Next to the ridge of Wangjiazhuang, there is a cylindrical wormwood with a smooth surface and a weight of about 700 to 800 kilograms. In the past, farmers used it for plowing fields and grinding grain, but now it has long been idle.

Beside the ridge of Wangjiazhuang, there was a Luqi , which was cylindrical in shape, with a smooth surface and weighed about seven to eight hundred kilograms. In the past, farmers used it for plowing fields and grinding grain, but now it has long been idle.

Once, villager Wang Dasheng was greedy for money at work. He was passing by here and suddenly heard a cry from Luqi. Sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, sometimes it is like the voice of a middle-aged woman, sometimes like the cry of a child. Wang Dasheng was so frightened that his hair stood on end. After returning home, he reported the strange thing to the village chief. The village chief followed him to Luqi's place, and sure enough he heard the strange crying sound. The village chief was puzzled.

The next day, the village chief reported to the relevant higher authorities. Three days later, the relevant departments sent two experts to conduct on-site investigation, and reporters from some TV stations and newspapers also came to interview and report. There were also many people watching the excitement. Everyone expressed their opinions on this cry.

Some people say that Luqi is made of stone, how can it cry?

Some people also say that Luqi is the attribute of the white tiger. Maybe it is too lonely and lonely, so it cries because of sadness.

The villagers have a lot of opinions.

Some people said: Maybe this Luqi crushed some creatures in the past, was stained with blood, and experienced the essence of the sun and the moon to form a climate. And experts don't believe the claims. They thought carefully and looked up and down, left and right, looking for the place where the cry came from. They observed that there was a square shaft groove at each end of the Luqi. Since it had not been used for a long time, a honeycomb of earth had been set up in the shaft groove. The inside of the hole was large and the outside was small. Since the mouth of the nest faces the northwest direction, whenever the northwest wind blows, the wind pours into the honeycomb and spins out of the nest, making a whining sound. It is autumn now, and the northwest wind blows more frequently. The expert swung a small hammer and smashed the honeycomb into pieces, and the mysterious crying stopped immediately.

The airplane pilot

had just solved one mystery when another appeared. Before the experts left, Mayor Li brought another foreign expert. The foreign expert has fair skin and blue eyes. In fact, he is an American tourist. He didn't ask the reason why Luqi cried, but asked the village chief if the Luqi was for sale. He liked it very much and was willing to pay 50,000 US dollars to buy it.

Village Chief Le is crazy! Fifty thousand US dollars is equivalent to 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, which adds a considerable amount of funds to support agriculture in the village, and everyone unanimously agrees to sell it.

Only one villager had doubts. He pulled the village chief and several others aside and said, "Think about it, everyone. A foreigner who came thousands of miles away to buy this stone lump and paid such a sky-high price must have a lot of background. I think , Maybe there may be gold or gems hidden in Luqi! "


Everyone returned to Luqi and looked carefully. No matter how you look at it, it is an ordinary stone. The village chief decided to sell Luqi.

When everyone was loading the pigeon into the car, an old lady in her nineties came sitting on a two-wheeled car pushed by her son.

The old man held the village chief's hand and refused to let him sell the pigeon. She said that this pigeon has great significance. In 1942, the Japanese used a large number of aircraft to bomb our troops and liberated areas. Her right leg was blown off when the enemy planes dropped bombs. At that time, in order to support China's resistance to Japan, the U.S. government sent many fighter planes and pilots to participate in the war. However, the airport was not enough at that time. After urgent discussion, the competent authorities decided to choose a piece of flat land in Wangjiazhuang, and use horses, mules, cattle and other livestock to pull a hoe to run and crush the ground day and night. After eight or nine days and nights, a simple landing strip was finally built. Chinese and American fighter planes took off from here, severely attacking the Japanese bandits, achieving brilliant results again and again, and avenging Mrs. Wang!

After hearing what Mrs. Wang said, everyone was shocked. The words of the American tourists moved people even more.

Planes are bombing

The American's name is Brown. During the Anti-Japanese War, his father, Old Brown, was a pilot supporting the Anti-Japanese War and was stationed at Wangjiazhuang Airport. He once witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of building an airport using Chinese farmyards. Before his son came to China, his father told him to visit Wangjiazhuang.When he learned about Luqi, he told his still-living father on the phone. It was his father who asked him to buy this pigeon and transport it home as a souvenir.

The village chief still ordered the Luqi to be unloaded from the car and kept forever, because it was ironclad evidence of Japanese imperialism's invasion of China! He also apologized to the American guest and asked him to say hello to Brown, the old anti-Japanese hero!

That night, Mrs. Wang had a dream, dreaming that a star fell from the sky and carried the Luqi away.

Mrs. Wang said: "The crimes committed by the Japanese devils were too great. God moved the evidence of Lei Qi to heaven to preserve it, in case the evil-hearted Japanese invaders did not admit it!"