Before the second sister, Brother Chun, and Sister Ya could express their opinions, Aunt Hui shouted from the other side: Everyone, wash your hands and get ready to eat. The second brother-in-law walked down the slope and said, "Okay, okay, let's do this for now, and you can thin

Before the second sister, Brother Chun, and Sister Ya could express their opinions, Aunt Hui shouted from the other side: Everyone, wash your hands and get ready to eat.

The second brother-in-law walked down the slope and said: "Okay, okay, let's do this for now. You guys can think about it later. Let's eat first and discuss while eating."

The second sister felt that the second brother-in-law was a bit of a thief, and she felt a little guilty towards Brother Chun and Yamei, so her attitude became friendly: Brother Chun, Yamei, let's eat first, and we will discuss this matter later.

The second sister, the second brother-in-law, Brother Chun, Yamei, and Director Zhang walked towards the restaurant. When the second sister walking in front looked at the table , she couldn't help but scream: Oh my God.

Several other people also looked towards the dining table, and were all shocked by the beautiful dishes on the dining table.

Yamei stuck out her tongue towards Brother Chun and whispered: These old ladies can handle it well, the benchmark has been set here for us two.

The second brother-in-law said to Brother Chun: Brother Chun, you have seen it now, what is a clever woman?

Director Zhang stroked his beard and kept saying: It's amazing, it's amazing, the food can be made like this.

Brother Chun and Yamei spontaneously took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Brother Chun praised sincerely: "It's really a bit unexpected. I didn't see much food just now. How did you make this?"

Yamei said while taking pictures: Aunt Hui, it’s not the snail girl who attacked you, right?

Fang Li on the side said quickly: I was the one who did it. Do you think I look like a snail girl?

Yamei teased Fang Li and said: Oh, did Popeye help? We really don't dare to eat what you've got.

Fang Li retorted: You'd better not eat it. With your big stomach, I'm afraid this little thing won't be able to fill even one corner.

Yamei was deliberately angry and said: No matter what you say, I just eat and don’t gain weight, unlike you, who gained two pounds even if I drank water. It’s you who shouldn’t eat.

The second sister also patted the dishes fiercely, but told her: No one is allowed to post on WeChat Moments, this dish must be the first dish from the second sister Yuefang.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Aunt Hui was overjoyed: Are you satisfied, second sister?

The second sister was so excited that she didn’t know what to say. She said sincerely: Aunt Hui, your first kick was so beautiful. Come on, tell us the name and method of each dish.

Aunt Hui said unhurriedly and reservedly: I don’t need to introduce the method. You can see it clearly at a glance. It is not difficult at all. As for the name, I haven't thought much about it yet. Let's brainstorm ideas and let everyone think about it. The second sister of

agreed: Yes, yes, such a beautiful dish does not have a good name, it is simply in vain, everyone should think about it carefully. You can only use chopsticks after naming.

delicious tasting: cucumber lemon honey water. Cucumbers and lemons are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and various mineral components. Honey has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxatives. Drinking them together with water can detoxify, nourish the skin, relieve summer heat and quench thirst.

Reading of excellent works: Jingnan is delicious in May. Preserved bamboo shoots and tea oil are all sold in Jiaoqiao City. Finely chopped cucumbers are cool enough to make you sneeze, and the cooking aroma is like ripe, long-waisted rice.

- Dielianhua.Cucumber (Qing Dynasty. Chen Weisong)