For example, now, Sang Zhiyan secretly glanced at Zhou Wenlei, who was sitting directly opposite her. He was wearing a neat suit and was never late. In addition to being expressionless, Sang Zhiyan took a look at Zhou Wenlei, casually pulled out a piece of scratch paper, and list

This story has been published exclusively by the author: Ludong Good Things , with the authorization to read stories every day app. Its associated account "Midnight Love" has been legally sub-authorized and published. Infringement will be investigated.


"Hello, this is China Mobile. I am your customer service manager Xiao Sang. How can I help you?"

"I He clicked and took a sip of water very calmly.

She is a customer service person, and her daily job is to handle customer complaints. To put it nicely, it sounds like you are doing customer service, but to put it badly, it means being used as a punching bag. After several years of baptism, Sang Zhiyan has successfully become an old fritter who will not get angry when someone scolds her ancestors for eighteen generations.

For example, now, Sang Zhiyan secretly glanced at Zhou Wenlei, who was sitting directly opposite her. He was wearing a neat suit and was never late. Apart from being expressionless, he took a look at Zhou Wenlei, casually pulled out a scrap of paper and listened to the headphones. The curses in the text were scrawled with graffiti:

The ballpoint pen quickly sketched the outline of a human face on the white paper. The cute and chubby face was deliberately drawn with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and in the glasses were a pair of dead fish eyes. The corners of Dead Fish's mouth were slightly depressed.

When the painting was finished, the customer had enough scolding and unilaterally hung up the phone. The leader of the second group, Huang Hong, shouted in a loud voice that looked exactly like the comedian Huang Hong, "Xiao Sang, you must be painting Zhou Wenlei, hahahaha, he looks so similar!"

Sang Zhiyan was as frightened as if she had been caught in bed. Raising her head and looking at the deafening laughter coming from Huang Hong's bright red lips, she quickly glanced at Zhou Wenlei, and sure enough, he also looked over here, his gaze still calm as usual.

Sang Zhiyan tried to smooth things over for herself, "Sister Hong has good eyesight, I'll draw another one and guess who it is."

said and quickly painted a few strokes, adding another one painted in blood red next to the fat-faced Zhou Wenlei. Woman with lipstick. Huang Hong chuckled: "Oh, isn't it me! Xiao Sang is so talented!"

Sang Zhiyan quickly borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and handed the drawing paper to Huang Hong. Before Huang Hong left with satisfaction, he did not forget to say hello to Zhou Wenlei, next time he will do a blackboard newspaper I lent Sang Zhiyan to their group for use. Zhou Wenlei responded lightly, still his usual ruthless look.

Sang Zhiyan breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that she had finally covered up the secret painting of Zhou Wenlei. Colleagues also became excited because of this little commotion, and Queque wanted Sang Zhiyan to draw a cartoon avatar for them.

Sang Zhiyan was good-natured and accepted everyone who came, but she listened to the gentle but serious sound of a pen tapping on the table opposite her.

Zhou Wenlei stood up at some point and glanced down with an oppressive look, "No noise during working hours."

Sang Zhiyan looked at Zhou Wenlei with concern and shrank her shoulders uneasily. ——It’s useless. I was absent from work during working hours to draw, and I was caught by the leader of another group, which made my colleagues unmotivated to work... This month’s performance may be gone again.

But Zhou Wenlei just glanced at her and lowered his head to work. This made Sang Zhiyan like an ant being roasted on the fire, scratching her heart and liver, not knowing what to do.

A prompt sounded from the headset, and another call came. Sang Zhiyan quickly put on a professional smile and said enthusiastically to Mai, "Hello, this is China Mobile. I am your customer service manager Xiao Sang. How can I help you?"

Yu Guangli, Zhou Wenlei Sang Zhiyan never raised her head, and she didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or feel sad: in Zhou Wenlei's heart, she was probably an ordinary team member who would never have a chance to win his favor. But what does it mean to care so much about a person like Zhou Wenlei?


During lunch time, Sang Zhiyan held up her lunch box and squeezed out of the crowded tea room.

There are about 100 people in the entire customer service team, but there are only a few microwave ovens. It takes half an hour to queue up to heat meals every day. This is definitely a waste for Sang Zhiyan who is eager to take a nap, so basically She would come out fifteen minutes early to heat up the rice, so she could take the lead in the competition for microwave ovens.

Sang Zhiyan hurried to the elevator with her lunch box in hand. She was used to going to the small canteen on the top floor for lunch. Unexpectedly, she saw the elevator door slowly closing as soon as she reached it. Sang Zhiyan shouted flatly, "Wait for me!!!!!!!!!"

Three seconds later, the elevator door that had originally closed seemed to be closing slowly. Lens playback is also turned on. In the elevator, there stood Zhou Wenlei, holding a Lock lunch box in one hand and the other hand still resting on the green button in the elevator.

Sang Zhiyan Shihua, "Team leader."

Zhou Wenlei nodded.

