Last night I dreamed of my second brother. He was sitting by the melon shed, holding a big cattail leaf fan in his hand, fanning himself slowly. When the second brother saw me coming to look for him, he saw me from afar and waved to me to let me pass. I came to him and asked me i

Last night I dreamed of my second brother. He was sitting by the melon shed, holding a big cattail leaf fan in his hand, fanning the wind slowly.

When my second brother saw me coming to look for him, he saw me from afar and waved his hand to me to let me pass.

I came to him and asked me if I was hot or thirsty? I smiled at him, and my second brother went straight to the melon patch, picked out a big, round melon, and handed it to me.

I wiped the loose soil on the melon with my hands and tried hard to break the melon, but I couldn't open it. While I was trying hard, I woke up from the dream.

I kept thinking about the scene in my dream when I met my second brother, thinking about his voice and appearance, and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

As I thought about it, tears wet my eyes involuntarily. Second brother, I miss you! I miss you!

The scene in my dream was that when I was a child, my second brother was taking care of the melon garden in the village. The scene when I went to find him is still vivid in my mind.

My second brother left us for more than a year due to illness. Every time I think of him, I feel an indescribable pain, like a thousand arrows piercing my heart.

My second brother and I have a good relationship. He has loved me very much since childhood. He is tall and amiable to others. He is a good person and has many friends. With the care of his brother, no one has ever bullied me since I was a child.

The second brother is a filial brother. He comes to visit his father when he has time. He makes phone calls, sends voice messages and video chats every now and then. He is always concerned about his father's physical condition.

The second brother is the housekeeper. Since he has twin grandsons, he is even more happy. Taking the children to play, taking the children to and from school, and supervising the children to study have become his entire life.

It is said that good people do not live long, but this sentence happened to my second brother. On the twenty-ninth day of the fifth lunar month last year, he passed away forever with love for his family. It has been one year and five days since he left us today.

Second brother, we miss you, we love you, we are all living well, don’t worry!

May God bless my father to live the rest of his life in peace, bless his children to have a healthy life and succeed in their studies, and bless the family to be safe and happy!

July 2, 2022