There was a young man named Li Cheng in Lizhuang. He had attended a private school for several years and had certain cultural qualities. However, he was lazy and dreamed of getting rich overnight instead of doing serious business. Originally, I could barely survive by relying on

There is a young man named Li Cheng in Lizhuang. He has studied in a private school for several years and has certain cultural qualities. However, he is lazy and dreams about getting rich overnight. He does not engage in serious business. Originally, I could barely survive by relying on the assets left by my parents in their early years, but once this person becomes greedy, not even gods can save him! Li Cheng was addicted to gambling, and within two years, all his family property was lost. On this day, even the last fortune was lost. He hadn't eaten for more than a day. He was so hungry that his eyes were dizzy, his feet were rootless, and he could only walk like a cat. I saw someone's orchard on the way and wanted to eat there, but my hands and feet were not flexible and I was chased for a long distance by the round-looking dog. One of his shoes even flew off. Li Cheng was already dizzy with hunger. After running so far again, he felt like he really couldn't walk anymore.

At this time, he saw some pilgrims, who were carrying various tributes to eat and go to the City God Temple not far away to offer incense. Li Cheng rolled his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth. He noticed that this time he could go and beat the City God. The autumn wind blows. Li Cheng followed everyone to the City God's Temple. Although the temple minister saw him as a rustic and buried Gu Tai, he still let him in. Li Cheng entered the main hall and looked at the food on the table. His mouth suddenly watered and his stomach rumbled. He screamed, but he couldn't do it in public now, otherwise he would be torn apart by everyone. So he hid in the corner of a big tree not far away. Under the cover of the big tree, no one noticed him, and he fell asleep in a daze. Maybe Li Cheng had been daydreaming too much, and this time he had another dream. In the dream, he saw a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum with all four limbs, jumping and running towards him. In the dream Li Cheng was so excited that he stretched out his hand to catch it.

City God

At this moment, Li Cheng woke up with excitement. It turned out to be a dream. If he could really meet a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum, how much would it cost? The more Li Cheng thinks about it, the more aggrieved he becomes. You said I just want to get rich overnight, why is it so difficult! Li Cheng took the offering fruit and ate it, and accidentally saw a water tank next to him, and thought of the Polygonum multiflorum in his dream. Suddenly he felt something, and in a blink of an eye his eyes lit up. If I made it with clay If you plant Polygonum multiflorum in a human-shaped pottery, you will have a chance to make a fortune in a couple of years! The more he thought about it, the more he was right. Li Cheng patted his thigh and made up his mind.

The next day, Li Cheng found a potter to make a human-shaped pottery, and went to the mountain to get a Polygonum multiflorum, carefully planted it in, and then buried it in the mountain to prevent it from being discovered. After spending the past two years, Li Cheng found a job in the town to ensure that he would not be hungry. When I have nothing to do, I go to the mountains to fertilize the Polygonum multiflorum, and my life is very fulfilling. Two years later, Li Cheng became a small boss because of his good performance and serious work, but he was still thinking about his dream of getting rich! It has been two years and the Polygonum multiflorum has grown. After getting off work, Li Cheng hurried to the mountains. He dug out Tao Yong and smashed it. When he saw the human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum, he burst out laughing. Thinking: When people pass by, I will dig it out, and people will soon know that I dug up humanoid Polygonum multiflorum . I am selling it. From now on, I will have good food, good food, high bed and soft pillow. Do you have them all? Li Cheng hurriedly found a place to bury Polygonum multiflorum again, marked it on the ground, imagined a better life in the future, and went home happily.

Unexpectedly, two days later, an accident still happened. The rich man in the east of the city ate a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum and died on the spot. This incident was widely spread. What I want to say about the rich man Li in the east of the city is not simple. Nicknamed "Li Bancheng", half of the entire town belongs to him. He is greedy for money and lustful. Many people who were competitive with him have disappeared for no reason. However, there are people in this rich man's family who have been taken care of in the court. This matter was not investigated at all, and gradually no one in the town dared to mess with Rich Man Li.For such a big shot, he didn't expect that if he ate a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum at home, he would die. The firecracker business in the entire town was surprisingly good that day. Even Li Cheng's shopkeeper gave red envelopes to everyone. At the end of the day The sound of firecrackers never stopped.

Not long after, Li Chengcheng found out that Rich Man Li went to the City God's Temple to offer incense one day, and had a dream when he returned home. In the dream, the City God told him that there was a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum, and if you ate it, you would be able to rejuvenate and prolong your life. The next day, Rich Man Li took people into the mountains. Unexpectedly, he actually dug up a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum. When he returned that day, he asked his wife to stew it for him. Unexpectedly, he just drank it and he collapsed. He died before the doctor arrived. Li Cheng had a bad premonition after hearing this. He hurriedly ran up the mountain and found the place where he buried Polygonum multiflorum. Sure enough, the Polygonum multiflorum was gone. Li Cheng thought about what happened and thought of it at the Chenghuang Temple. Rich Master Li was there. The City God's Temple received the instructions, and it turned out that this was the City God's punishment for them!

Remember to pay attention, the next story will be more exciting!