The romantic life of college is over, and only some students are working through recruitment. The little Yanzi in my class comes from a remote rural area. She usually doesn’t like to interact with other classmates, so she shares the same problem with me. She participated in the r

The romantic life of college is over, and only some students are working through recruitment. The little Yanzi in my class comes from a remote rural area. She usually doesn’t like to interact with other classmates, so she shares the same problem with me. She participated in the recruitment several times but failed. However, in order not to embarrass her family, she did not want to go back to her hometown, so as not to let her parents carry her in the village. Without starting a job, I found a job in a small jewelry store with just over 30 square meters in the same city.

She is the only one employed by this jewelry store. Her main job is to pick up specially made gold and silver jewelry and jewelry for customized customers based on their pick-up orders. There are very few retail customers, and the counter is just for display.

It had been raining all day. As I was packing my things and leaving get off work, a young man wearing a black hat and a black mask walked in. He looked about the same age as himself. He looked at the counter and motioned to take out a couple's diamond ring to look at. After she took out the diamond ring, she turned around and continued packing her luggage to get off work.

After a while, he put the diamond ring box on the counter and turned to leave, heading towards the door. She habitually opened the diamond ring box immediately, and her mind went blank, "One is missing!" ! !

"Sir, please stay!", she called as hard as she could and rushed to the door... She ran to the convenience shelf at the door, took off an umbrella, handed it to him, and said timidly, "Sir, take this umbrella with you. It's raining hard!"

She wanted to say something, but she never said it. Passing the umbrella with his left hand, he extended his right hand...

The young man was stunned like a statue, then slowly stretched out his hand, grabbed her right hand, held it tightly, took the umbrella and disappeared into the rain... …

She returned to the counter, put down the diamond ring, closed the diamond ring box, put it back on the counter, and let out a long breath...

At this point, my friend had finished telling me what she had experienced, and I don’t know if there is another one. How many people can believe it? ? ?

"Voice of Longyuan" column group Xiao Jun editor
