Among the recipes, there is "one fish, three meals", and among the cases, there is "one woman, three partners". This thing sounds fresh enough, but it is a real thing that happened in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. If you are interested, And look down. It is said that in

Among the

recipes, there is "one fish, three meals", and among the cases, there is "one woman, three wives". This thing sounds fresh enough, but it is a real thing that happened in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. If you are interested , and look down.

It is said that in the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, that is, 1902 AD, Du Awen, a villager in Shanghai County (Shanghai was a county at that time and changed to a special city in 1927), had a daughter who was already in her hair. Awen made the decision for her. He was betrothed to fellow villager Zhao Xiaoding.

However, Awen's wife Du Liu was a fierce woman because her husband had promised his daughter to someone else without consulting her. She was so angry that after a big quarrel with Awen, she promised her daughter to the boatman Qian Jiujin.

When Du Nu's uncle heard that his niece was planning to betrothed, he simply got involved and without telling his sister and brother-in-law, he betrothed his niece to his best friend's only son, Sun Bao. Because this matter was handled with extreme caution, Du Awen and his wife were not aware of it.

The sons of the three surnames each had their own time to get married, and they all asked someone to send betrothal gifts to the Du family. Du Awen couldn't believe it even to death that his only daughter was promised to three families. For a time, there was a joke, and the three families were fighting, each refusing to give in, to the point of fighting, and no one was willing to compromise.

Du Awen found it difficult to give up, so he had no choice but to report the matter to Lu Chuntang, the magistrate of Shanghai.

After reading the complaint, Lu Chuntang thought the matter was outrageous and funny, but he had to let Du Awen make the decision, so he called a group of people to the front of the court and questioned them one by one.

Du Awen was the first to be summoned to court, and Magistrate Lu asked him to talk about the circumstances of the proposed marriage. Du Awen said: "When a boy is older, he should be married, and when a girl is older, it is natural and well taught by the ancients. When a girl is old, she should be married to a good family. So, I promised her to Zhao Xiaoding. I am her father. I made the decision for her, what was wrong with me?"

Magistrate Lu summoned Du Awen's wife, Du Liu, to court again. Du Liu said: "Only the mother knows how hard it is for a woman to give birth after ten months of pregnancy. My husband was stupid and promised my child to Zhao Xiaoding without telling me. As the child's mother, I Why can't you promise your own child to Qian Jiujin?"

The third person to be summoned to court was Du Nu's uncle. He said: "A good girl never has two husbands. This is an eternal truth. My brother-in-law promised the child to Zhao Xiaoding, and my sister promised the child to Qian Jiujin. Both families were poor, so my niece did not marry No matter which family I go to, life is not good. As an uncle, I don't want my niece to be poor, so I chose the rich Sun family for this child."

The three of them each had their own reasons, and they all seemed to be reasonable. After discussing with his staff, Magistrate Lu decided to send Nu Nu over to hear what she had to say.

When Du Nu arrived at the lobby, she lowered her head and did not dare to speak. Magistrate Lu asked her to raise her head. After taking a few glances, I found that this girl didn't look very good. She couldn't be said to be ugly or pretty. She was just an ordinary person at best. But it is not difficult to see from her eyes that she is an honest person and is by no means a watery person.

Lu Zhixian asked her: "Your parents each chose a family for you, and your uncle also chose a family for you. You can only choose one of the three families. Let me ask you, which one do you want to choose?"

Du Nu Wiping away tears, she choked and said: "If I follow the first one, I will betray the second one; if I follow the second person, I will betray the third one. If I betray my parents, I will be unfilial; if I betray my uncle, it will be my fault." Disrespectful. The only choice I have is to die. In this way, I will not let anyone down."

Lu Zhixian thought for a moment and slapped the tree hard: "Are you really willing to die to fulfill your filial piety?"

Mrs. Du kowtowed. I am willing!"

Lu Zhixian said solemnly: "You only have one life, and you can't live again after you die. Don't regret it!"

Du Nu gritted her teeth: "I won't regret it!"

"Okay! The magistrate was shocked and told the team leader standing downstairs: "Go and get a bottle of poison and let this woman drink it on the spot. I want to see if she is brave or not!"

It won't take long. , the squad leader brought a small glass bottle. Lu Zhixian asked the squad leader to hand the vial to Du Nu: "Life or death is right in front of you, it is up to you to decide.The bottle of poison in your hand is a highly poisonous poison imported from overseas. If you drink it, your intestines will be broken in just a few moments. Do you still dare to drink? Do you want to die? "

" Thank you, Sir! "Du Nu suddenly pulled out the cork of the bottle. She tilted her neck and swallowed the whole bottle of medicine.

Sure enough, a moment later, she fell to the ground, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth. Du Awen, Du Liushi Seeing this scene, the three families named Zhao, Qian and Sun were also dumbfounded and looked at each other in misery.

Magistrate Lu looked at the crowd, slapped the gavel and asked sternly: "Du Awen's daughter, though. Although he is dead, his status is still there, and all three of your families have paid betrothal gifts, so you should restrain them. Is there anyone willing?

Everyone was silent. Magistrate Lu asked sharply for the second time: "Who is willing?" "

Qian Jiujin "Gudong" knelt down and said pitifully: "My family is so poor that we can't open the pot, and we really don't have the money to collect her body.

Sun Bao also knelt down and cried: "My parents are sick and cannot be disturbed. My parents must not be able to bear the blows and beatings required during the funeral."

Only Zhao Xiaoding looks like a man. He said: "I am willing to restrain myself." "

Magistrate Lu asked the reason. Zhao Xiaoding said: "Although my family is poor, we cannot be without morality. Uncle Du promised his daughter to me, and she will become a member of my family. Since she is a member of my family, if I don’t restrain her, who will restrain her? "After that, I burst into tears.

"What a man! "Lu Zhixian raised his thumb and said, "Since you are willing to restrain yourself for Du Awen's daughter, then this county will help you. All the betrothal gifts from the Qian and Sun families belong to you. From now on, they will have nothing to do with you or the Du family. If they dare to cause trouble for you, this county will make the decision for you! "After that, he ordered Hua to be detained to close the case.

However, just after the case was declared closed, a miraculous scene appeared. Du Nu actually came to life. After drinking a bowl of water, she could speak and move without any abnormalities.

Only then did Lu Zhixian reveal the mystery. He said that the bottle of medicine was just a Western anesthetic. After drinking it, he would lose consciousness for a period of time and he would wake up naturally. , using this method to test Du Nu's determination and the attitudes of the three families did not expect it to be so miraculous. Du Nu was lucky to meet such an upright man, and Zhao Xiaoding was able to marry such a loyal man. It is his blessing to have such a beautiful woman as his wife. It is the fate of the two of them, the arrangement of God, and the fulfillment of Lu Zhixian.

I will stop here. It seems absurd, but it is a real case, and it has been mentioned in many modern documents. It is said that in those days, it was rare to meet a good official like Lu Chuntang, and it was really rare to hear this case. If he is a confused official, then the outcome of this lawsuit will definitely be different