Sang Zhiyan hurriedly stepped into the elevator, but stood farthest away from Zhou Wenlei. Finally, when the elevator arrived, Zhou Wenlei had no intention of getting out, and kept pressing the key to prevent the elevator door from closing. Sang Zhiyan stared blankly at Zhou Wenlei's movements. It wasn't until Zhou Wenlei told her what was wrong with his eyes that she quickly walked out of the elevator with her head lowered.

Zhou Wenlei was walking slowly behind her. Sang Zhiyan subconsciously slowed down, wanting to wait for him to catch up. She also wanted the corridor to be longer so that she and Zhou Wenlei could walk in tandem. A little longer.

Sang Zhiyan heard her heartbeat, and she suddenly remembered that the first time she fell in love with Zhou Wenlei was because of Zhou Wenlei's little action of pressing the elevator button. At that time, the elevator was full of people. They were like sardine cans, squeezed here and there.

Sang Zhiyan stood next to Zhou Wenlei and could smell the spearmint on his clothes. Zhou Wenlei could still keep a distance from her in a small space. He tried to reduce his space as much as possible to avoid offending her. After the elevator door opened, Zhou Wenlei kept pressing the elevator button, patiently waiting for everyone to leave before removing his slender hand from pressing the elevator button.

That action stayed in Sang Zhiyan’s mind for a long time. Why? Probably because Sang Zhiyan was always squeezed by smelly men when taking the elevator. And the gentleness that is careful, considerate and silent can easily weave a huge net, making her fall willingly.

The small canteen was full of people. When Sang Zhiyan and Zhou Wenlei arrived, there were only two seats left. Sang Zhiyan was a little happy, a little nervous, and wanted to run away, but when she saw Zhou Wenlei walking over with a normal expression and was afraid that she would be too coy, so she had to bite the bullet and follow him.

When Sang Zhiyan saw the rich food in Zhou Wenlei's lunch box, she realized that it was too late to run away. Different from the egg fried rice that he cooked himself, Zhou Wenlei's lunch box contained smooth egg ham, mushrooms and vegetables, chestnut roasted chicken and fragrant white rice. Zhou Wenlei felt strange when he saw Sang Zhiyan staring at his lunch box with her mouth wide open. He glanced at the other party's lunch box and frowned slightly.

"What is this?"

"Egg, egg fried rice."

"...Is that black thing an egg?"

"Ha - ha -, from the scientific name, it is called an egg."

Zhou Wenlei frowned again, "You're going to eat this?"

Sang Zhiyan was shocked by Zhou Wenlei's tone, thinking sourly that I'm not as good at cooking as your girlfriend.

Zhou Wenlei glanced at her and said, "I made these dishes myself."

Although this was not an explanation, a beam of sunlight shined through Sang Zhiyan's head, dispelling the gloom on her head. .

Zhou Wenlei glanced at Sang Zhiyan's lunch box again, picking at the dark eggs in Sang Zhiyan's lunch box with obvious disgust. He pushed his lunch box in front of Sang Zhiyan, "If the eggs are burnt, don't eat them. Eat my food."

Sang Zhiyan was simply flattered.She carefully picked out a piece of green vegetable from Zhou Wenlei's lunch box, stared at it as if looking at gold for a long time, and then decided to take a bite. The moment she ate the food cooked by Zhou Wenlei, Sang Zhiyan felt two lasagna tears flowing in the wind in her heart.

Sang Zhiyan: Favorability +++++

Zhou Wenlei picked out ham and chicken nuggets and threw them all into Sang Zhiyan's lunch box.

Sang Zhiyan: Favorability value++++++++++

"Notify them later, there will be a meeting after lunch."

"Huh?" Sang Zhiyan said pitifully with a bitter look on her face, "Oh——"

Zhou Wenlei, "Why, you don't want to have a meeting?"

"It's's just the team leader, lunch break is very precious."

Zhou Wenlei nodded thoughtfully, "Then ten days before work Let’s have a short meeting in a few minutes. Remember to inform us.”

Sang Zhiyan couldn’t believe her ears. Workaholic Zhou Wenlei would actually change the meeting time because of his complaints? She looked at her lunch box stuffed with ham and chicken nuggets and had the idea that today was actually a dream.


Li Momo floated to Sang Zhiyan's seat with a black face as if he was suffering from an incurable disease. Sang Zhiyan, who was being scolded by a customer, was startled and asked her what was wrong with her eyes. Li Momo took out a piece of manuscript paper and wrote with a swipe of his pen, "During the meeting at noon, I left my work phone on the team leader's seat."

Sang Zhiyan looked at Li Momo with gloating and applauded silently . Li silently beat her and wrote, "Go and get it back for me."

Sang Zhiyan was unhappy, but she was talking on the phone and could only shake her head desperately. Li Momo pretended to be pitiful, "Xiao Sang, please help me get it back. If I go to get it, I will be scolded by the team leader."

