There is a saying in "The Book of Songs": "Guan Guan Jiujiu, in the river continent. A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of Qiu." Most men like beautiful women, but why don't women like handsome men? The story I will introduce to you today is A murder case caused by a fight for

" Book of Songs " has a saying: "Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent. A graceful lady, a gentleman is a good man." Most men like beautiful women, but why don't women like handsome men? The one I will introduce to you today The story is a murder case caused by the competition for a handsome boy.

A handsome young man marries an ugly girl as his wife

During the Ming Dynasty , there was a man named Gao Tianchi in the Guangling area of ​​Jiangsu Province. He was not only handsome, but also suave and well-educated. Many women regard him as the lover of their dreams, and marry him as their lifelong goal. But Gao Tianchi ignored the wealthy women who came to propose marriage, and never fell in love with him. The young woman in Guangling area is happy and worried. She is happy that she still has a chance, but she is worried about what if the person he chooses in the end is not her?

Just when all the women were worrying about gains and losses, Gao Tianchi's home suddenly Good news came out: Gao Tianchi will get married soon. The jealous women were so jealous that they sent their servants to find out which family had such good luck. However, when the servants came back, they were stunned by the news. It turns out that the woman not only has an average family background, but also has a very ugly appearance. Is Gao Tianchi's aesthetics so weird?

In fact, compared to the beauty of appearance, Gao Tianchi is more interested in the beauty of a woman's soul. When he went out to take the imperial examination, his mother fell ill. At the critical moment, it was the neighbor Ziqin who helped take care of her, which allowed her mother to survive. Those Yingying Yanyan who usually pestered Gao Tianchi have never visited the gate of Gao Mansion since he left. Gao Tianchi was grateful to Ziqin and decided to marry her.

Zi Qin knew that her appearance was not worthy of Gao Tianchi, so she advised him to think twice before acting. But Gao Tianchi said: " No matter how beautiful a woman is, there will be a day when her pearls turn yellow. But the beauty of your soul can always be maintained. I married you not to repay a favor. But after this period of time, I married you. After getting along, I found that you are really a good girl. So, will you marry me?" Ziqin was very moved and agreed to Gao Tianchi's proposal.

Wife died of depression

Soon after, the two held a wedding. On the wedding day, the house was empty. Most of the women came to see their "national husband", and some came to see the bride's jokes. But no matter what their purpose was, Gao Tianchi and Ziqin's wedding was held smoothly. After the marriage, the couple respected each other as guests and lived a happy life. The only drawback was that Ziqin's stomach had not moved.

Although Gao Tianchi comforted Ziqin: "The two of us live a good life," Ziqin knew that he still wanted to have a child of his own. So Ziqin sought medical advice everywhere, but she was still unable to have children. Because she felt unworthy of her husband, Ziqin passed away within a few years. After Ziqin's death, Gao Tianchi never renewed his relationship, and many women felt sorry for him. The clan elders also advised Gao Tianchi to marry again, even if he didn't consider it for himself, he still wanted to pass on the incense to his father's branch.

But Gao Tianchi insisted on his own opinion and never married again. Time flies, more than 20 years have passed. Gao Tianchi has also changed from the handsome young man back then to a middle-aged uncle who has experienced vicissitudes of life. Over the years, the only thing he has persisted in is visiting his wife's grave every year and talking to her. Some matchmakers offered to help him secure a match, but he refused.

The Beautiful Woman on the Grave of His Dead Wife

One day, Gao Tianchi went to pay homage to his deceased wife. Unexpectedly, there was a beautiful middle-aged woman sitting on his deceased wife’s grave. Gao Tianchi turned a blind eye to her beauty, but said angrily: "Who asked you to sit on my wife's grave? Is this a place where you can sit?" The beautiful middle-aged woman asked with a smile: "Why can't I sit? Are you Gao Tianchi?" Gao Tianchi was confused. This was the first time he saw this woman, but she directly called out his name. He didn't know what this person wanted.

Gao Tianchi replied: "It's me. I wonder how Madam met me? And it's really not polite for you to sit on my wife's grave." The middle-aged beautiful woman smiled again and said: "Of course, Sister Ziqin told me about . , and I’m sitting here, I’m sure she won’t blame me." "Ziqin? She has been dead for many years, how did she tell you?" "Of course it was a dream! Otherwise, how could I know you? It was she who asked me to wait for you here!"

Gao Tianchi was extremely surprised, but It was still unbelievable. She asked the middle-aged woman to tell her a few more things about herself, and then Gao Tianchi believed her. Asked: "Why did Ziqin ask you to wait for me here?" The middle-aged beautiful woman: "Marry you!" Gao Tianchi: "Marry me?"

