"There will be an activity in Sansheng Village next week to send legal classes to the countryside. Our law firm recommends you to attend this lecture. The local county and village governments attach great importance to doing practical things for the people and doing good things f

As soon as he walked out of the court after the court session, Lu Kaizhi quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed back a missed call. It was from Anqiao, the administrative director of the law firm.

"There will be an event in Sansheng Village next week to send legal classes to the countryside. Our law firm recommends you to attend this lecture. The local county and village governments attach great importance to doing practical things for the people and doing good things for the people. You must Be well prepared, this is not only your personal matter, but also a major matter for our law firm!" Enqiao is worthy of being a leader, and his height is indeed different. After listening to Director An Qiao's words, Lu Kaizhi's understanding of the matter changed from his initial indifference to his heart full of passion - this is a well-being and supremely glorious task for the people, and it must be completed well.

Lu Kaizhi initially heard about law firms sending classes to the countryside, but no one paid much attention to it. The first is the nature of work in a law firm - no one pays a salary, and all income depends on one's own hard work. You can make money if you work, but you can't make money if you don't work, and you can even get rebates. In this case, no one is willing to do something that has nothing to do with their work. Not to mention the trouble, the key is that it will affect their income. However, today Director Anqiao has spoken to this extent, and Lu Kaizhi cannot refuse. He also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to spread legal knowledge to the farmer brothers and solve practical difficulties in life.

In order to make the course vivid and truly benefit the people, Lu Kaizhi spent two days and revised it many times to carefully prepare a 108-page PPT. Starting from real life, combined with the actual situation, we will describe some common legal dispute cases in rural areas in a simple and easy-to-understand way. From a professional point of view, this is an impeccable handout, and Lu Kaizhi is very satisfied.

Soon the superior propaganda department of Sansheng Village, relevant leaders of the township, village director and other relevant staff contacted Lu Kaizhi and asked him to send the lecture notes for filing and review. Without much thought, Lu Kaizhi sent the handout he had carefully prepared online, and the other party soon gave him revision suggestions - the policy description was not perfect, so the policy must be highlighted! Lu Kaizhi felt a little unhappy. What does the popularization of the law have to do with rural policies? Moreover, depending on the other party’s intention, he must introduce the policy in a large space. Lu Kaizhi felt that the lecture would be a little off-topic if he followed the other party's revision suggestions, but since the other party had a request, he would cooperate. So Lu Kaizhi searched hard and added some policies that could be relied upon. In his opinion, this was purely superfluous. However, the other party felt that such changes would easily pass the review, and the leader was also very satisfied with the result. Lu Kaizhi just wanted to scold his mother for not knowing what it means to specialize in a profession, but he thought about it, after all, he was also serving the people and doing good deeds.

The day of sending classes to the countryside came as scheduled. Lu Kaizhi dressed up carefully, with a 37-inch long back and big shiny leather shoes. He also specially found the suit he used to attend the Lawyers Association Awards last year. Today's protagonist. A few hundred meters away from the village committee, Lu Kaizhi saw a few people who looked like village cadres scattered on both sides of the road from a distance, and there were all colorful arches and flying balls to create an atmosphere. This was somewhat beyond Lu Kaizhi's expectations. He expected to be welcomed, but he never expected to be treated with such courtesy and such high standards. He felt a little inexplicably excited. It seemed that he, as the protagonist, needed to work hard today.

After a brief introduction, Lu Kaizhi saw that everyone was still standing where they were. The village director Lao Xu on the side hurriedly explained, "Wait a moment, the leader of the xw propaganda department will come with reporters shortly. Let's wait a moment!" Not long after, three cars drove over at lightning speed. Before the cars could stop, a group of village cadres hurriedly applauded to welcome them. Some discerning people hurriedly stepped forward and opened the car door. This smile and the gesture made Lu Kaizhi a little jealous. He The protagonist seems somewhat unknown. After a brief introduction, everyone rushed towards the village committee. Lu Kaizhi was the last one to arrive at the village committee. The meeting room of the village committee was already filled with anxious and chattering villagers. Next, Lu Kaizhi would become their teacher and educate them on the law.

"I am Xu Qianjin, the director of my village. First of all, I would like to thank the lawyers from Zhengyi Law Firm for sending us classes to the countryside. I would also like to thank the superior leaders for sending us this timely rain for caring about the farmers' needs and thoughts. Everyone here. Villagers, we will teach for two hours today. I hope you can learn something. Now, I would like to invite Director Li from the Propaganda Department to speak for us. Everyone is welcome!" Although Xu Qianjin's name is rough, his speech is still of a certain standard. Minister Li is a middle-aged man in his forties, and he is worthy of being a propaganda man. Speeches are his specialty. He can explain the profound things in simple terms and make high-level suggestions. Without a speech transcript, he talked for nearly an hour. Finally, there was a concluding speech: "Today's time is limited, so I won't say much!" This was followed by a speech by the relevant leaders of the township and town. The content was nothing more than thanking the leaders and the lawyers, with the emphasis being on gratitude. He spoke eloquently for more than half an hour. Next, village director Xu Qianjin spoke on behalf of Sansheng Village. He first thanked Leader x, then thanked the township leaders, once again thanked Lu Kaizhi's law firm, and finally thanked the villagers who were able to attend the class today.

It had been nearly two hours since I finished thanking him. Lu Kaizhi, who was sitting aside, was a little anxious. It was expected to take two hours, but now the speech was close to two hours. He, the protagonist, had not yet appeared. Lu Kaizhi looked at his watch. Before arriving, Lu Kaizhi had already informed the person in charge of the docking station of his schedule in advance. He only had two hours at most, and he had a very important court session in the afternoon. Lu Kaizhi gently touched the village accountant Lao Li, the contact person next to him, with his arm. "The time cannot be delayed too long. I have an important court meeting in the afternoon..." Lao Li interrupted Lu Kaizhi before he could finish speaking. Don’t worry, it will be over in two hours. The leaders will have to go back for a meeting later, and the villagers will have to go back to pick up the crops in the afternoon! "

" Now we have lawyer Lu Kaizhi from Zhengyi Law Firm to give a lecture, but lawyer Lu is very busy. Hmm, he still has an important case that needs to be held in court in the afternoon. Please understand that in order not to waste Lawyer Lu’s precious time, I will ask him to send you the relevant courseware. Everyone should go back and study hard. We will hold a study session in three days. Experience exchange meeting. Finally, there is one most important link: thank you to Zhengyi Law Firm and our superior leaders for their strong support of our grassroots work. Let’s take a group photo with all the leaders attending the meeting”...

Lu Kaizhi also wants to say something here. What, but when I saw that the village director Xu Qianjin had already organized a group of participating leaders to take a group photo in front of the rostrum filled with banners and flowers, three or four photographers nearby had already set up their guns and cannons. Lu Kaizhi was pushed to the F position. This position happened to be able to see the photojournalist's shooting scene. The most conspicuous thing in the scene was the front row of high-spirited leaders at all levels and the most conspicuous banner - sending classes to the countryside and doing work for farmers. The truth... Lu Kaizhi felt that he was not the protagonist today.

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