...Flat heels, long and white hemp legs, black chiffon straight waisted elastic skirt, white silk shirt, long and strong neck, oval face, small cherry mouth and hooked nose, big and bright The eyes are the image of this girl. Her eyes were always moving flexibly, but her face was


Flat heels, long and white hemp legs, black chiffon straight waisted elastic skirt, white silk shirt, long and strong neck, oval face, small cherry mouth and hooked nose, big and Bright eyes are the image of this girl.

Her eyes were always moving flexibly, but her face was filled with melancholy.

She is different from her sister Shiitake. There is always a smile like a rose on Shiitake's face.

Her parents herded sheep, cattle and horses in the Irtysh River area. Shiitake was recruited as a tax officer because she could recite poetry and paint. Her younger sister Sirhale was first taken to a boarding school in a town to attend elementary school. Now that she has graduated from elementary school, she is going to the city to attend junior high school.

Today, Saturday, I went to meet my brother-in-law. In the early morning, when Sirhale finished washing and getting dressed, her sister looked at her and said with a smile.

Sierha Le thought, my sister missed her brother-in-law again.

Sirhale blinked her beautiful almond eyes, but her face still couldn't get rid of the faint sadness inherent in a girl.

sister usually doesn’t wear makeup because her natural beauty always appears naturally on her cheeks. Although she writes poetry and paints, she is not weak at all. Instead, she is 1.81 meters tall, so her legs are so slender. She does not have a small waist, but is straight forward and backward, supported by her slender neck. With a rosy cheek, a mouth as small as Sirhale's, always smiling, a high bridge of nose, and blinking eyes often with a thoughtful look, but the sadness on Sirhale's face has never been It has never appeared on Shiitake's face.

Maybe it’s because Shiitake has grown up. Although she and Lin Menghui spend less time together and more apart, she has a group of happy sisters. After paying taxes, they always sing, dance, eat, drink and have fun indoors. After the sisters leave, she will recite poems. I was enjoying myself painting, but when I felt too lonely and confused, I went to see Lin Menghui again.

She was not the only one going to see Lin Menghui this weekend, otherwise why would she have brought her sister with her?

A few days ago, Lan Jie, Li Hua, Yang Fangfei and Hu Ye all called separately and asked if Lin Menghui had returned to the Crane Villa. .

I don't know, he hasn't contacted me, Shiitake said.

He has not contacted you. You are his woman, so why don’t you take the initiative to contact him? Li Hua laughed on the phone.

What about you? Are you not his woman yet? Have you contacted him? Shiigugu replied.

I didn't dare, I was afraid that he would scold me, but Li Hua still had a bright smile on his face.

You don’t dare, I don’t, but in our impression, it seems that he has never scolded us, right?

Even if the sky falls, he will remain calm.

The sky is falling? What happened? In fact, nothing happened to

, except that sister Xueer is back, and I heard that there are a few new sisters.

Skylark and Purple Jade Fairy both told me about this.

Skylark and the others are the same. Last time they went to see their sister, they didn’t call us. It would always be rude if we didn’t go.

Aren’t you busy? You and Lan Jie both have to sell properties and take care of the children.

No matter how busy you are, you can’t miss your man, right? He hasn’t come to our house for a long time.

I heard that Wenyuan Pavilion is now empty and no one lives in it?

Where do Skylark and Purple Jade Fairy live?

oh, I forgot about it.

It’s the weekend. I don’t believe Lin Menghui hasn’t seen us in two days. If he doesn’t see me, he should also see the children.

How are the kids?

How are the kids?

Everything is fine! After all, they are Lin Menghui's children. They are all very good-looking and strong. They have not had any minor illnesses, pains or colds since they were born. They are always lively and cheerful.

Their father is always silent.

haven't grown up yet. Look, none of them look like Lin Menghui. Even Eva looks exactly the same as him. They are simply cast from the same mold. They have nothing to do with me and Lan Jie, and they can't be planted. A little bit of my mother's genes.

Yes, his genes are too strong. I will also raise a child for him next year.

, raise a few more.

Take your time, I really want to raise children now.

While he is young, handsome and in the prime of life, you should all raise your children as soon as possible.

We are mortals, so of course we have to raise children. Xueer, Skylark, Purple Jade Fairy, Skylark and the Twin Flower sisters are fairies who descended to earth. I’m afraid we won’t be able to raise children for a while, right?

How can they have time to take care of them? There is no choice but to hand it over to us.

Well, yes, that’s the truth.

I heard that the two new ones are also fairies?

Two pairs, four of them, and the other two are followers.

Okay, let’s not talk anymore, we will visit them on the weekend...



Women talk a lot when they are together, but they are always silent in front of their men...


On Saturday, mushroom belt With their sister Enerha Le, Lan Jie and Li Hua with their six children, Yang Fangfei and Hu Ye with cat faces, they all came to the Crane Villa...

... In half a year, the children have grown taller... …

Aunt Six, is this the sister? Maoer pointed at Sirhale and asked Shiitake Mushroom. Xianggu smiled and said, wrong, wrong, she is the sister of Sixth Aunt, you should also call her Aunt.

Call me aunt, she will be your aunt in the future, Hu Ye said, holding Maoer Lian's hand.

Whether we are aunts or aunts, we are all part of the same family, Yang Fangfei said.

At this time, Lin Menghui walked out holding Princess Yin Bing with his left hand and holding the Fragrance Goddess with his right hand, followed by Jia Axia and Xinghua. The women all stared at Lin Menghui and smiled. Silha Le called brother-in-law, lowered his head and blushed. , Maoerlian and Li Hua's children called daddy, Lan Jie's children called daddy, and they all rushed towards Lin Menghui. Lin Menghui let go of the hands of Princess Yinbing and the goddess of fragrance, squatted down and picked up one in each hand. The youngest child running in front lowered his head and glanced at the children gathered around him and said, "We are all here. Dad is very happy today..."


Later, how do these people get along with each other? What are you talking about?