Sang Zhiyan was so angry that she would be scolded by Zhou Wenlei, Wouldn't it be possible to go alone? The company has repeatedly warned that work phones must be turned on 24 hours a day and 24 hours a day, and should be carried with them at all times. Even if such a big thing as losing a work phone is lost, performance will be deducted.

Sang Zhiyan shook her head, and Li Moxiao was moved by reason, "Xiao Sang, go ahead, go ahead, you are the only one in our group who has never been scolded by the team leader."

Sang Zhiyan was about to say this. It sounded so strange, and Li Momo changed his mind immediately, "No, I mean, the team leader has never scolded you."

Sang Zhiyan was speechless until the customer said "Hello" impatiently on the other end of the phone It took several times for her to react. Then without any suspense, he became Li Mo's scapegoat.

"Group, team leader."


"Um... I left my work phone with you during the meeting at noon."

Zhou Wenlei glanced at Sang Zhiyan and left without saying a word. He took out a mobile phone from his pocket. Sang Zhiyan thought Zhou Wenlei had amnesty and went to pick him up happily, but she saw Zhou Wenlei took out his work mobile phone and pressed the button.

"Team leader, what are you doing?"

"How do I know if this is your mobile phone? I have to call your number first to confirm."

Sang Zhiyan had a sad face, not knowing who Zhou Wenlei was. He was really serious or deliberately trying to embarrass her, "Farewell, team leader."

Zhou Wenlei looked at Sang Zhiyan with his mobile phone for a long time, until Sang Zhiyan turned red when he looked at her. Zhou Wenlei cleared his throat and whispered, "We are all in the same office, who can hide it from whom? Don't always try to help them get through. There is always a saying that one learns from the experience."

Sang Zhiyan nodded obediently, but she was smiling bitterly in her heart. Li Momo, you bastard, who said he wouldn't scold me anymore? Well, it's not really a scolding, but being given such a serious lecture is no different from being scolded.

"Take the phone." Zhou Wenlei stuffed the phone into Sang Zhiyan's arms, and then deliberately amplified his voice, "Sang Zhiyan, if you lose your work phone next time, I will deduct management points. ”

——Killing the chicken to show the monkey.Sang Zhiyan cursed secretly, this person is evil.

Sang Zhiyan, who had successfully taken the blame, was about to leave angrily, but she was stopped again.

"Sang Zhiyan!"

"What is it? Team leader?"

Zhou Wenlei said seriously, "There must be a limit to being a good person in the future, understand?"

Sang Zhiyan blushed.

Look, Zhou Wenlei is still gentle.


To talk about why Sang Zhiyan fell in love with Wen Lei last week, we have to start from the time when she left her hometown and came to Shenzhen to work when she was 20 years old.

She had just graduated from college. She said she was a college student, but she was not very competitive and didn’t know what she could do. I accidentally got an interview for a customer service position and got hired in a daze.

The job of customer service cannot be said to be difficult, but it means repeating it day after day, and praying like opening a blind box not to open a difficult customer. But Sang Zhiyan's luck was not good. On her first day on the job, she was faced with a particularly rude and impolite man, who used her as a punching bag and cursed her with all kinds of unpleasant words.

Tears were already welling up in Sang Zhiyan's eyes at that time, but she still endured it with all her strength and properly handled the customer's problem, and then she dared to hide in the small restaurant on the top floor to shed tears secretly when no one noticed. She missed home and the home-cooked dishes made by her parents, and began to regret why she had to leave home to work, or else she would just go back.

But Sang Zhiyan immediately shook her head and comforted herself by saying: Where are you now? I have never heard of Tang Monk turning back as soon as he left the city gate to learn Buddhist scriptures. Besides, it’s not every day that you are unlucky enough to encounter unreasonable customers. To take a step back, where can I find the wages and benefits here?

"There is nothing I can't tolerate for money." Sang Zhiyan shook her head and whispered to herself, "You are Sang Zhiyan."

Sang Zhiyan pressed the elevator with red eyes and was about to go downstairs. Who knew that when the elevator door opened, she saw the station? Zhou Wenlei inside. Sang Zhiyan was a little nervous. She was a newcomer and she sneaked out during working hours. Zhou Wenlei was famous for being harsh and ruthless. Did he have any thoughts about her?

As the elevator slowly descended from the 12th floor, Sang Zhiyan was frightened and prayed that Zhou Wenlei would never recognize who she was.

At this moment, Zhou Wenlei said: "Don't go to the rooftop in the future."

Sang Zhiyan was shocked, but she didn't expect to be discovered. Just as he was about to apologize honestly, he heard Zhou Wenlei say: "There is a decompression room on the second floor. There are sandbags in it. You can go whenever you want."

When the elevator arrived, Zhou Wenlei pressed the door button and waited for Sang Zhiyan to go out first. Sang Zhiyan lowered her head, not daring to let Zhou Wenlei realize that she had been burned from her face to her ears, and ran away in panic.

