly, the sky was filled with dark clouds and thunder circled above the villagers. After a while, everyone looked up at Qinglong with a smile. , big raindrops fell from the sky, and everyone was very happy. They let the raindrops hit their faces and felt the moisture of the rain. In an instant, the earth returned to life, and after a few days, the rice fields and mountains returned to life. , life is naturally good. From then on, the saying " February 2nd , dragon raises its head " has been passed down. Every year on the second day of February, people fry soybeans and eat popcorn. This expresses people's best wishes for good weather and good harvests.

After this story, many proverbs were also spread by later generations: When you raise your head, a good harvest is in sight.

There are two heads in the capital of Fulu Rhinoceros; With three heads,

raises your head, all worries and bad luck will slip away;

raises your head and looks around, a successful career will hold your hand;

raises your head with five, and strives for the top step by step;

has six heads, and you will always be happy and healthy.

Please forward and share this beautiful fairy tale~