My name is Gu Yan, I am 27 years old and I have graduated from college. Principal Wang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what degree you have, it's like this. Our school has three student apartments, and one of the girls' dormitories is short of a dormitory. Do you think you'd b

My name is Gu Yan, I am 27 years old and I have graduated from college.

Principal Wang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what your academic qualifications are. There are three student apartments in our school, and one of the girls' dormitories lacks a dormitory. Do you think you are interested?"

Really, I wanted to give it to him directly at that time. One kick.

I came all the way here, thinking I was looking for a counselor or an assistant to the principal, but you asked me to be the dormitory manager? Then I might as well sell insurance.

Maybe I was a little unhappy, so Principal Wang came up quickly and said, "Listen to me first. Our salary is relatively high. We work from 7pm to 7am and can sleep in the middle of the night. Our monthly salary is 5,000. Is this acceptable?"

I was a little confused after he said it.

Because in a small city like ours, five thousand is already a very high income. I barely reached the level of around six thousand after working for my last company for four years.

A dormitory manager at a health school, five thousand?

Seeing that I didn't say anything for a long time, Principal Wang added: "The school cafeteria is free for faculty and staff, and wages are paid as normal during winter and summer vacations. What do you think?"

Damn it, I think this treatment is no different from picking up money. I wanted to agree at the time, but when I thought about it carefully, I still felt a little strange.

I asked Principal Wang, aren’t female dormitory managers generally aunts? It’s not convenient for me as a man.

Principal Wang lit a cigarette: "It's inconvenient, but this is a health school, and those little girls are quite chaotic. They always want to take their partner back to the dormitory at night. If there is a female guard, I might not be able to stop him."

I think he This statement was somewhat outrageous, but I didn’t ask any more questions and just nodded because he gave too much.

Principal Wang chuckled: "Okay, you go back and clean up, and start working officially tonight, right?"

I was stunned for a moment: "So fast?"

He knocked on the table: "It's mainly just a coincidence, the apartment is there Someone has just resigned and you happen to be in his class. Is there any problem? "

To be honest, Principal Wang seems very enthusiastic, but I always feel something is wrong. Is the application process too fast? Besides, the pay here is so good, why did the last dormitory manager resign?

But after thinking about it, I nodded and told Principal Wang that it was no problem. Then Principal Wang became happy and said that's okay, at seven o'clock in the evening, don't forget it.

I nodded.

After I came out of the principal's office, I went home to take a shower and change my clothes. I thought that on my first day at work, I had to leave a good impression on these students.

At seven o'clock, I arrived at Apartment No. 1 on time. Principal Wang was already waiting for me at the door.

He took me in and handed me a cigarette: "The person who works the day shift with you is an eldest sister named Wang. I asked her to leave first. By the way, Xiao Gu, there are a few things I need to tell you in advance. Tell me."

I nodded quickly.

"First, our school theoretically turns off the lights at ten o'clock. Some students come back late. You can let them in, but the door must be locked before twelve o'clock. No one is allowed in or out, remember?"

I said Um.

"Second, you'd better stay with the doorman. You can go to the corridor and use the toilet, but you must not enter the student dormitory. Do you understand?"

I nodded again. This is quite reasonable. After all, it is a girls' apartment and I am a boy. It's not convenient to get in either.

"One last thing, once it's past twelve o'clock, no matter what happens outside, you can't go out, let alone open the door. Even if a spark hits the earth, you have to wait until after six o'clock in the morning to open the door. Is that clear?"

I hesitated. After a while, I asked Principal Wang, what should I do if someone gets sick and needs to go to the hospital for emergency treatment?

Principal Wang said that was not possible. Even if the person died, he must be carried out after six o'clock. He asked me to do as he said, and he would bear the responsibility if anything happened.

What can I say? I think his rules are a bit unreasonable, but I still agree.