Later, Sang Zhiyan thought that for herself who was ignorant and helpless at the time, it was impossible not to like Zhou Wenlei no matter what. Zhou Wenlei is a gentleman and mature, as if the door opened for her is not the elevator door, but the door to adult society. All the initial apprehensions and fears disappeared without a trace under his introverted care.

She admires him.

It is precisely this kind of longing that keeps Sang Zhiyan in the position of chasing. Zhou Wenlei is the star that she dare not hope for and is out of reach.

At eight o'clock, the colleagues around Sang Zhiyan had already left work, and she was still handling customer complaints at her workstation. The person opposite was a very organized young man. He was not rude, but he also refused to give in and made many demands that were difficult to achieve. Sang Zhiyan explained to the other party in a good-tempered manner and gave a solution, finally reaching an agreement with the other party for the time being.

After hanging up the phone, Sang Zhiyan leaned back on the chair and let out a long breath. Thinking of the praise the other party gave her when she hung up the phone, Sang Zhiyan couldn't help but feel a little excited, and she shouted twice while no one was in the call center. Sang Zhiyan twisted in her chair for a while before picking up the cup and standing up. Only then did she see Zhou Wenlei, who had been looking at her for who knows how long opposite her.

"You, you, you, didn't you leave?!" Sang Zhiyan was shocked. At 6 o'clock, she used her peripheral vision to see Zhou Wenlei off from get off work. When did he come back?

Zhou Wenlei frowned, "I remember I didn't assign you so many customers today."

Sang Zhiyan scratched her head and decided to play dumb: "Ah, hey, why did you come back?"

"I left something behind."

Sang Zhiyan Zhiyan whispered: "You will be deducted management points."

Zhou Wenlei narrowed his eyes, "What did you say?"

Sang Zhiyan: "Nothing, nothing."

Zhou Wenlei sighed softly and said lightly: "I'll give it to you. You go back."

Sang Zhiyan waved her hands: "No, no, I still have a few clients to deal with! Besides, it's not easy for me to live outside the customs and you live inside the customs."

Zhou Wenlei opened his mouth and finally said to Sang Zhi. Yan nodded without meaning, wiped Sang Zhiyan's shoulder and left.

Sang Zhiyan scratched her head again, not sure what was strange about it. After handling a few more customers, she looked at the time and it was almost ten o'clock. Sang Zhiyan was getting ready to get off work when another call came from the reception desk.

Sang Zhiyan glanced at the caller number. It was his mobile phone number, but he couldn't find the other party's information. She asked kindly and gently: "Hello, this is China Mobile. How can I help you?"

No one on the other side spoke.

Sang Zhiyan was a little strange, but she asked patiently: "Hello?"

No one spoke on the other end of the phone, and it was so quiet that Sang Zhiyan could hear the heartbeat.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Hello? How can I help you?"

The phone hung up.

Sang Zhiyan was dumbfounded, and after a long while she muttered angrily: "Who is that person?"

But after hanging up the phone, Sang Zhiyan began to think wildly again, what if the person on the other side was a deaf-mute, what if the other party had something urgent? What if the other party is in danger and wants to ask for help? Sang Zhiyan became more and more panicked as she thought about it. She quickly took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to the person's number, saying that I am the customer service specialist just now. I didn't hear your voice on the phone. How can I help you?

waited for five minutes before the other party sent a text message, saying that I was a customer you had served before and I called you just to praise you, but I didn’t know what to say when I heard your voice. Finally, the other party said, you are fine.

Sang Zhiyan held her phone and read the text message over and over again. She carefully saved the screenshot of the text message, feeling that she could laugh in her dreams tonight.


When he went to work the next day, Zhou Wenlei organized a meeting and seriously emphasized that he should do his own work. If he was found to hand over his customers to colleagues again, management points would be deducted.

Although Zhou Wenlei had always been paralyzed, this time he was really angry. The group was in turmoil, and no one dared to go against the big tiger's scales at this time.

Sang Zhiyan is not so sentimental as to think that Zhou Wenlei did this for herself. After all, Zhou Wenlei has never been able to rub dirt in his eyes.

Sang Zhiyan was working the night shift at night. This was her favorite time. She made herself a box of instant noodles and was about to enjoy some alone time. She unexpectedly discovered Zhou Wenlei appearing like a ghost again.

Sang Zhiyan's mouth was burned by the instant noodles and she exclaimed: "Why are you here again?"

"I dropped something."

"I dropped something again?!"

Zhou Wenlei glanced at her lightly, and Sang Zhiyan shrank subconsciously. The neck became highly tense.

Zhou Wenlei looked at Sang Zhiyan's uncomfortable look and frowned slightly: "I've always wanted to ask you, are you afraid of me?"

Sang Zhiyan laughed dryly: "How could that be?"

Zhou Wenlei sighed: "That gang I'll make a bowl of noodles too. "

" Huh? "

" Please make a bowl of noodles for me too. I didn't eat at night. I'm a little hungry."

Sang Zhiyan muttered "Why don't you eat well" while obediently going to make instant noodles for Zhou Wenlei. At the same time, she did not forget to control the heat of the water. After all, this was a good opportunity for her to avenge her shame after frying black eggs. .