The middle-aged beautiful woman: "Yes, just marry you. !Ziqin gave me a dream, because she was worried about you being alone after her death, so she could never be reincarnated. My husband passed away the year before last and could be your companion, so she chose me. Nowadays, her chances of reincarnation are getting less and less, and if she continues to delay, she may never be reincarnated again, so I hope you can get rid of the current situation as soon as possible and let her reincarnate with peace of mind. "

Vicious means

After the middle-aged beautiful woman finished speaking, she found that Gao Tianchi had already burst into tears. Gao Tianchi did not expect that after Ziqin passed away, he was still thinking about himself. But he couldn't be too selfish. Use emotions to bind Ziqin. Since this woman is Ziqin's choice, let's live with her! So Gao Tianchi agreed to become a partner with the middle-aged beautiful woman. When the two turned around and left, the middle-aged beautiful woman. A sly smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. After Gao Tianchi remarried a middle-aged woman, he learned that this woman was named Yin Mengqian. The wealthy businessman died the year before last and left her a fortune. These are not the focus of Gao Tianchi. What he cares about is whether Ziqin can be reincarnated safely. A week later, Gao Tianchi asked Yin Mengqian again: "Has Ziqin given you another dream? Has she already been reincarnated?" Yin Mengqian said. : "She has learned about this and lets you and I live a good life. She is already lining up to be reincarnated. "

After hearing about this, Gao Tianchi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he and Yin Mengqian formed a family again, he still had the shadow of his deceased wife in his heart, and he did not do what a husband and wife should do with Yin Mengqian. Yin Mengqian was very unhappy. Happy. One day, Gao Tianchi came back from outside and heard Yin Mengqian talking to a woman. He wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly he heard them talking about "Ziqin"'s name.

Gao Tianchi listened patiently. After walking down, she heard Yin Mengqian say: "Mother-in-law, I followed the method you told me and used Ziqin's name to trick Gao Tianchi into marrying me. But he hasn't touched me, so what should I do?" An elderly woman said with a smile: "My wife is really a fan of the authorities, why don't you just use Ziqin's name and say that she hopes you two have a child?" Yin Mengqian: "Mother-in-law, still You have a way, you are worthy of being a famous matchmaker. "

" The old woman said: "What a shame! In Gao Tianchi's place, I have only had a few encounters. I tried to be a matchmaker for my wife several times, but he didn't agree." I had no choice but to come up with this method. "After hearing this, Gao Tianchi realized that the woman in the house was the one who came to propose marriage several times. And in order to marry him, she even borrowed Ziqin's name. It was so shameless.

Meeting the Matchmaker After leaving, Gao Tianchi returned to the house. He pretended not to know about this and treated Yin Mengqian as usual. After a while, Yin Mengqian said, "Husband, sister Ziqin gave me another dream last night. Said that she has obtained the quota for reincarnation and she wants to come to our house and continue to be taken care of by you. I wonder what you think?" Gao Tianchi suppressed his anger and said, "In that case, just do as she said! You make preparations tonight. "Yin Mengqian was overjoyed.

Exposing the conspiracy

At night, the two of them blew out the candles and were about to perform the courtesy of Duke Zhou when a gust of wind suddenly blew outside. The door opened, and a white gauze-like thing floated over. Just listen to the sound in the room. A strange voice came out: "Why did you lie to my husband? Why did you want to harm me?" Yin Mengqian was very panicked and begged for mercy: "Ziqin, I didn't mean to kill you, I love him too much. I don’t want to lose him, please forgive me!”

Bai Ying said: “Then tell me all the scandalous things you have done over the years. Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door."Then, Yin Mengqian began to talk about some of the wrong things she had done back then. It turned out that she had a deep love for Gao Tianchi before she got married, and even sent someone to come to propose marriage, but Gao Tianchi rejected her. Later I heard that Gao Tianchi After marrying the ugly Ziqin, she almost collapsed. In order to retaliate against Ziqin, she sent rumors and rumors to slander Ziqin. When Ziqin sought medical advice to give birth to a child, she also secretly bribed the doctor to switch to infertility. In the end, Ziqin died of depression. She originally thought that she would have a chance after Ziqin died, but Gao Tianchi had no choice but to marry a wealthy businessman who died of illness the year before last. , she had Gao Tianchi's idea again, and then secretly directed the play.

After learning the whole story, the lights in the room suddenly turned on. When Yin Mengqian saw Gao Tianchi, he was expressionless. Sitting in front of her, Yin Mengqian said angrily: "Is it you?" Gao Tianchi sneered: "Yes, it's me. You performed very well, but I forgot to tell you that I also learned shadow puppetry . It turns out that Ziqin was killed by you! In this case, don’t blame me for killing my family out of righteousness. "

The next day, Gao Tianchi sent Yin Mengqian to the government. After trial, the magistrate made her an official slave. At the foot of the cemetery where Ziqin was located, there was an extra thatched hut, and a middle-aged man lived there ever since.
