The leader of the beauty team and I put the traditional Chinese medicine "Panellia" into an aluminum alloy round basket with a diameter of more than 1 meter wide, and then pulled it to the cooking room with a hand-pulled cart. When I came back to pull another basket, I would stan

The beauty group leader and I put the traditional Chinese medicine " Pinellia " into an aluminum alloy round basket with a diameter of more than 1 meter wide, and then pulled it to the cooking room with a hand-pulled cart.

When I came back to pull another basket, I would stand on her handcart and let her pull me away, enjoying a moment of happiness.

Her beauty is pure and natural, without any false modifications. There is no flaw in the fair face, and the moving body still has beautiful undulations.

She has a gentle personality and easy-going speech. She is a relatively intellectual woman.

Let’s share her tortuous feelings!

She said that after she got close to the handsome guy from Guangdong, she felt that she should have found happiness in her life. This is indeed how she feels. She said that she feels so happy every day!

She said that he often took her to the wine tables among friends to eat, drink and have fun, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

She is very young and beautiful, and her figure is becoming more and more graceful and graceful. Sometimes I am fascinated by her.

She recounted this unforgettable relationship in her memories. She later learned about his intentions. She was just a girlfriend in his life. After she knew that he would not marry her, she left without hesitation in extreme sadness. Got him.

I saw her thoughtful expression and asked her: "You like him so much, is it difficult for you to get out of this relationship?" She said with a smile: "Because this is my first relationship. , of course I value and cherish it very much."

It has been a long time since she left him, and now she has a new emotional sustenance. I want to joke with her, she won't be angry!

I looked at her and asked her affectionately: "I want you to be my girlfriend, are you willing?" I looked directly into her eyes, those beautiful almond eyes full of joy.

She smiled softly and opened her red lips slightly. The lips of the sexy goddess Marilyn Monroe seemed to suddenly appear in front of my eyes.

These two lips that haunt me in my dreams, when will I be able to touch and kiss them.

Her eyes were looking at the ground, and her fair face turned rosy. She said slowly and quietly: "Little thing, you have a beautiful idea, just wait patiently!"

My heart is beating faster, I said without thinking: "Okay! Beauty, I am willing to wait for you until the day you grow old."

She suddenly laughed, her soft body leaning forward and back.

I have figured out one thing. Beautiful women have innate self-confidence. Such women will be able to deal with people and things with ease, and their temperament will be more gentle and generous.

She looked at me and said: "It seems that the little thing is still a very passionate lover."

Her slightly shy face appeared in front of my eyes. Her beauty was like a flower about to bloom under the morning dew. I could only admire it quietly.

She paused for a while and then said: "Looking at your true love for me, I might give you a chance!".

(to be continued)