Five minutes later, Zhou Wenlei was eating noodles, and Sang Zhiyan looked at him expectantly.

Zhou Wenlei met Sang Zhiyan's starry eyes, and he praised helplessly: "You are very good at making noodles. "

Sang Zhiyan clenched her fists, looking as proud as if she could reach heaven.

Zhou Wenlei couldn't help but laugh: "Now you finally look like a mouse and a cat.

Sang Zhiyan smiled awkwardly.

Zhou Wenlei touched his nose and said: "I recently applied for night shift, Sang Zhiyan, let's go together." "

These five words, let's do it together, were like a dose of ecstasy, which made Sang Zhiyan feel dizzy and made her agree without thinking.

But soon, Sang Zhiyan discovered that they were on duty together It's not a good thing. It's true that you have more opportunities to get in touch with Zhou Wenlei, but the feeling of having the person you like hang out in front of you every day, but never being able to truly close the distance with him, is doubly painful.

You asked Sang Zhiyan why she didn't dare to confess to Zhou Wenlei? You're kidding. A boss and a subordinate are in an office romance. They are just strangers outside the workplace. Who would confess to a colleague without any end? If it fails, How embarrassing it would be to look up without looking down.

What's more, she has no idea what Zhou Wenlei is thinking. Although she has scrolled through his circle of friends countless times, they have never chatted in private.

If he confessed his secret love, it would probably be regarded as harassment.

At this time, the person on the other end of the phone heard what Zhou Wenlei said. Zhou Wenlei's brows gradually wrinkled and he simply stood up. Go downstairs.

Sang Zhiyan couldn't hold it in anymore, and sneaked to the window. Sure enough, she saw Zhou Wenlei rushing out of the building and hugging a young woman with long hair waiting outside.

After being hugged, the woman burst into tears and kept beating Zhou Wenlei's back, seemingly complaining about how he could keep her waiting for so long.

Look at the scene as he hugged the woman tightly. , it was a famous reunion scene.

The woman Sang Zhiyan recognized her as Zhou Wenlei’s ex-girlfriend. They originally heard that they were getting married, but it seemed that the woman’s family did not agree, and Zhou Wenlei finally broke up because of this. , although only Sang Zhiyan could see his depression.

Sang Zhiyan froze in place for a while, feeling that her head was buzzing and hurting due to the wind.

Sang Zhiyan could not remember when Zhou Wenlei came back. I just vaguely remembered Zhou Wenlei asking her with concern, why did she look so ugly? Sang Zhiyan said that she had just received a complaint call and planned to go to the second floor to play boxing to relieve stress, and then left without looking back.

, she was frustrated in love.


She was frustrated in love and in the workplace. Sang Zhiyan was complained.

The reason for the incident was that the difficult young man was still dissatisfied with the results of the company and complained to Sang Zhiyan. , Sang Zhiyan was in a trance and was not in the state at all.

The young man felt that Sang Zhiyan was perfunctory, or maybe he had been suppressed at home for too long, so he finally cursed Sang Zhiyan's company, and even emphasized the greeting: "You have trained people like you." A garbage leader who grows garbage.

Then Sang Zhiyan exploded. Later, according to the description of colleagues, it was Sang Zhiyan who quarreled with the customer with two devil horns. Seeing this, Zhou Wenlei tried to pull her away, but Sang Zhiyan threw her away handsomely and gave her a hand crutch.

The young man backhanded Sang Zhiyan and complained to the provincial company. Sang Zhiyan was criticized by the overall situation. Sang Zhiyan, who seriously violated the professional ethics of customer service, was also suspended for a week and given a warning. Sang Zhiyan herself had no objections. She just heard about Zhou Wenlei. I felt very embarrassed when I tried my best to protect her with Huang Hong.

She packed her things and was about to leave. Li Momo changed his usual unreliable attitude and took the initiative to comfort her: "Xiao Sang, you only need a week's rest. A week will go very quickly."

Sang Zhiyan hugged her, Li Momo was a person who Although he is afraid of taking easy things and shirks the hard ones, he is very loyal. After not seeing each other for a week, I should miss her, as well as Huang Hong and other colleagues. As for Zhou Wenlei... Sang Zhiyan didn't want to lose her airs and have nothing to do with a married man. When

left, she felt that Zhou Wenlei had been looking at him, but she did not have the courage to look at Zhou Wenlei.

Sang Zhiyan laughed at herself. She originally imagined how great she was. If Zhou Wenlei found his own happiness, she would sincerely bless him. In fact, her mind was always narrow and ugly. Seeing Zhou Wenlei hugging others At that moment in my arms, besides jealousy, I was still jealous, and I couldn't express those hypocritical blessings at all.

