Text: Li Er split three pictures: from the Internet. On the 15th of last month, I received a call from my sister just after I went to work: "Second aunt is hospitalized. She is in the intensive care unit now. It is very dangerous. Let's get there quickly!"

Text: Li Er De San

Picture: From the Internet

On the 15th of last month, I received a call from my sister just after I went to work: "Second aunt is hospitalized. She is now in the intensive care unit . It is quite dangerous. We Hurry up and go! "

Since my mother passed away last year, my second aunt is the only living elder in my mother's family. When such a big thing happened, of course I should rush over and explain the work at hand to my colleagues in a hurry. I asked for leave from the leader, and I rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

At the entrance of the hospital, I met my sister who had just arrived. Seeing that both of us were empty-handed, I said: "Let's go to the supermarket opposite to buy some gifts!"

"I don't know what to do yet, and I can't care about so much. , hurry up!" said my sister. When we arrived at the door of the intensive care unit, we saw that all the relatives had arrived, with solemn expressions on their faces, and they nodded to each other as greetings.

Sister pulled Sister Hong from her second aunt’s house aside and asked: “What’s going on? I saw my second aunt dancing square dance in the park a few days ago. Why did she suddenly become so seriously ill?” Sister Hong sighed and said: “ It’s not that she’s sick, it’s just that she wanted to get a little advantage, but she didn’t expect to cause a huge disaster.”

My mother has three sisters. She said many times during her lifetime that when it comes to living a prudent life, your third aunt and I will work together. It's not even half as good as your second aunt's. Your second aunt's mind is too small.

My mother said that when she was a child, her family was poor, with many children, and little food. Occasionally, she and her third aunt would eat delicious cakes, candies and other delicacies. Already swallowed. Only the second aunt often still has delicious food in hand after three days, and her careful planning always allows her to eat for a long time.

I learned about my second aunt’s careful budgeting when she took me to the market when I was ten years old. In order to buy a few green onions, she led me from the east end of the market to the west end, asking around all the vegetable stalls. My ankles were sore from walking, but the second aunt was still high-spirited, and in the end she spent more than one yuan to buy some green onions. A few green onions.

She proudly told me: "We saved fifty cents by buying here!" I reminded her: "Second aunt, you took me around the market three times, and I ate two more popsicles alone. "It's only 1 yuan." "It's not jealous to pay for oil. Anyway, we save money by buying green onions."

The reason why the second aunt was hospitalized this time was also related to her careful budgeting. There was a heavy rain some time ago, and a section of the courtyard wall of my second aunt's house was soaked by the rainwater. After the rain cleared, my uncle wanted to buy some bricks to build up the courtyard wall again.

Since the environmental protection policy strictly prohibits the use of soil to bake bricks, the building bricks here come all the way from Shandong. Not only are they expensive, but if you want a small quantity, the merchants will not deliver them at all. The uncle called his cousin and asked him to bring him a few hundred bricks over the weekend.

If my cousin could follow what my uncle said, my second aunt would not be hospitalized. At the weekend, my cousin told his uncle that he had a temporary assignment and needed to travel, and the trouble would have to wait until next week. My uncle was not in a hurry and said, just next week.

That day, my aunt and a few friends were riding outside to relax. They passed by a renovated old city, which had been enclosed with colored steel fences. The bungalows inside had been demolished, and there were bricks, rubble, and broken walls everywhere. Next to the fence was a warning sign that read "Heavy construction site, no entry allowed."

However, there were no construction workers on site. Instead, many surrounding villagers demolished a section of the fence and rode tricycles and tractors inside to pick up usable bricks or smash steel bars from construction waste.

The second aunt's eyes lit up. She no longer cared about riding bicycles with her friends, and hurried home to greet her uncle and said: "Hurry, get on the tricycle and go to Dongguan. The bungalows there have been demolished, and many people are picking up bricks there. Let's pick some up and build the courtyard wall. We can save hundreds of dollars."

My uncle had been a people's teacher all his life and was unwilling to do this kind of business that smacked of stealing, so he told his second aunt. : "Xiaogang will bring bricks for us next week, why bother to pick up other people's old bricks."

The second aunt rolled her eyes at him and said: "You, you have to save face and suffer. It's important to earn money in this life, and it's even more important to save money. If you don’t go, I will.” After saying that, the second aunt set off on her tricycle angrily.

Two hours later, the uncle did not wait for the second aunt's triumphant return. His cell phone suddenly rang, and the phone number showed that it belonged to the second aunt. After receiving the notification, it was an old man's voice: "You are the husband of this phone number, right? "Come on, your wife was knocked unconscious by a brick."

After leaving the phone, my uncle hurried to Dongguan. When he arrived at the demolition area, he saw that the "120" ambulance had also arrived. The kind man he called dialed "120" at the same time.

According to the uncle, the second aunt only lowered her head to pick up bricks and did not pay attention to the surrounding environment. As a result, a remaining wall suddenly fell down, which happened to crush the second aunt who was caught off guard.

Fortunately, after the doctor's rescue, the second aunt was finally out of danger and was transferred to a general ward three days later. My sister and I went to the hospital to see her a few days later. Although her movements were still difficult, she was in good spirits.

When talking about her sudden misfortune, the first thing she thought of was money. She wanted to sue the developer for compensation, but I analyzed it for her and said that there were obvious warning signs, so I don’t think you have much chance of winning if you sue the developer.

After listening to my analysis, she said: "It seems that I have suffered a big loss this time. The developer will not compensate me. The nurse also told me that in my case, the reimbursement ratio of the new rural cooperative medical care system is also very low. I I have been calculating carefully all my life, but I have not saved so much money, and I lost it all in one fell swoop. "

I am lucky enough to survive the catastrophe, so don't count the money, my second aunt!