Principal Wang said that's fine, call me if you need anything. Before leaving, he thrust the box of cigarettes into my hand. I felt a little embarrassed that he was so polite.

I have been sitting in the guard room since then. It was already dark and the students were returning to their dormitories one after another after dinner.Many girls were looking at me that day, and some were standing in the corridor and pointing at me. They probably saw that it was a bit strange for me to be a man working in the women's dormitory.

Not only are they weird, I am also a little awkward. To be honest, I never dreamed that I would be able to be a dormitory manager in my life, or in the women's dormitory.

It is similar to what Principal Wang said. Some girls will go back to bed after turning off the lights. It seemed to be around 11:30. I was just about to wash my face when I heard a girl knocking on the bathroom window in the corridor: "Uncle, let's discuss it." This is the first time in my life that

was called uncle, which made me very angry.

I turned around and opened the window and told her, take a good look, am I an uncle?

She was also a little surprised: "Hey, I heard from my roommate that there is a new male dormitory downstairs. I thought he was an uncle, but I didn't expect it to be a little brother. What is your name, little brother?"

This girl is very good-looking. , the voice is also nice, but the name just made me a little angry.

I said angrily that my name was Gu Yan and asked her if she had anything to do, just tell her quickly.

She was a little embarrassed: "Brother, I lost my wallet, can you lend me twenty yuan? Something happened at home suddenly, and I want to take a taxi home."

I saw that she was wearing relatively clean clothes. She was also dressed in a fashionable manner, not like someone who was short of money. I asked her where is your roommate?

She said she was already asleep and was embarrassed to wake others up.

After all, it's not a big amount of money, so I didn't ask any more questions. I took out a piece of one hundred dollars from my wallet and handed it over, telling her that you should take it first, and don't forget to pay it back to me if it doesn't run out later.

"Thank you!"

She took the money and looked very happy. She took out a bottle of Coke from her bag and handed it to me: "Now, this bottle of drink is for you. My name is Yingying. I will return it tomorrow." "Your money."

I said no, no, no, I don't drink this stuff. Yingying said just take it. I have been losing weight recently and can't drink sweet things. If you don't want it, just throw it away. After

said that, she trotted out of the apartment building. I shouted behind me to be safe, but she ignored me.

After that, I was ready to go to bed, so I went to the bathroom to wash my face. In the middle of the night, a girl in underwear came in to wash up, which made us both very embarrassed.

But the girl didn’t say anything and went out directly after washing. Fortunately, the places where I wash my face and go to the toilet are not together in the apartment building, otherwise my size would be a problem.

At that time, I was still thinking, what should I do if I want to go to the toilet? The whole basin?

I felt happy thinking about this. I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten minutes to twelve o'clock, so I was going to lock the door. But as soon as I walked to the door of the apartment, I saw a girl in a white dress standing outside. I don't know how long she had been there.

She was quite thin and her eyes were a little red, as if she had just cried. She looked a little pitiful.

I didn’t know if she was a student in this apartment, so I asked her, do you want to come in?

She didn't speak, just nodded.

Then I opened the door. After she came in, I locked the door and told her to come back early next time. If she was later, I wouldn't be able to open the door.

When I turned around to look, the girl was gone, but I didn’t take it to heart.

Before going to bed, I specially set an alarm clock to get up at 5:50 in the morning, tidy up first, and open the door on time at six o'clock.

What can I say, the environment in the guard room was okay, but I don’t know which girl seemed to have had a fight with her boyfriend or something, and she cried all night, which sounded so disturbing that I couldn’t sleep well all night.

When I first woke up, I felt a little thirsty. I remembered the bottle of Coke that Shang Yingying gave me last night. I opened it and took a sip, and I almost spit it out.

What the hell is this?

I have never drunk such a terrible Coke in my whole life. It has no energy at all, as if it has expired.

Something didn't feel right, so I looked at the production date, and I was dumbfounded.


This bottle of Coke expired three years ago.