Sang Zhiyan hates herself like this. It seems that the amiable Sang Zhiyan before was an illusion, but now she is her true self. However, she doesn't like herself like this. During the days when

was suspended, Sang Zhiyan turned off all her phones and cut off all contact with the outside world. Will the roommates who share the same house gossip get fired if they make such a serious fuss this time? Sang Zhiyan, who was lying on the bed and taking a nap, pulled the quilt over her head and said angrily, "It would be better to be fired..."

After being fired, he would be clean and could stay away from Zhou Wenlei.

Seven days later, Sang Zhiyan went back to work. She was originally thinking about what expression she should use to face Zhou Wenlei, but unexpectedly, the workaholic Zhou Wenlei was not in the company. Sang Zhiyan was too embarrassed to ask, so she just sat in her seat. Li Momo leaned over and said sweetly, "Xiao Sang, I miss you so much."

Sister Hong also came over, patted Sang Zhiyan on the shoulder, and said, "You will gain wisdom after every experience, but you won't do it next time. Wen Lei worked hard this time, and I'm still wiping your ass now."

Sang Zhiyan raised her head suddenly, "Sister Hong, what did you say?"

Sister Hong sighed and nodded Sang Zhiyan's head, "You don't know how difficult that customer is, and he asked you to come and apologize to him." Zhou Wenlei I’ve been there for you for a week now, and I’ve been apologizing to people every day. Alas, I see that he has lost a lot of weight in the past few days.”

Sang Zhiyan tried her best to hold back the tears from her eyes. But her throat was still sore and astringent. Zhou Wenlei actually apologized to others for her sake. It was obviously his fault. He had told himself a long time ago that he would just love him quietly, but why did it still turn out like this? Why is it still causing trouble for Zhou Wenlei?

Not only did I cause him trouble, but I also became depressed, gave up on myself, and evaded responsibility. It was really inappropriate.

When the sun set, Zhou Wenlei dragged his tired body back to the office. He subconsciously looked at Sang Zhiyan's seat and saw Sang Zhiyan who once again smiled and faced all the difficulties on the other end of the headset.

Sang Zhiyan flinched when she looked at Zhou Wenlei, but she quickly mouthed to Zhou Wenlei: I'm sorry.

Zhou Wenlei sighed helplessly at first, and then showed a real smile to Sang Zhiyan. He mouthed: Welcome back.

At that moment, Sang Zhiyan suddenly understood that although the fact that Zhou Wenlei had a girlfriend made her very depressed, the gain and loss of feelings is a normal thing for adults. She cannot control Zhou Wenlei's love. The only thing she can do is The only one you can control is yourself.

The job of customer service is not that insignificant. Her value will not disappear just because Zhou Wenlei doesn't like her. She still has responsibilities she has to bear and her own life.

Sang Zhiyan took the initiative to apologize with Zhou Wenlei. This was a problem she had to solve by herself. The young man was probably really moved by them, or perhaps frightened by them, and finally accepted the reconciliation.

Sang Zhiyan let out a long breath. She knew that there were some things that she should let go of.


Zhou Wenlei feels something is wrong recently.

Sang Zhiyan, who had always seen him like a mouse seeing a cat, didn't know where her veins were opened. When she saw him, she didn't feel nervous, dodge, or rack her brains to organize her words. Last time we went to team building, Li Mozhen asked them to play a game. Sang Zhiyan was so happy that she even patted his shoulder and laughed.

Zhou Wenlei pondered expressionlessly for a long time, opened Zhihu , and searched for what it means for a woman to be carefree in front of a man. After seeing the top likes that read "It means that woman is not interested in you", my heart dropped.

The feeling of powerlessness appears again. Zhou Wenlei remembered that the first time this feeling appeared was when he discovered that Sang Zhiyan in the eyes of his colleagues would always show a gentle smile and would never say no. But Sang Zhiyan like that would never appear in front of him. She would always try to avoid him, although he couldn't figure out why.

noticed that during the period after Sang Zhiyan broke up with Jiang Tong, the reason why he and Jiang Tong broke up was not that they were fighting for love, but the pure feeling of love disappeared and the two broke up peacefully. What really made Zhou Wenlei sad was that he found that he was not too sad, as if a two-year relationship was insignificant to him, and as if he was very hard-hearted.

When Zhou Wenlei was thinking about whether he had an emotional disorder, he accidentally discovered the Q-version villains painted by Sang Zhiyan. He recognized them as himself almost at first sight, but he never knew that he could still show such an expression. Wow, such a vivid expression.

When he saw his smiling face in the reflection of the glass, Zhou Wenlei realized, oh, it turns out that I still have feelings, but I just don’t love Jiang Tong that much.

After realizing this, Zhou Wenlei quickly let go, Jiang Tong also started a new relationship, and the two became friends again.

Jiang Tong once asked him out for a drink, and warned him with a smile that before falling in love next time, he must find out whether two people are suitable to be lovers or friends, so as not to waste feelings and time in vain.

Zhou Wenlei thought about this problem seriously. As he thought about it, he couldn't help but notice Sang Zhiyan doing Tai Chi to calm her mood and comforting customers at the work station. Zhou Wenlei snickered, and realized in the next second that he seemed to pay more attention to this girl than to ordinary colleagues.

In fact, he noticed Sang Zhiyan as early as her first day at work. Who would have thought that Sang Zhiyan would be so unlucky that she would encounter a difficult customer on her first call.

Zhou Wenlei watched her hang up the phone and ran out secretly. After thinking about it, she followed her. I was thinking about how to comfort her without being too abrupt, but I didn't expect that Sang Zhiyan had already done some psychological training for herself. At that time, Zhou Wenlei felt that this girl was young but very strong.

Later, in order to avoid Sang Zhiyan’s embarrassment, he pretended to meet her by chance in the elevator and told her that there was a vent area on the second floor. Looking at Sang Zhiyan's eyes that suddenly lit up, Zhou Wenlei knew that she would be a good customer service person.

Zhou Wenlei has never told anyone that he actually likes the job of customer service. Although you always have to face some difficult customers, in fact, if you communicate with them patiently, you will know that most people do not mean to make things difficult, they just hope to solve the problem.

The job of customer service is to build such a bridge. No matter how advanced AI is, human emotions cannot be replaced. It's just that this job seems so ordinary and not prestigious at all, which makes people ignore its value.

Just like Sang Zhiyan, she is not as ordinary as she thought, she is actually very dazzling.What is the use of

now? Everything seemed to be his unrequited love. He thought that as long as he created more opportunities to be with Sang Zhiyan, he would be able to bring the two of them closer, but the reality was that as the distance widened, the beauty was gone.

Not only that, Sang Zhiyan also accepted Huang Hong's proposal to introduce her to a partner, and began to get close to a young man from the second group.

No, they also made an appointment to go have a meal together.

Zhou Wenlei clenched his fists and followed suit with his body before his mind.

Sang Zhiyan was so engrossed in chatting with young Yang Shu that no one noticed that he was following him. Zhou Wenlei was racking his brains to think of an opening statement when he heard Yang Shu ask: "Xiao Sang, do you actually like Team Leader Zhou?" Huh?"

Sang Zhiyan was startled and asked, "Can you see this?"

Zhou Wenlei was stunned, and his heart started to beat uncontrollably.

Yang Shu smiled: "Your state is just like when I liked Li Momo. Alas, but I dare not confess to Mo Mo. Sister Hong wants to introduce me to someone again. It's really hard on you."

Zhou Wenlei listened and immediately I'm so excited, my dear, it turned out to be a big mistake!

Sang Zhiyan also laughed and said: "I understand, I was actually in a lot of pain at the time, but now I'm fine, I don't like Team Leader Zhou anymore."

I don't like Team Leader Zhou anymore.

Zhou Wenlei suddenly stopped in his tracks, unable to move as if he had been stabbed on an acupuncture point.

It turns out that Sang Zhiyan had already completed a series of actions of turning around and leaving without getting love. The funny thing is that he didn't know anything.


Sang Zhiyan looked at her phone, feeling a little uneasy.

She had been exchanging text messages with the customer who called to complain but did not speak. The two chatted intermittently. Sang Zhiyan never asked the other person's name. She always felt that it was not the right time yet. In addition, it is quite comfortable to talk to the other party, and there is no need to know each other.

In the past few days, the man seemed to have disappeared, and the text messages he sent had not been answered, making Sang Zhiyan worry again that something had happened to him.

wanted to call the other party and ask, but hesitated when he wanted to dial the number. He always felt that it was too abrupt.

got off work and walked into the elevator with a lot of worries. He didn't notice that Zhou Wenlei was the only one in the elevator. Sang Zhiyan was thinking about her text message friend, and she didn't react until Zhou Wenlei couldn't help coughing.

"Team leader, what a coincidence?"

Zhou Wenlei saw that Sang Zhiyan was preoccupied with playing with her mobile phone and ignored him at all, her expression darkened.

Sang Zhiyan was still having an ideological struggle with herself. She finally made up her mind to call the other party and take advantage of this opportunity to get to know each other. It would be nice to have more friends who can go out to dinner together during the holidays. Sang Zhiyan pressed the dial button, and three seconds later, Zhou Wenlei's cell phone rang.

Zhou Wenlei took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID on it. He was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Sang Zhiyan. Sang Zhiyan didn't notice anything wrong at all, and was still listening to the notification tone, waiting for the other party to pick up her phone. But the phone kept beeping unhurriedly, but Zhou Wenlei's cell phone kept ringing, and he had no intention of answering the phone.

Sang Zhiyan finally came to her senses. She looked at Zhou Wenlei in disbelief, and then realized that the mobile phone Zhou Wenlei was holding now was not his usual mobile phone.

Sang Zhiyan thought about it and hung up the phone tremblingly. Zhou Wenlei's cell phone stopped ringing immediately.

Sang Zhiyan swallowed and stared at Zhou Wenlei. A strange, unbelievable, and fantasy thought gradually formed in her mind. She dialed the number again, and Zhou Wenlei's cell phone rang again. got up.

Sang Zhiyan: "..."

Zhou Wenlei: "..."

The elevator made a "ding" sound, and it turned out that it had reached the first floor.The elevator door opened slowly, and Sang Zhiyan still looked at Zhou Wenlei as if she were a ghost.

The elevator probably saw that the two of them had no intention of going down, so it slowly closed it and walked to the top floor automatically and consciously, buying time for the two of them.

Sang Zhiyan's mind was completely confused. Why did Zhou Wenlei make silent calls to herself? Why does Zhou Wenlei encourage himself through text messages? Why does Zhou Wenlei keep hiding his identity to chat with her? Why has Zhou Wenlei suddenly become silent again recently?

Sang Zhiyan's heart, which was originally as calm as the surface of a lake, suddenly became turbulent. Countless possibilities flashed through her mind one by one. They all undoubtedly pointed to the same answer, but Sang Zhiyan did not dare to admit it, because the greater the hope, the greater the hope. , the greater the disappointment; the higher you climb, the more painful you fall.

Say it again, say it again...

"How can I be a mistress?"

Sang Zhiyan said in a confused manner.

Zhou Wenlei was stunned, as if he understood something, and he said solemnly: "Let's talk, Sang Zhiyan."

Zhou Wenlei exuded a serious aura, so Sang Zhiyan did not dare to refuse, so she could only agree honestly. nod.


Zhou Wenlei spent about ten minutes explaining to Sang Zhiyan everything she saw that night. Jiang Tong is planning to marry her current boyfriend, but this time she is really opposed by her family. Jiang Tong decided to move forward, but he was still full of fear and confusion about the future, so he came to Zhou Wenlei for encouragement.

Sang Zhiyan let out a dull sigh after hearing the complete story.

Zhou Wenlei looked at Sang Zhiyan's hair and used his usual negotiation skills. He asked: "What about you?"

Sang Zhiyan was a little panicked, "I, what's wrong with me?"

"You like me?"

Sang Zhiyan's eyes widened and her voice trembled: "You... how do you know?"

Zhou Wenlei asked without answering: "I just want to know, do you still like me now?"

Sang Zhiyan didn't know why, Suddenly I felt aggrieved like never before.

"You asked me if I don't like you? How could you ask that?" Sang Zhiyan's nose was sore and she crackled like pouring beans: "From the first day I entered the company, I thought you were a particularly good person. . There are so many people taking the elevator together, but you are standing at the door, but you will hold down the elevator and wait for everyone to get off before you leave;

The same is true when you are working, although we always say that you are a workaholic, although we always say that you are Scolding, but actually you have never scolded any of us. For a useless subordinate like me, you still help me patiently. I don’t even remember when I started to like you.

, etc. When I realized it, I realized that I couldn't even think about whether I liked her or not. But I knew it wouldn't work. Even if we broke up, I wouldn't dare to tell you because I'm not familiar with you."

Zhou Wenlei lowered his head and looked at Sang. Zhiyan, she probably didn’t know what she was complaining about anymore, her voice was choked up like a child who had been robbed of candy. Zhou Wenlei was sad and funny at the same time. There was a tingling feeling in his heart, which was beating hot and strong.

That is the feeling of being alive, that is the feeling of loving.

The more Sang Zhiyan talked, the more she couldn't stop. She was about to ramble on, when Zhou Wenlei, who was opposite her, suddenly leaned forward and lowered his head, accurately catching her lips.

At first, it was still a gentle kiss. Later, Zhou Wenlei bit her lips as if punishing him, but he didn't use any force. He only used his teeth to gently rub and tease her. Sang Zhiyan couldn't bear it any longer, so she slapped Zhou Wenlei on the back hard before pushing him away.

"There is no lack of familiarity." Zhou Wenlei said, "You have a crush on me, and I have a crush on you."

I misunderstood that the male god was in love, and when I was discouraged and gave up on the blind date, he came after me and kissed me to confess my love.

Sang Zhiyan's eyes It got wet all of a sudden.

Zhou Wenlei said: "You are kind and gentle to everyone, but you get nervous when you see me, and you even walk with the same hands and feet.I would work overtime by myself until very late. I care about you but am afraid of being discovered by you, so I have to pretend to complain to encourage you. But I am more timid than you. I dare not tell you who I am, so I can only chat with you through text messages.

Sang Zhiyan, people are timid in front of the people they like. But I don’t want to be timid anymore. I want to become brave with you, work with you, and face the future together. "

Sang Zhiyan's eyes were filled with tears. She thought she was really lucky. Fortunately, she was still here. Fortunately, she didn't give up.

Sang Zhiyan wiped her tears vigorously, raised a smile, and replied: "Then I announce, We can all put an end to our unrequited crushes. "

Zhou Wenlei was startled and asked with a smile: "Then what?

Sang Zhiyan also laughed, and she said: "From now on, let's just fall in love." "

" OK. "Her crushing love boss said this. (Original title: "I am your customer service manager, can I have a crush on you?")

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